

{Aburame Clan, Konohagakaure}

{5:42 PM, 11 March 78 Yrs}

The Aburame Clan was one of the older clans, their ancestry could accurately be dated back to the warring states era, and among the first ones who joined Konoha when the Senju and the Uchiha clan showed an intention of founding a village. Shibi Aburame has been head of the clan for the past decade, the starting years were rough, one after the other Konoha kept taking hits to its combat forces, first, it was the 3rd Shinobi World War, then the Kyubi attack, followed by the Hyuga incident and the Uchiha Massacre.

During those times when each of these incidents, well except for the war, depleted Konoha's shinobi forces, to stop the 4th Shinobi world war from happening, almost all retired shinobi's had to time and time again come out of retirement and help out to share the burden so that the high-rank jounin's could stay and do the missions around Konoha's borders making the village appear more powerful than it actually was.

Although Konoha managed to pull through time and time again, and the peace period had actually lasted for more than 12 years now, it came at the expense of exhausting all the resources that Konoha had. Among those resources were the clan shinobi, most clans only had 30-40% of their clansmen working in Konoha's regular forces, and the rest worked within the clan managing its finances, trades, etc.

But during these torrid times, almost all clans had most of their adults participating in missions given out by the administration department. Thankfully as each year passes and a new generation of shinobis are injected into the force, the burden slowly lightens, and now the clans could go back to their normal working capacity.

And as Shibi was now stationed in the village for the past couple of years, he was getting a handle on all of his clan affairs, during the emergency period the decision-making structure of the clan was decentralized, most of the decisions either went through him or one of the elders, which led to the nightmare clusterfucks he had been dealing with for the past couple of years.

Torune Aburame, a kid that his family had taken in when his father died and he had no immediate family left, was apparently serving as a member of Root for almost 6 years now. Danzo managed to get a hold of him knowing how deadly effective his rinkaichū mutation could be he was homeschooled and was supposed to be training under an elder to get better control over them as he could not go to the academy.

He had been fighting against Danzo for taking advantage of the situation, and knowing how brutal root training could be, he had been putting pressure on Danzo for the last couple of years to make sure that Torune at least wasn't used as canon fodder for in an unknown black-site mission. Which is how the situation of Hiroshi came to his attention, he had heard about the kid, but he pushed it to the back of his mind, once the kid started at the academy and moved out of the clan compound he simply ignored his existence as there were more important things to worry about.

To him his companions were sacred, they had been with him since he could remember, to reject your Kikaichū was a sin he couldn't forgive as they were considered a part of the clan throughout their history. He could deal with the rest of Konoha being apprehensive of their clan's abilities but for the first time having someone of their own flesh and blood reject a hive created an event that was murmured till this day. Anyway, he knew the boy was bullied a little by the clan's genins and chunins a little bit, but he didn't interfere, maybe it was his prejudice winning the first time against a logical argument, but that didn't mean that he would allow the clan to participate in an attack against the boy.

'He is merely 2 years older than Shino...'

As the pensive thought settled in his mind the door to his office opened and the perpetrator behind the attack came into the room. Torino Aburame, a chunin and Hiroshi's cousin wasn't something he was expecting but all leads ended at him. The only motive he could think of was the 2 jutsu copies Hiroshi's parents left him that was supposed to inherit upon graduating but didn't because of obvious reasons.

"Shibi-sama..." Torino wasn't exactly young, he had gone through the tough times with the clan, and while he could not help but thank his contribution, this was going a little too far.

"Why did you reschedule mission #2362121 earlier this week?" Shibi didn't believe in walking around in circles, he knew he could get answers out of Torino so he went straight for it.

"Uhh-" he hesitated so Shibi simply cut him off, "A messenger bird is going towards Kōchiyo Village right now, tomorrow you, Shimiro, and Ken would reinforce go to Kōchiyo Village and keep up with the patrols as instructed in the mission #2362121. Any further attempts to directly harm Hiroshi- would result in exile from the clan, is that clear." Shibi simply stated what he wanted to happen. He had been dealing with a lot of shit for the past couple of years so he knew he needed to squash any disruptions at the base otherwise things keep going off the track.

"Yes, Shibi-sama..." a downtrodden Aburame left his office the next second as Shibi waited for Elder, Hamuro to arrive. He knew it was probably all instigated by him, Torino didn't look like someone that would dare to do something so drastic, most likely he was greedy for those jutsus and Hamuro decided to use him as a fall guy to kill Hiroshi.

'He had been one of the most vocal ones to punish Hiroshi back when the rejection happened.' Hamuro was part of the radical factions in the clan, seeing the kid reject and expel the hive that was given to him at birth gave way to hate that apparently was still there to this day.


{Aburame Clan, Konohagakaure}

{6:12 PM, 11 March 78 Yrs}

Hamuro wasn't in a good mood, he didn't know what happened, everything was carefully planned but the brat quit his team just a day before the mission was supposed to happen, he managed to force Tora to get the brat to rejoin the team using some connections but it alerted Shibi to what he was planning thus ruining the plan.

'I should have gotten rid of him sooner, but getting him killed any earlier would be called for an investigation on Konoha's part which is just a pain to deal with...'

The door slid open and Torino walked into the room, his lips curled into a frown as he spoke, "I need to go tomorrow to Kōchiyo... what do you want me to deal with him there?"

Hamuro opened his desk and pulled out a scroll which he slid towards the chunin, "Deliver this to Elder Danzo, Shibi has spoken and it's best to not instigate him right now, I know he and Danzo are going back and forth over the Torune issue so maybe it's better for Danzo to deal with this stuff. You don't need to do anything else, it will be handled..."

Torino held back whatever emotion he was holding as he turned and left. Hamuro leaned back in his chair as he thought, 'Torune could easily finish him by poisoning him, then we could apply to perform an autopsy as part of preserving clan secrets and easily make it seem like his chakra and tenketsu collapsed because he rejected the hive or something.'

A vein popped open on Hamuro's face as he remembered how a hive of 50 Kikaichū died because of the brat's foolishness...


AN/ An insight into the ripples created by Hiroshi changing his actions based on the information he gained from the simulation, next part is a small training arc before the Chunin exams!!

P.S. Yeah I was late again, but the time is absurd, I'll just write extra chapters and schedule them so I don't miss tomorrow's update on time!! Anyway see ya tomorrow!!

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