
Chapter Twelve- Water Walking Complete

After my fight with my Uncle, I continued my training with a complete focus. With the promise of the training from Koshu, I pushed myself that much harder. It was exactly one week later when I stood over the water as the alarm on the tree branch went off for the third time, it marked three hours that I managed to walk on water.


{Chakra Training Quest lll}

Master Water Walking

Objective: Walk continuously on water for over three hours with your weights on.

Rewards: +10 Intelligence, (Wind) Nature Transformation-Training Guide.


"An entire week…. Early….." I said between ragged breaths as I began to collapse forward straight into the water, from the corner of my eye I noticed an ebony sword flash across the rope while an arm held me by my shirt. My world blurred as I nodded in thanks to my clone and fell back onto the cold grass.

In front of my face, the scroll began blinking like crazy as it would roll and flash through different pages.


{Secret Acheivement}

A Path To Power

Objective: Raise a single stat to 100

Rewards: (Intelligence) Perk + 1 Lvl


[Chakra Beast Lvl 2- Changes the multiplier for your chakra capacity. Instead of being 10x intelligence, it will be 25x your intelligence stat] Upgrade: 4PP

My Chakra pool felt like it was going to explode from my stomach, I realized then that before I completed the Chakra training quest I had ninety-four in intelligence. I rubbed my stomach with a pained grimace as I looked over the next page.

{Natural Perk Evolving.....}

[Novice-(Apprentice) Chakra Control- All jutsu and ability costs are now reduced by 20-(30)%. You are now able to enhance yourself with Chakra, boosting your strength and speed at a cost.]

"Well was it worth it?" A voice asked next to me with slight excitement.


Level 9 (1480/6000)

Name: Tometsu Uchiha

Chakra: 1235/2600

Title: Fang's Apprentice- Boosts the learning speed of Kenjutsu and Lightning release by 20%



Agility: 37



Stat points:10

Perk Points:1


"Yeah…..We are probably mid-chunin level now" I answered the clone's question, it was odd talking to myself. It turned out that the clone was blessed, the scroll didn't follow him around. He still had access to the perks though, he could complete one-handed jutsu as well as I could.

"We did well, originally we thought it would take the entire month to complete water walking but the barely humane training program you pulled out of your ass saved a lot of time" My clone offered its input as it continued to go through sword forms at a speed that was near what Sakumo had shown, surely it wasn't near his fastest but an approvement none the less.

Again I wasn't fooled by my clone, if I wasn't aware I'd never realize we were the same person. This surely wasn't the first conversation I had with 'myself' but it felt infinitely different than going over my thoughts. The shadow clone jutsu was surely one of the greatest creations the Second Hokage ever created.

"Two weeks and three days. A little over a week and a half left before we rejoin Sensei" I replied as I still shook slightly in fear at the few memories of the battlefield I had, Koshu had a point in the fact I survived on luck. Sure Jonin Shinobi only accounted for a few percent of an enemy force but the fact that all it took was one to end me...It brought a feeling of fear that I wished to get rid of more than anything.

"And how do you think the Third's students are fairing?" My clone asked as it seemed it was in the mood to gossip. The piece of information I only heard in passing in fact, after a stop at the Uchiha weapon shop. A great battle was currently being waged that promised to shake the foundation of the war, maybe even the shinobi world itself.

The Third Hokage's Legacy vs. Hanzo of The Salamander

Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade Senju. A team that had a real chance to defeat any Kage of our time. All three boasted a powerful summoning contract while Hanzo was said to have only one himself.

Orochimaru 'The Snake Summoner' was a recently christened S-rank shinobi. Known to be a ninjutsu and Kenjutsu master, his summons allowed him with an equally powerful array of poisons and their size was great enough to change the flow of a battlefield. There was significantly less information on him compared to the others but it was easily understandable. He has been stopped in his tracks by Hanzo along with the rest of the North-western Leaf army.

'Jiraiya Of The Toad' A current hero of the second war. Another master of ninjutsu and is said to be one of Konoha's two seal masters. An impressive feat when you consider the other is an eighty-year-old woman. His toads are said to be able to use ninjutsu and possess mastery over a variety of huge weapons. A warning was added at the bottom of his Bingo-book profile, 'never engage over a body of water'. It seemed Kiri didn't read that little tidbit at the end.

Tsunade Senju 'The Slug Princess', it was obvious that the moniker was a slight toward the woman but it did nothing to knock her danger level. 'The strongest woman alive' was probably a more apt moniker. Master of Taijutsu and possibly the greatest medical ninja to ever grace the shinobi world. It was theorized that without her Konoha would not be in such an advantageous position. I could readily agree, I'd be pretty miffed if I stabbed a guy through the chest and he was back in the field minutes later. With her in the field, a thousand-man army soon feels like a ten thousand-man force.

