

With a stoic expression, the nine-tailed fox watched as the boy slowly disappeared, leaving it alone in its imprisonment.

"When our hatred runs too deep, it only leaves us beneath those we hate…"

A ghostly whisper echoed in the beast's ears, making it growl with fury. These were the words that Jiji used to say before he died, and the one who created him had also once claimed that the world would be a beautiful place to live alongside his brothers. But it had all proven to be wrong, as it always seemed to be.


Naruto's eyes snapped open as he felt water splashing across his face. Confused and disoriented, he realized that his hands were tied behind his back. He began to struggle against the bindings, but then a sharp blade whizzed dangerously close to his head.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you…" came a female voice, causing Naruto to freeze in his attempts to break free. He saw that the captors were the geisha twins he had faced just one night ago. They stood together near a strange fusion creature resembling a lion and a wolf, both quite large, with a saddle placed on its back.

Naruto slowly looked up and realized that he was suspended under a massive rock, at least six meters in diameter, hanging by only a rope connected to one of the twins. The twin's fan moved dangerously close to the rope.

"..." The blond hesitated for a moment before he spoke, his voice tinged with worry. "If you're here for the gold, I lost it while fighting some mercenaries who ambushed me and killed the boy," he lied, desperately trying to protect Mio and Dororo from any potential harm.

"You may be strong… but you're not exactly a master at lying," Yui remarked with a dry voice, crossing her arms as she observed the shinobi. Naruto could only look away, realizing his feeble attempt at deception was futile.

"Right now, gold isn't our main concern. We need something that only you can provide," she stated without losing her cold and imposing demeanor.

"What do you want from me?" Naruto asked in a subdued tone, feeling weary. At least they weren't going after the girls, which was a great relief. Still, he couldn't help but wonder about their intentions.

"Your strength," Yuie replied simply. She moved her fan to reveal some blades, but then lowered it, her expression softening and becoming calmer. "We just want to talk to you and propose a deal. Will you agree to listen and stay?" she asked calmly. Sensing a decrease in tension, the older twin nodded and drew a blade from her sleeve, using it to cut the rope binding her "prisoner's" wrists.

"Ufff~" Naruto let out a sigh of relief as he stood up and emerged from beneath the fallen rock, which had crashed down violently when the younger twin cut the rope. With a serious expression, he crossed his arms while rubbing his wrists. The pre-teen walked until he was face to face with the warriors and uttered a simple word, "I'm listening." With that, he followed the sisters as they turned to lead him through the forest.

###### Hours later ######

Night had fallen, and the small group had set up camp in a mountain cave. They sat in a circle around a campfire, the two sisters sitting silently next to each other. As for Naruto,

"Wow, this is delicious, Yuei-chan!" the pre-teen exclaimed with joy as he devoured a piece of rabbit meat that the older twin had taken the time to cook. "Would you like some, buddy?" He happily sliced off another piece of meat and offered it to the large beast that stood behind him.

"..." The massive creature accepted the meat in silence, then closed its eyes in relaxation as Naruto caressed its mane. This caught the attention of the older twin, who was intrigued by how Fang seemed to connect with the boy. It had taken them weeks to earn the creature's trust, yet this boy had achieved it in a matter of hours. It was impressive, although her sister didn't seem to share the sentiment.

"This is foolish..." Yui whispered, her words intended for her sister alone. "He's just a child. We should focus on retrieving the gold for our cause," she growled, her gaze fixed on the strange-haired boy who had finished eating beside the loyal steed they used for travel.

"Have faith in me, sister," the dark-haired warrior whispered in response. She smiled slightly, but all she received was a snort from her sister, who continued to cross her arms. "Well, Naruto, I have some questions for you," she said, drawing the attention of the Uzumaki and prompting him to step away from the beast that rested behind him. "Are you the Avatar?" the black-haired woman asked directly, her curiosity mirroring that of her sister.

"Ummmm," Naruto scratched his head in confusion at the question. He couldn't recall ever hearing that term before. Not even the old man who had found him had mentioned it. "What's an Avatar?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"I told you it was a waste of time," Yui growled as she abruptly stood up, but before she could take a single step to depart, her wrist was firmly grasped by her elder sister.

"Yui, sit down and be quiet," Yuei ordered with an authoritative tone. She returned to her seat, and her sister reluctantly followed suit, sitting back down in front of the campfire. Letting out a sigh, the older warrior fixed her gaze on the pre-teen. "It's just a notion, Naruto. You don't possess the characteristics of an airbender, and you're far too young. Even if you were the new Avatar, you'd need to be a waterbender in the cycle it must follow," she explained calmly, lowering her gaze to the fire that cast its warm glow on the dark night.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the blond complained, dropping his head.

"Then let me enlighten you," drawing the shinobi's attention, the older twin poked the bonfire to fan the flames. "It's not known when it all began, perhaps before people even learned to manipulate the elements. We were lost in senseless wars where it was kill or be killed..." The geisha warrior watched the flames of the fire solemnly as she continued, "But amidst so much pain and bloodshed, a person was born. No, a messiah who illuminated this world with incredible power and abilities. They had mastery over the four elements and more, allowing them to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds. Many considered this person a god and bestowed upon them the name 'Avatar.'"

The younger twin shook her head with a snort, capturing Naruto's attention. He remained silent, absorbed in the legend of this mythical figure.

[ Hello Reader's,

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