

The pre-adolescent's body was unceremoniously tossed into the midst of the area filled with prisoners. Several inmates gathered around to assess his condition. The commander bellowed from the rooftops, demanding that the boy be apprehended and punished for his audacity in attacking him. Numerous guards swiftly emerged and forcibly dragged him away to a dungeon.

The cacophony of banging and crashing echoed throughout the area for nearly an hour.

"Try your hand at comedy again, and next time, you won't be so lucky," a firebender taunted, spitting at the battered boy. The boy retorted with a spit of blood that struck the firebender's forehead.

"Refraining from sharing my best jokes, I don't think so," the black-haired boy retorted with a defiant smile as the guard departed, grumbling under his breath. "This is going to be tough," he thought, lying on the ground. The guards were certainly rough, but it still didn't compare to when Sakura-chan got angry; she packed quite a punch. He sighed, reminiscing about how it all began...


Several hours had passed since Naruto had joined the Kyoshi warriors on their journey, and he had to admit...

"I can't feel my legs!"

The pre-adolescent shouted within his mind as he clung tightly to the waist of the younger twin. Riding this lion/wolf creature, or whatever it was, was torture, especially for someone accustomed to leaping through trees.

He was a ninja, not a horseback rider!

"Girls, I can't feel my legs!" When they finally stopped to rest, the two warriors had to watch the ninja boy painfully crawl along the ground.

"You'll get used to it," the younger twin said nonchalantly as she tended to her faithful steed.

"Don't worry; it'll pass," Yuei reassured with a kinder smile as she helped the blonde sit on a log. "We'll make camp here for the night, and I'll start a fire."

Within minutes, the camp was set up, and night had fallen. The two warriors had to admit that the boy was proving to be useful.

"What the heck?!" Yui nearly dropped a pan of water when she saw two other kids, much like the one traveling with them, carrying a large log.

"Incredible," Yuei marveled, her curiosity piqued as she observed at least seven copies of the boy helping to complete the camp.

After a lengthy explanation and a few stumbles, the girls were left in awe of the Shinobi's unusual abilities. To say they were surprised would be an understatement.

"This is so weird," Yui remarked awkwardly as she stared at a copy of herself; the boy could change his appearance.

"You'd be surprised," Naruto replied with a smile, transforming back into his original form in a puff of smoke. It was approaching midnight. "Well, good night," he yawned and was the first to turn in, leaving the two warriors to keep watch over the campfire.

"I'm not so sure about this," Yui expressed her doubts.

"He volunteered, and his skills are very useful," Yuei replied, her brows furrowing. She couldn't help but feel they might be making a poor decision. After all, he was just a kid who should be playing with peers his age and attending school, not involved in clandestine fights like the ones they encountered.

"Tomorrow, we'll talk with him, and in the end, it'll be his decision," she concluded.


Naruto stood upright under the watchful eye of the younger twin as dawn approached, with the sun gradually rising on the horizon.

It was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Your body is in good shape for a young man your age," Yui acknowledged her new ally's physical condition. She had witnessed him in combat and recognized his strength, skill, and speed. However, she couldn't help but add, "Although you are somewhat short for a 13-year-old."

"I'm 12," Naruto replied with a crooked smile as soon as his height was questioned. It had dealt a blow to his pride.

"You lack muscle mass," ignoring the boy's retort, she knelt down, lifted his shirt, and examined his stomach. "A tattoo?" she noted in surprise, finding a rather large and detailed tattoo. But that wasn't particularly relevant.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Naruto had to restrain a chuckle as the warrior's hand roamed over his stomach and chest.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," Yuei said as she got up and somewhat sleepily went outside to find her sister, who had mentioned she would test the boy today. Her jaw dropped when she saw the pre-adolescent with his back turned, his shoulders trembling. She also noticed her sister kneeling before the boy but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he still had his pants on.

"You have some flaws, but nothing that can't be fixed," Yui stated, concluding her examination of the boy. She crossed her arms and added, "Before we start, attack me."

"What?" Naruto questioned.

"You heard me. I need to make sure of something."

Seeing they wouldn't make any progress if he didn't comply, Naruto threw a right punch at the younger twin. "Ahg!" In less than a second, he found himself on the ground with his right arm pinned behind his back, with Yui sitting on him.

"In the tournament fight, you displayed strength, willpower, dexterity, and speed, but none of that matters without discipline and technique," she stated seriously as she let him go and stood up.

"It was never my style to have those things," Naruto growled, rubbing his wrist with a grimace.

"Then you will always lose."

"I already defeated you and several others!" He hated being underestimated and belittled, a sentiment he had grappled with throughout his childhood.

"True, but only because of your brute force," the warrior maintained her posture, frowning. "Or am I wrong?"

Naruto couldn't offer a counterargument. In his battles, he had often relied on sheer power. Against Zabuza, Kakashi had saved him. Against Haku, he had won due to losing control. Against Kiba, it was luck. Against Neji... the Kyubi had played a major role. The same applied to fights against Gaara and Kimimaru. "When the Kyubi gave me his power... I fought against Sasuke, and he wasn't as strong or fast as me... but he still outperformed me," he admitted, recalling that particular battle in more detail now.

"It seems you've realized it," Yui said, still with her arms crossed. She regarded the ninja boy seriously. "You can't always depend on your strength, and although I hate to admit it, you're very unpredictable. The way you defeated the waterbender... it was strange but effective," she conceded through gritted teeth, finding it peculiar that a preteen had resorted to such tactics in a fight.

"Thanks... I guess."

"Listen carefully. In two months, we will reach our destination, and I need to know if you're committed. I want you to promise me that you'll do everything I say," her penetrating gaze locked with the boy's, who met her gaze.

"I promise."

"I'm willing to train you, and I expect you to show me that you'll always give 100%, so you can become a great warrior."

"I promise."

"Alright... 300 lizard squats, you little rascal!"


"Oh, sister," Yuei sighed and sat on the grass, observing how the ninja boy obediently followed his new teacher's orders. "I wish you luck, Naruto. You'll need it."

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