
learnng the way

when I looked at the skills I got from the gacha I could help but be a little overwhelmed. I knew what most did but I didn't know what the last one could do.

'system what does the skill [forge] do' i thought.

[the skill [forge] transports the user to the user's dimension where he could have his forge, this is so the host could craft his equipment or weapons. The forge also comes with many types of metal.]

'That is good, if it has many types of metal then I could create a better spear than the current one I have,' I thought as I looked at the spear I have. It did the job well but if I wanted to be able to match Scáthach and be able to beat her I would have to train harder. I teleported to my house and went to take a shower. I finished taking a shower and cooked two cups of ramen. When the ramen finished cooking I grabbed them and entered the [training grounds].

I entered and saw Scáthach sitting there meditating. I slowly walked up to her to not break her focus. I didn't get 10 feet before she looked my way, I didn't say anything and handed her the other cup of ramen. She grabbed it and we ate in peace, while I was thinking about something different.

"what's on your mind," she asked.

I looked over at her a little shocked, I mean sure I was a little shocked I mean sure I wasn't hiding my thoughts or anything but I didn't expect her to pick up on it this quickly.

"I was just thinking about something," I said.

"Care to fill me in," she asked?

"What makes you say that" I responded.

"you look preoccupied about something as if something was bothering you," she told me.

I just shake and said, "you're very observant."

"I had to be, after all the battles I had it became a second-hand skill," she said.

"Yes, I suppose it would. I wanted to ask if you could train me, we don't have anyone who uses spears in the village, and you are the only one that I know that does use it" I said.

I didn't want to deviate from my goal of getting trained by Scathach, if he could get trained by someone of her caliber he could become very powerful.

"You want me to train you. Why don't you ask your sensei Kakashi?" she asked?

"Kakashi sensei may be good at a lot of things but he will not be able to teach me how to wield a spear as you do. You are the strongest person so please can you please train me," I said as I gave a 90-degree bow.

"If I train you I don't want to hear any complaining, if I so much hear you say anything about it being too hard I will cut this training with you real short," Scathach told me.

"yes sensei," I saluted.

-time skip- (10 months) (by Alice) (pov Scathach)

[name: naruto Uzumaki

age(13physicaly)(14 mentally ).

level:41 (20,420/30,000)

(chakra 200,000/200,000)




vitality: 200

luck: 200


I never wanted to take this kid as a student, but when it came to teaching him how to use the spear he picked it up like his life depended on it, which I suppose is true, but true to his word he never gave up, he continued pushing himself until he lost consciousness. I guess I have to give it to the kid his will was very strong, and I loved that about him.

the first couple of days was me teaching him how to properly wield the spear and not just swing it around. then after he learned that we moved to proper torch- *cough cough* training. We fought to the death, but even that didn't stop the kid, he came back better. (he died 123 times against her).

When I first saw him I wanted nothing more than to kill him before he could use his command seals and control me. Imagine my surprise when I entered my dreams with him. I wanted to scare him so he would never summon me again.

Fate would have denied my request because he came inside of the place where I was currently resigning. I tried to make him talk but he wouldn't, we started fighting and I have to say he was very good with the sword. we continued fighting when I noticed he was smiling at our fight, meaning he was enjoying thing fight. With this in mind, I pushed him even harder.

it seems like my gae blog could not leave any lasting damage on him. I assumed that the room healed him, but I will have to confirm this later. I spared with him for a while, I noticed he didn't use any magic and wanted to use the pure skill in our fight, and obliged him and only fought with my spear.

when he backed up away from our spar I was a little disappointed, after all, who leaves a spar mid-match. He told me while this room heals injuries it does not heal mental exhaustion, it was very reasonable after all he hasn't been fighting for as long as I have.

I sat down and started meditating when I felt him a couple of feet away. I opened my eyes to see him hand me a cup of ramen. I took it from him and ate with him, we started talking about our past and then we talked about random things. I knew this kid had a growing crush on me but he didn't know what a crush was.

with that, I finally decided to train him. I made him from a trash spear user to an expert in the last six months that we were together. He was nowhere near my level but it was still very high up there.

I knew that he would surpass me one day but that will not be for months. I knew that we were destined to be together and partnered for the rest of our lives. The situation could have been worst for a summon them him though, at least he held respect, although I'm pretty sure that was his crush keeping him in line. With that our training ended with that.

