
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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522 Chs

Chapter 10

{Join my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for full chapters of volume 2 and Vol 3}


Title: Journey Back.


In the void, Shun figure could be seen flying with extreme speed toward a direction.

With the help of his divine sense, he had located several place with similar energy signatures as him in different locations.

In one location he had noticed a being similar to Aurora and radiating a powerful lifeforce energy.

In another, he noticed an entire planet made up of an energy similar to his albeit corrupted in a way.

Searching through his memory for any recollection of these two worlds, he came to a conclusion. "Those are the Phoenix from Marvel Universe and Senjutsu Chakra from DXD universe."

Resisting the urge to go there personally, he created two different clones, both females and sent them toward this two energy signatures before continuing in his way towards the one most familiar with him.

The reason for sending clones in his stead and females at that was because since he couldn't be there in his true body, his clones could do a slight reconnaissance for him while also being all cute and all.

As someone as handsome as he is, his female version had to to an even greater Femme fatale and incase anything goes wrong and they're killed, the experience would be a valuable one.

As he continued on his way, it was Unknown how much time was passing and would pass before he reached his location so with that, he created a parallel thought in the driver's seat and went into his universe.

Standing in the Cardinal World and looking at the living beings going about their normal routine, he suddenly thought, "Why not create Gods similar to how it was done in the DC universe and see how faith energy would work?"

In the DC universe, God's came into existence due to the effects of the God Wave following the creation of the fourth world

"The 'Fourth World' Is a confusing subject but since I have the Astral Energy, why not use it as their source of existence. This way, it would serve as the source for them. Kukuku" Shun thought as he laughed in glee.

Without further ado, he siphoned the Astral Energy in the outskirts of the universe and spread the energy over the Milky Way galaxy.

This was similar to a spark and with the gradual belief of the inhabitants of this galaxy, this sparks would turn into living beings.

They would be like Veldanava but on a minor scale, very minor scale.

With that done, he directly put different information of different Primordial Gods from his past life into the minds of the people of the Galaxy.

This would be a test to see how these Gods would develop and whether they would be exactly as they were portrayed.

After that, Shun left the universe and took back the driver's seat of his body as he felt he was close yet far away from the Shinobi world.

Shun stopped and then felt the familiar energy once more before he stretched his hand and with a squeeze, space tore apart and a passage was shown him.

Stepping through this passage, he came upon an egg like object floating in the void, with many more similar object around.

"This must be the Fantasy Omniverse." Shun thought. He could feel that with an intent, he could enter whichever universe he so wished to.

"Guess this was my wish being fulfilled. I owe God one. I wonder when I can see him again." Shun said before flying toward the Shinobi universe.


In the Training Dimension of the Shinobi planet, Shun's clones all looked up at the same time and let out a smile before going about their normal routine.

The clone with Hinami and Ria looked back and said, "He's here."

As he said that, a slight ripple spread through the dimension before a spatial doorway formed and a figure slowly stepped out.

Everyone had varying degrees of expressions as this figure stepped out.

Hinami and Ria wore expressions of grievance, worry and relief.

Da had an expression of absolute reverence, Fenrir had one of grievance, worry, relief and finally anger.

This figure was Shun and as he saw the expression on their faces, he smiled gently and said. "Like I promised, I'm back."

There was a moment of silence before Hinami and Ria three themselves at him and threatening to crush him, Da knelt on one knee and Fenrir gave a resounding roar.

"We thought we lost you forever." Ria said as tears streamed down her face.

"I'm sorry." Shun said. No amount of excuse would do to console them. An apology was all that was needed.

"Yeah, what gave you the right to go about killing yourself. You could have at least thought of something else." Hinami said, also aggrieved.

"I'm sorry." Shun repeated.

They kept on crying and giving Shun different ideas of what he could've done, to which Shun smiled and simply apologized.

At the end, whether it was due to mental fatigue accumulated for over two centuries, they finally fell asleep in Shun's arms.

Shun looked at Da and said. "I'm thankful for what you've done this couple decades in taking care of them. Tell me, what is it you desire?"

Da kept kneeling and said. "It's as I should do, Shun-sama, there's no need for rewards."

"Hmm... Alright then, effective immediately, you're released of your duty for a hundred years. Come back a hundred years later and continue your service to me." Shun said in a tone that left no room for negotiation.

Da was first shocked but after looking at Shun's expression, he bowed and said. "Hai. Shun-sama."

Shun nodded and waved his hand, sending him to a random location on the while saying, "Remember to seal away your chakra completely as not to arouse suspicions. Also, thread gently with this people, they're very fragile after all."

Looking at Fenrir, he smiled and petted him for a while as they talked about Shun's experience. Fenrir took turn to also tell him what happened in the Eiengar.

Turns out that for over two hundred years, they were all in depression and they busied themselves with learning the various books and seals Shun had kept in order to find a way to bring him back.

After several research, they ended up hypothesising that since Shun's true Clones were still active, even if they saw him dying, he should still have a sliver of life somewhere.

The question was then locating him.

"Good observation." Shun said as he looked at the two girls dotingly.

"How about Kaguya?" Shun asked. Her absence here was quite alarming.

"She said she still had an enemy lurking around here somewhere and didn't want to alert him unnecessarily. Also, she said the Old man's chakra and Hinami's Old man's were still around somewhere." Fenrir replied.

"Hmm. Understandable." Shun thought. He already knew who the enemy is and who the 'Old Man ' referred to.

Ishikki, Hagoromo and Hamura.

Ishikki was very much alive, Hagoromo and Hamura were also very much 'alive' as their chakra still remained even after their deaths.

"From what I know, Hamura lived longer than Hagoromo so naturally, his chakra should've also increased and enabled him to stay around even after death. Oh well." Shun thought.

Looking at the clone, he said. "Mind giving me the info from several centuries ago?"

The clone nodded and sent a wave of chakra into Shun's sea of consciousness. At the same time, the various clones around the world did the same.

Shun closed his eyes for a brief second before opening them and saying. "Interesting." He then smiled and said. "It would be nice if you went back with another disguise. Maybe a female this time. I wouldn't want my clan to be sexists. Females do have potential after all."

The clone nodded and then disappeared. Shun looked at Fenrir and said. "I just discovered that there is a clan of nerfed werewolves. Go check them out."


Waving his hand, Fenrir disappeared before he could resist. Despite being a space attributed being, he couldn't resist Shun's will as Shun was already an existence beyond him.

"Now then, a proper reunion is in order." Shun said, and with the girls on each arm, he teleported back to the Eiengar main room only to see Kaguya regally sitting on the throne while giving him an indifferent look, like a queen gazing upon her subjects.

Shun smiled and said. "I'm back"