
Chapter – 10 The Reason for the Restraint

"Hahahaha... I've got you guys," chuckled Naruto as he leaped from the street to the top of the pavement. Glancing back at the people pursuing him, Naruto stuck out his tongue and smacked his butt to tease them, "Bleeehhhh~ fools!"

"This kid... don't think too highly of yourself!"

"You're in for a beating!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"You're nothing but the accursed child of the demon fox!"

"Do you really think you can escape after what you've done?"

"Oh yeah? Then try to catch me! It doesn't matter how much you guys try, you'll never be able to catch me, believe it!" Naruto shouted loudly as he jumped back onto the street and started running away from the crowd of pursuers.

Amidst the laughing and chasing, suddenly an incredible idea popped into his mind. "I know... I will turn left at the next street, then use my secret technique to fool these people. It will be like I have vanished into thin air, and they will never be able to find me." 

"Hehehe..." Naruto grinned and decided to follow through with his brilliant plan.

Soon, he reached the street he wanted to use to 'vanish.' As he turned left and prepared himself to use that vanishing trick, suddenly he couldn't help but exclaim, "What the?" He hadn't taken into account the possibility of someone passing by at such a critical time, especially not the arrogant black-haired kid from his class.

Naruto didn't expect to run into Sasuke at such a time, and nothing the cast on the arrogant pricks' hand he was surprised. But before he could say or ask anything, approaching voices reached his ears, "He wouldn't be able to go far...!" 

"They are almost onto me... can't help it," mumbled Naruto in panic. 

Considering how close the voice came from, Naruto knew that he wouldn't be able to run away; they were already onto him. He had no other choice but to follow through with his plan.

He glared at the arrogant kid, warning him to mind his own business. Then, without looking at Sasuke, he took out a blending cloth from his pocket and used it to cover his body, intending to hide from the people pursuing him. 'Uzumaki Secret Art: Blending in with the Pavement Wall Jutsu!'

Although the name was crappy, it did work, and Naruto blended in with the walls as the cloth changed its color to match the walls. He was quite confident that those folks wouldn't be able to see through his secret art. However, he was still a little afraid because this was the first time, he had used this secret art. Moreover, Sasuke had seen him use his secret technique, and if he were to blow his cover, it would be very problematic for him.

Just as he hid, several people arrived, looking around but unable to find him, which made Naruto grin excitedly, "Hehehe..."

Suddenly, one of the pursuers turned to Sasuke and asked, "Hey boy, do you know where the demon fox's child went? I'm certain he came here!"

"Yeah, you must have seen him, right?"

'Crap! They are really asking him... if Sasuke blows my cover...!' thought Naruto in panic.

"I did see him," nodded Sasuke with a stoic expression.

'Damn it, he is really asking for a beating!' thought Naruto, gritting his teeth. If he wasn't trying to hide, he would have immediately rushed at Sasuke and delivered a kick to his butt, making him regret speaking. It's a pity that Naruto forgot that he hasn't defeated Sasuke once in all their duels at the Ninja Academy. 

"Normally he ignores everyone and barely speaks to anyone in the class, and now he is so eager to speak... Can't he keep his mouth shut for once when he needs to?" grumbled Naruto as he prepared himself to run away. As for settling this score with Sasuke for blowing his cover? He would do that at a later date.

"Then tell us... we can't let that good-for-nothing go scot-free this time; I must teach him a lesson!" said one of the pursuers.

Under the questioning gaze of so many people and the nervous gaze of Naruto, Sasuke lifted his uninjured arm and pointed at a certain spot. "There he is... he went in that direction."

'Huh?' Naruto was prepared to run away after using a smoke bomb, however, noting the direction Sasuke pointed at, he was taken aback. 'Why? Why is he pointing in the wrong direction?' he wondered. 'Is it possible that along with his arm, he has some problem with his eyes too?'

"He ran into that street," spoke Sasuke.

"There?" mumbled one of the pursuers. Then, without waiting for Sasuke's response, he also ran in the direction pointed at by Sasuke. 

"Let's go..." The others also followed after the first guy.

Once everyone had left, and it was just Sasuke and Naruto left on the street, Sasuke walked toward the wall that Naruto was using to hide. At the same time, Naruto removed the Blending Cloth he was using to blend in with the walls and looked at Sasuke with a confused expression.

Approaching Naruto, Sasuke spoke with a taunting smirk, "You owe me one, loser," then without paying much attention to the stunned blondie, he left toward his apartment.

Naruto was unable to react, "What the?" Help was the last thing he had expected from the arrogant prick, but the fact is, Sasuke helped him, and he couldn't help but stare at Sasuke's back with a stunned expression. As Sasuke's parting words rang in his head, anger welled inside him, and he shouted, "Who are you calling a loser you damn prick?!"

