
Battle for the bells part 1

"Get the chakra of all tailed beasts and also the blood of Indra and Asura" he said and disappeared I the saw myself out of my mind scape then I thought was that all true then I went to my house had my dinner and slept and then I woke up at 3 am and I stood up but my head was hurting like hell it was like my brain was about to explode but then slowly and slowly it went back to normal and in my mind of all a sudden I had information about some kind of jutsu which could suck someone's chakra by placing a hand on his head then I remembered that I was said to take the chakra of all tailed beast and I guess this is the way to do it.

Then I went to washroom took a bath then wore a black shirt with half sleeves and knee length shorts of black color and normal shinobi sandal and covered my hands with kind of bandages like lee then took my sword whose case was of shining silver color then I vanished from the spot and appeared in the field using flying thunder god then I took out my sword and started practicing then after 30 minutes Naruto came and waved at me and I waved back then he saw my sword and admired it and asked "Hey when did you bought this sword?? It looks so cool"

"I bought it yesterday" I replied.

Then Sasuke came and behind him was Sakura then Sasuke and Sakura started planting traps around the whole field then we talked about all formations and then Kakashi appeared and it already was 9 am and we all were angry on him.

"Sorry guys you see a black cat crossed my way and I had to take a long route" he gave the lame excuse.

"Ok now is everyone ready I hope you skipped your breakfast" he said and we three nodded.

"Ok your test is to take these bells from me" he said while taking out 2 bells from his pocket.

"But sensei these are only two and we are four" Sakura said.

"Yes that means that 2 of you will go back to the academy" he said.

"But..." Sakura said

"Ok if you are unable to get these before lunch you will not get the lunch and after lunch the survival will be harder" he said with an evil look.


He scared us all.

"Ok when I say start you all with hide yourself 1…2…3..start" he said and we all hide Sasuke hid on tree Sakura under bushes Naruto and I went in the same direction and transformed into small animals.

"Looks like everyone is well hidden" Kakashi says while pulling his make out paradise book as he starts reading.

(I can see Sasuke and Sakura but where are Tan and Naruto) Kakashi thinks.

Then I go near Sasuke and undo the transformation and nod and he jumps of the tree and makes some signs and says "Fire style: fire ball jutsu" and releases a fire ball at Kakashi and it hits him but what we see is a burnt wooden log.

"Damn" Sasuke and I curse.

Then I look at my left then at right then above and then behind but I couldn't find him so I place my right hand on the ground and try to sense then I slam my both hands on the ground and shout "Earth style: erupt" and a type of volcano appears from the ground from which Kakashi is thrown out and I body flicker behind him and take out my sword to slash him but he pulls out his kunai and blocks my sword and I kick him which he blocks with his other hand and throws me away.

(I guess it's not going to be easy) Kakashi thinks as he lifts his leaf protector from his eye.


He opens his eye to reveal a three tomoe Sharingan which shocks Sasuke.

(How does he has the Sharingan) Sasuke thinks.

"NARUTO" I shout and about 20 kunias come towards Kakashi who skill fully deflects them all using his kunai.

From behind Naruto kicks him but he dodges it and turns around and kicks him in the face which Naruto blocks using both hands but is pushed behind.

"I am going to teach you all something today Shinobi battle skills part 1: taijutsu" Kakashi says and his speed increases as he going to attack Naruto with barrages of kicks and punches but Naruto dodges them all and I go and join him we both start attacking him but he was having the upper hand on us so I shouted "Sakura now" and Sakura cuts a rope and 20 shurikens are launched at Kakashi while I and Naruto jump backwards.

Kakashi body flickers but Sasuke kicks him and his kick handed and Kakashi is pushed to a great distance and Sasuke again goes to kick him but Kakashi catches it and Sasuke punches him in mid air which Kakashi catches with his other hand and Sasuke turns in mid air to kick him and Kakashi throws him I and Naruto come near Sasuke and nod and Naruto and I shout "Wind style: great breakthrough" and Sasuke uses the fire ball jutsu and both the jutsu merge and are launched at Kakashi who is looking at the jutsu in horror as he uses the water style water barrier jutsu but that could stop the incoming jutsu so he uses the earth style hiding like a mole technique and hides under the earth.

"Magnet style: super pull" I murmured and suddenly Kakashi come out of the earth towards me while Naruto uses wind style spiraling blast jutsu and Kakashi is blown away by a huge gust of spiral wind which leaves a spiral mark on his jonin jacket~

To be continued~




New chapter hope you guys like it.


power stones guys i need them very much so please give me your power stones and guys also please write some reviews on this novel




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