(pov naruto)

naruto spent his last 10 months pushing his body to its limit to be trained by Scathach. sure it felt like torcher but in all honesty, it was worth every broken bone and death. when he died the first time it was really weird, he saw the spear in his chest and his eyes closed, then the next moment he was awake again.

He also found out why he felt so weird whenever he was around Scathach, he had a crush on her. To be honest, he liked her at least she was better than any girl of his age, and at least ino and Hinata weren't as unbearable.

Naruto went to the bathroom and took a shower and put his clothes on. when he finished this he made two cups of ramen and sent one to Scathach. Naruto was about to go meet his team when he received a message from his system.

[host received a gift from Scathach. does the host wish to open? yes/no]

Naruto trusted her enough to know that she would hurt him because she would let him know before she does. He clicked yes and the system told him what.

[Scathach left (Gáe Bolg) (legendary)]

when naruto saw the weapon that she had gifted to him he could help but have a very weird thought.

'does this count as a marriage proposal' I thought.

meanwhile in his [training room] Scathach nearly choked on her noodles for what she heard what he was thinking, but she didn't reject the idea.

I was about to leave but now that I got a gift from Scathach I had to make sure that it would never be used by anyone but me. I still had an hour before I had to meet with my teammate, so I started developing a seal to make sure no one but me will be able to wield the spear.

Not even thirty minutes later I created the seal. its functions worked like this, I place the seal on the weapon, and a couple of drops of my blood would lock the weapon and no one will be able to lift beside me or Scathach.

With that, I placed it in my storage seal and I put a total of 4 seals on me, 1 for Gáe Bolg, another for kunai's, and the other two for emergencies, and left towards the Hokage office.

I was tempted to use FTG to arrive but decided against it otherwise the Anbu would attack me. They wouldn't get very far with that but it will still be annoying to deal with them every time.

When I was outside of the building I met with my other teammates and we entered the Hokage office. the Hokage wanted us to take D- rank missions but I argued that we can take at least a c- rank mission. the old man and I kept arguing but he would budge, he argued that we were not able to work as a team properly, and I argued that we were ready because even if something were to happen we have an elite jonin with us.

It finally ended with Kakashi agreeing that we could do a c- rank mission with our teamwork. I was happy about it, after all, I could do a c rank mission while also being able to experience being outside of the village.

When the person came I was expecting someone more.... different. I was prepared to escort a merchant or someone with a little higher status, not a drunk.

I didn't pay much attention to him and focused on my teammates. Their expression was practically the same as mine. their faces showed shock, I didn't blame them either they had to defend this guy.

I don't know what it was but everything about this guy made me want to throw a kunai at his glass bottle.

They gave us thirty minutes to prepare so I went back home. I did not know how many days my team and I will be gone so I cooked ramen and put it in my inventory. When I finished cooking the ramen I send two cooked ones inside of the [training grounds] for Scathach to eat when she's hungry.

With that, I met my team back at the entrance to Konoha. Before I arrived I unsealed Gáe Bolg and put it on my back for easy access. I felt like I was ready for the mission.

(in case you are wondering it fits his height. it will grow with him.)

[complete mission

C-rank/A-rank mission

reward: depends on users' performance.

Failure: no ramen for a week.]

When naruto read what would happen if he failed the mission he swore that anyone who tried disturbing this mission was going to feel his wrath.

Naruto continues to walk toward the gate, where he meets Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura was about to reprimand naruto for being late, but that died out as soon as she saw his face.

Sasuke looked over at Naruto and he knew as well that it took a lot to get Naruto mad, so when he saw him mad he immediately got out of his way.

"We better complete this mission, or else" naruto threatened.

They did not say anything but continued to wait for Kakashi sensei to arrive. He arrived two minutes later with the person we were supposed to escort.

The old drunk finally walked over to us and started to criticize us but I just ignored him and continued the mission.

We were given instructions on what position we held but if worst came to worst I can use Rasengan and defeat the enemy or use "flash and clap".

my team and I finally arrived in front of the gate, we signed out with the two guards, that guarded the entrance. With that, we finally started our mission.


yo hope you have a good day, and I hope you all

enjoyed the chapter. I am going to update my other books now so if you want to give them a read go ahead. (the first couple of chapters are bad, I had no idea what I was doing back then).

and let me know if you want me to write his status at the bottom of the chapter.

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