Although Naruto shouted in anger for being called a loser, internally, he felt a little happy. He couldn't understand it immediately, but at this moment, he had concluded that Sasuke was different from everybody in the village. Especially Sasuke's gaze... it was neither of disgust nor pity. Naruto is very sensitive to others' gazes, and he could tell that Sasuke didn't find him disgusting or pitiful. He could sense intense hatred and anger in Sasuke's heart, but the target of that anger and hatred was not him.

Realizing all these things, Naruto's mood became complex, and a multitude of thoughts filled his brain. He couldn't understand everything, but one thing was for sure... Sasuke is different from the rest of the villagers.


"Encountering Naruto out of nowhere was a bit unexpected... but I think I acted accordingly," thought Sasuke.

Personally, Sasuke doesn't have any problems befriending Naruto. After all, Naruto is not only the Jinchuriki of the strongest-tailed beast below the ten-tails, but he is also the reincarnation of Asura, and the child of prophecy meant to bring great revolution to the world of ninjas. Whether Sasuke likes this possibility or not, Naruto is bound to become his equal in the future, although he would try his best to be better and stronger than the said child of prophecy, but that's another matter.

Against future enemies like the Jūbi, Jūbito, Jūbidara, and Kaguya, as well as other Ōtsutsukis, Naruto would be of great help. Sasuke isn't idiotic enough to believe that he can fight against all those god-like beings on his own unless the Sage of Six Paths decides to bestow him all the power instead of dividing it equally between him and Naruto.

Therefore, in the grand scheme of things, Naruto's existence is very important. Be that as it may, Sasuke doesn't intend to get chummy with that doofus immediately as that would be very suspicious. Just think about it, wouldn't it be very strange if the cold, prideful, and indifferent Uchiha Sasuke were to suddenly befriend the most hated person in the village, and that too without any solid reason…! 

Sasuke himself would be very suspicious of such a person, so what can he say about others being suspicious of him?

It would be fine if it were anyone else; heck, the Konoha high-level would be happy to see Uchiha Sasuke developing ties that would bind him to the village. However, Naruto's identity is special. He is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-tails, therefore, anything related to Naruto is bound to attract attention, especially considering Sasuke's own identity as the last remaining Uchiha in Konohagakure.

Yeah, the only Uchiha survivor and the Jinchuriki of the Nine-tails, the Uchiha and the Nine-tails... this combination would definitely touch too many reverse scales of Konoha's high level. It would remind them of the terror of Madara, and no one wants to remember that guy's horror when there's no Hashirama available to keep him in check.

If truth be told, everything would be fine if Sasuke were ignorant about Naruto's identity and the identity of his own enemies. Sometimes, ignorance can be bliss, unfortunately, he isn't lucky enough to enjoy it because the fact is that he is no longer an ignorant child. Even if he tries to play ignorant, he can't say for certain that he won't expose some flaw against experienced and hardcore politicians like Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō.

Even if he was a professional assassin in his previous life, it doesn't mean he is impeccable and perfect. True, he can control his emotions and actions to some extent, but will he be able to do that all the time and never drop his guard? Sasuke doesn't think he can. Heck, even if he can, he doesn't want to take such a risk. At the end of the day, he too is human, and humans are bound to make mistakes. If he is always close to Naruto, the Anbu keeping watch over Naruto would also pay attention to him, and that would not only be dangerous for him, but it will also restrict his actions and his plans of getting stronger, as all the information about him will reach Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In fact, Sasuke is pretty sure that even now, information about him is constantly reaching the ears of Sandaime Hokage of Konoha through Yūgao and through academy teachers. But he doesn't have any problem in that regard because they would only know the extent of the information, he is giving them. After all, Sasuke believes that when individuals seek information, it's better to provide them with what they want but in a controlled manner. Once they obtain some insight, they will feel reassured and believe they have a sense of control and will let down their guard.

Sasuke doesn't want to challenge Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō's sense of control; therefore, he is not trying to hide everything. 

Precisely why he did not hide his photographic memory from Yūgao, nor did he allow himself to perform poorly at the academy. According to Iruka, Uchiha Sasuke is the best trainee at the academy, and according to Yūgao, Uchiha Sasuke is working extremely hard to master Kenjutsu. As for what he is doing in secret, neither of them would know.

Of course, there is also a possibility of someone else from the Anbu watching over him, and if not from the Anbu, then maybe from the Foundation. Sasuke can't deny this possibility, and so far, he hasn't been able to take any measures against it. Heck, there's also a possibility that other people living in the same apartment complex are also keeping an eye on him. The apartment was arranged by Yūgao; he can't deny if any other person in that apartment complex is not watching him.