"They have to win, it would be pure insanity if Hanzo were to win. Like Hashirama and Madara levels of insanity, we're talking about three S-rank shinobi against one." I replied honestly as I really thought it over even though I hoped that was the case.

"Yes, but if they do succeed the war will continue on for longer" My clone said after a while of thinking over what could happen.

"Most likely, The land of stone has probably participated the least in this war. All of their fresh shinobi will flood the Hidden Rain village at the first sign of Hanzo's fall. It is a wonder what the higher-ups plan to achieve, I'll probably ask Sakumo what he thinks." I said as I got up and began stretching, looking over at the clock I used as a timer I realized it was only a little past eight at night. 

"I finally found you Tometsu bastard!" A childish voice yelled from the entrance of the training ground, I was honestly spooked by the abrupt noise as I turned toward the genin that just entered the training ground and began walking toward me.

Spikey brown hair with matching eyes, a rather punchable-looking face along with two weird-looking pink spots on his cheeks. Usually, I'd frown at the sight of him but a smile somehow found its way onto my face.

"Hey there 'second place' how's life?" I said with a chuckle, he stood frozen for a moment. Then it seemed like steam started coming from his ears at my comment.

"Forgive me... Should I refer to you as Hokage-sama?" I pushed again as I barely held my straight face and the kid began shaking in rage. 'Ah, it was always so easy to get under his skin. I almost missed it' I smiled as my Sharingan came alive already expecting what came next.

"That's it!" The genin's patience seemed to end there as he flew through hand seals. 

I raised a single hand and went threw three seals in preparation while holding the final. He finished his string of eight seals and threw three shuriken at me.

{Jutsu Learned}

[Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu- An A-rank ninjutsu that can multiply a projectile up to ten times. Cost: 300 Chakra per projectile]

"Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu" I heard him say a moment after they left his hand, in moments the three turned to thirty as I disappeared in a swirl of leaves. 'Who the hell taught this asshole an A-rank ninjutsu! Grandson of the First Hokage favoritism strikes again'

Instead of going away, I went through the barrage, my eyes tracking them to find a path before I even moved. Halfway through I drew my sword as once I finished the jutsu I was behind the genin with my sword at his throat.

"Dead, Nawaki" I said to my wide-eyed colleague as he looked down at the sword inches from his throat. He gulped once before I removed the sword and placed it in the scabbard.

"P-pure luck, I wasn't expecting you to know the body flicker jutsu. I would've thrown more to make it impossible to just blitz through it" Nawaki Senju said as he rubbed his neck.

"Uh-huh…..Surely you would've been ready and summoned a tree to smack me away as well? Maybe teleport behind me in a flash and disarm me in the same instant?" I asked with utmost seriousness as I looked down at the now-sitting Senju.

"But I was in your genjutsu the whooooollle time, right? Almighty Uchiha sir. My eyes will see through all, your plebian jutsu can not escape my visual prowess" Nawaki said as he placed a hand on his face and began talking in an emotionless voice.

I looked at him with contempt before I busted out laughing, he soon joined as well as I sat across from him.

"Fucking Senju, why are you so annoying," I asked as the laughter ended, and I laid back to watch the stars.

"It was a prerogative from my grandfather, any Senju of his line must dedicate their lives to messing with the 'grouchy' Uchiha" He said with utmost seriousness which caused me to snort.

"What happened….. I uh heard about Rika and Ribia but…" Nawaki eventually asked as the mood was completely ruined. I jerked uncomfortably at the question but I soon sighed, it wasn't like I could forget. I saw it every time I opened my Sharingan.

"Ambush…. Fuza sensei was struggling against a squad of Suna anbu, he sent us three ahead but….. They picked us off, I don't know how I escaped but….. Yeah, that's it" It may have been completely falsified but the ending was the truth and the memories were just as vivid.

"Damn....Sorry Tometsu" It seemed to affect him as well if I remembered right he had a small crush on Ribia.

"They'll be avenged, or they might already have. Those Desert fucks are going to be destroyed after this war, they've easily taken the most damage during this war and they're easily the closest to falling. Karma if you ask me" I said as I let the rage fall away at Nawaki's continued silence.

"Yeah….." Nawaki said after a moment of silence.

"What's wrong with you mister A-rank jutsu?" I asked as he seemed to close in on himself after the talk of war.

"Nothing just worried I guess. That was pretty cool right, I had to pester Uncle Hiruzen for months to get him to teach me, well when he was home at least" The Senju said proudly as he scratched the bottom of his nose.

"Very cool, in fact" I said with a glint in my eye that caught his attention. I went through the eight signs and offhandedly threw a kunai that turned into ten that peppered a nearby tree.

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