
Chapter 4: The resolve

< 2 years after Tsunade joined the the trios training with Tobirama. 2/5 of the 30th year after Konohas foundation >

[A/N: I'll start writing the date like this from now on: 2/5/30

meaning the second day of the fifth month year 30 after Konohas foundation. ]


In a dim litted room sat 4 children together with a red haired woman. All of them looking at an old man lying on a bed.

The woman, although 54 years of age, didn't look older than 25. How you ask? Well nobody knows except for her. All those who asked still have nightmares about a certain red demon til this day!

Her long red hair tied into two buns shone brightly even in this dark room. Her eyes however were devoid of light, she was watching her beloved husband reaching the end of his journey.

Soon he would leave her, oh how much she wished to join him. The love she felt for that man was still as strong as the day they married. But she couldn't join him, not yet. She had a duty to uphold, she was the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki! She was the cage that held a monster strong enough to wipe out her entire village. The village her husband created and loved. And because of that she would endure, she would keep protecting the legacy of her beloved husband.

Next to her sat four children.

A black haired youth, around 7 years of age with moist eyes trying his best to hold his tears. His golden eyes locked onto the old man on the bed. Next to him sat a red haired boy with unsually sad expression on his face, one that was rarely seen on this boy.

On his side sat another young boy, the same age as the two before. He was doing his best to calm his crying little cousine, the Senju Princess.

The four of them were looking at the same person.

The strongest shinobi! Said to survive even the most gruesome wounds during the Warring States Period and yet here he was dying to an unknown disease.

"It seems like my time is running out. Hahah- *cough**cough*"

"Grandpa!" the little blonde girl exclaimed, obviously worried about her big hero.

"No need to panic I still have at least some hours left hahaha.

Now I called you here because I have something important to tell you!"

The four were obviously startled. What could be so important that he himself called them all to his chamber?

"I won't be able to hold on any longer, I'm dying. Now after my death Tobirama will take my place as Hokage, he's already been doing my job for me so all that's left is the official title.

Tobirama is strong and there are many competent shinobi in Konoha. And yet... I'm afraid. Afraid that after my death the peace that I worked so hard to establish will be broken once again. I always knew that the relationships between the the lands and villages was bad. Even here in Konoha the Uchias and other clans still don't see eye to eye.

It saddens me to know that maybe one day this village might break apart from all the hatred.

But I have hope, I've been watching you. Neither of you four judge others by their clan or by they village. You only judge people by their character and how they treat others!


I have seen you change even my stubborn brother. He would never admit it but he surely changed the way he views the Uchias now. The pain in his eyes whenever he looked at them has disappeared.

Eichi, Mikoto, Ryo and Tsunade I leave the village to you, protect everyone in my place and always fight for peace!"

With those last words he looked at Mito, telling her to lead the children out.


< In the training hall after the conversation with Hashirama >


The four children sat depressed in the training hall. How could they not? Their idol, Konohagakures symbol of power and beacon of hope... was dying.

During the past two years Hashirama often came to visit their training schedules with Tobirama. He would often help, give tips or ideas that he felt could be implemented into our fighting styles.

Tobirama had wanted to train the kids only until they started their studies at the academy but he really enjoied the presence of the four trouble makers and therefor continued whenever he found the time to do so.

With Hashiramas decline in health came Tobiramas turn to take on the burden of Hokage. Hashirama kept the official title, to keep the strong image of Konoha alive.

Due to the Hokages many duties, Tobirama wasn't able to find time anymore to spend with his favorite quartet. That's why he asked his brother to take his place as their trainer.

At first Hashirama declined, he didn't had the strength to teach youngsters anymore. He could feel it, his body wasn't going to hold on for long. But then he remembered a certain boy in the group.

He had the most peculiar ability of them all. The ability to instantly copy any jutsu he saw. Would it work with his Wood Release aswell? If yes then he could pass the mantle as Konohas protector to him! And so he accepted, he decided to put all his faith into the boy. He would surely become the shield that will guard Konoha from their enemies!

Now the training hall that was filled with memories of them training, laughing and joking together was as silent as the night.

Tsunade stood abruptly up an faced the three boys that were startled by her.

With tears in her eyes and snot running down her little nose she declared, probably more to herself than to others: "I changed my mind! I *sniff* I don't want to surpass grandpa anymore! I.. I will become the the best medical nin in the world! I will beat every disease so that I don't have to loose anyone ever again!"

The three staring at the cute little blond started giggling at the girls proclamation.

This of course didn't sit well with the hot headed Tsunade: "What are you laughing at?! I'm serious!"

Mikoto not being able to stop laughing patted the girls head and said in his ever so cheerful voice: "We know you are and we are sure you'll accomplish your dream. Hahaha. Uncle Hashirama told us to protect the village right? So you protect it from all kinds of diseases and injuries! And we three... " , he looked at his two brothers, with a sharp light in his eyes, and continued: "we'll protect it from those that try to harm us. We'll become even stronger than him and if we ever fall ill then I'm sure you'll be able to heal us by then. Right Tsu-chan?"

The girl looked at Mikotos smiling face and then to the other two boys. They too were smiling at her. She could feel their will to protect the village. With their help she surely couldn't fail!

"Mn!" was all she could muster still trying to hold back her tears.


Behind the entrance to the training hall stood a lone man, listening to the resolve of the four kids. The white haired man had a rare smile on his face. He was proud, proud of his little students resolve to protect the village from any kind of foe. He was sure the village would be in good hands in the future.


The 12/5/30 marked a dark day for Konoha. The god of Shinobi, the first Hokage died.

[A/N: Hey guys! So I'm still experimenting with how I want to write the story. I'm really unsure about how this chapter turned out so please tell me if you liked it or not. I really want this story to be decent at least! I have a really great story in my head and I hope I can convert it somehow into an enjoyable read for you guys so yeah thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it!]

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