But even if he suspects such a possibility, he is willing to accept it because of safety concerns. In fact, the only reason he hasn't moved out of the apartment complex and back to the Uchiha compound is for safety reasons. As long as Itachi is alive, neither Hiruzen nor Danzō would dare to do anything to him openly, but accidents are bound to happen.

After all, the Uchiha compound is at the edge of the village, and no one would bother paying attention to the lone Uchiha survivor living at the edge of the village all the damn time.

If people as important as Uzumaki Kushina and Hyūga Hinata were almost kidnapped by Kumogakure from Konoha, then there's no telling if Uchiha Sasuke would become their next target. He wouldn't be protected like Kushina, who was guarded by a certain Namikaze, or like Hyūga Hinata, who was protected by Hyūga Hiashi. 

If he were to get kidnapped from the Uchiha Compound, who would protect him? Naruto? Itachi? The Sage of Six Paths?

Naruto is still a kid trying to attract attention and is not concerned about him at all, and Itachi is working in the Akatsuki. Would he even be able to make it in time if his precious little brother is kidnapped by Kumo? Sasuke can be certain that Itachi will die trying to save him; however, Sasuke can't be certain that he will succeed in saving him. True he is a bug-level existence with all those abilities of his, but he is not invincible.

While the Sage of Six Paths might feel a little concerned for Sasuke from the side of Pure Land, unless the ten tails and Kaguya are involved, he would only watch, and not interfere.

If Sasuke were to be abducted by Kumogakure, he could be certain that he would be used, or rather his tool would be used, to give birth to a new Uchiha Clan in Kumogakure, which in itself is not such a bad idea since he would get to clap some sexy chicks from Kumo which might also include Samui, Mabui, and others ladies with big bazongas, but his freedom would be limited and he doesn't want to become something of a cattle and be used as a breeding tool. 

Besides, if clapping chicks was his goal, aren't Sakura and Ino better? They might be kids now, but they will blossom and flourish in the future, and Sasuke can be damn sure that they will immediately spread their legs if he shows any interest in them.

Of course, he is not interested in either of those two, but that's another matter.

In any case, if he were to get kidnapped by any other village, then the darkness of Shinobi wouldn't stay silent either, he would do everything within his power and more to ensure that another Uchiha Clan doesn't emerge in an enemy nation because that would be too much of a threat for Konoha.

And let's not forget the existence of Orochimaru… that pedophile is all about wanting to steal a perfect body. Upon failing to get Itachi's body, he is bound to target the shota Uchiha. 

Orochimaru dared to openly express his greed for the Rinnegan and attacked Tendo Pain.

Orochimaru dared to betray the Akatsuki Organization.

Orochimaru dared to kill Kazekage. 

Orochimaru dared to play with the dead.

Orochimaru dared to launch the Konoha Collapse Plan.

Orochimaru dared to kill his own Sensei, the Sandaime Hokage, in his own village, while surrounded by his own subordinates.

Is there anything in the world he dares not do?

Is there anything in the world stopping him from sneaking into the Uchiha compound and kidnapping a helpless Uchiha Sasuke to steal his body?

Thinking of Uncle Snake licking his lips excitedly while watching his body with those serpent-like eyes, Sasuke felt a shiver down his spine.

In fact, Orochimaru wouldn't even need to personally make a trip to Konoha, his spies hidden in the village would be willing to do whatever he wants. Forget about others, Yakushi Kabuto might also be in Konoha and is more than strong enough to tie him up and secretly transport him to Otogakure.

Against all these threats, the current him is completely helpless; hence, he has to accept the apartment he was given and live there. True, there's a possibility of him being under constant monitoring, but this at least guarantees his safety to a certain extent.

The bottom line is that although the existence of Itachi keeps Hokage and Danzō in check, Sasuke himself doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize his safety unless he is confident enough in his own strength.

Sasuke has no doubt that the news of today's encounter with Naruto would definitely reach the ears of the Hokage and the leader of the foundation. If he were to consider the possibility that Sarutobi Hiruzen also likes to watch Naruto in his free time with that peeping crystal ball of his, then all the more reason for him to be aware of what happened today. 

He doesn't know how Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō will interpret his action of helping out Naruto, but he did make sure not to do anything that would make them frown when hearing their subordinates' reports.

Although Sasuke doesn't mind befriending Naruto, he doesn't want to appear too eager. It would be fine if the friendship develops over time; however, they must not conclude that he is trying to target the power of the nine-tails.




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