

Mc: 'How long has it been over 10,000 years, how annoying at this point I'm just feeling board it was fun and all reflecting on my life I've discovered thing I thought I forgot like the time my fucked up drunk uncle dropped me on my head when I was 6 months old. The human brain is so interesting anyways enough of that I'll go back to sleep.'

(Day's later)

???: "I think this will be the perfect soul what do you think"

??: "Are you sure my lord I think there's alot of more capable soul"

???: "Yeah, this soul seem interesting to me"

Mc: "Augh my head hurts....."

???: Oh, it seems your awake interesting most souls stay asleep forever when they enter the void"

??: "How's he awake?!"


???: " Aren't you quite the hot tempered one"

??: " Who do u think you are watch your mouth when you talk to the creator"

MC: "Creator, is this old perverted looking dude some kind of god and why is his Aura so bright!"

???: 'Pervert this is quite an etiquette look', "Ahem, Indeed Young one I'm what you would call a God my name is Orpheus also know as The Creator as my assistant over here so rudely stated before, his name is Morphs."

Morphs: "Ah, forgive me my lord" He said while bowing you can see sweat drops forming on his face.

Orpheus: "Relaxed young one it's fine, Anyways I came here to give you I choice either..." That's all he could said before being interrupted again

MC: "I agree, I already know why your here to give me 3 wishes and a world to be sent too, blah blah blah."

Morphs: "How rude!"

Orpheus: "Relax Morphs your too serious sometimes, well since you know why I'm here shall we begin."

MC: "The world I want to be reincarnated in is the world of Naruto, I would like the time period to be on the night of Naruto's birth.

Orpheus: "OK and your 3 wishes"

MC: "For my first wish I would like the Strongest system, that main goal is to make me the strongest and is loyal to me alone. For my Second Wish I would Like to start off with 100,000 system points, and I would like to save my last wish for later if it's possible."

Orpheus:"Easy and simple very well, as for the last one it's possible I'll give you an option in your system to use it anytime u like."


Orpheus: "Well, 3..2.."

MC: "WA.." is all he could say before he lost consciousness"

Orpheus: "Well it seemed he wanted to say something more, hmmm, your thoughts Morphs."

Morphs: "I seriously don't understand anything you do My Lord."

Orpheus:"Of course you don't, that's because you don't know how to have fun, I think his adventures are going to be interesting."

(Back To MC)

'What The fuck that old perverted bastard he didn't even give me time to finish saying where I want to be spawned in or which clan I want to be in."

In the far distance it's possible to see the 9 tail beast going on its rampage while ninjas are trying to take it down. It doesn't even look like there effecting it just annoying it making it even more angry.

"Great Fire Ball Jitsu" A ninja shouted shooting a massive fire ball at the 9 tailed fox.

Another ninja appears out of nowhere saying "Try to hold its legs down."

(Back to MC)

"Well I can hear the 9 tailed making noise so I'm sure I'm atleast in Konaha, but why the fuck did that dumb god just put me in the woods, how the fuck I'm I going to move I guess I can only wait till some one discover me I should cry loud so I can be heard."

A few yards away a lady could be seen running in the direction of a crying baby.She was a young woman with shoulder-length light brown hair covered by a white coif and emerald green eyes. She wore a black, loose-fitting gown with a white apron over it with sandals. She was none other than Nonō Yakushi — one of the captains of the Medic Corps and former member of Root, Who now works in the orphanage as one of the wardens.

(Nono Pov)

'I could hear a crying baby or what I think is the sound of one so I started to run in that direction as one who was a former Anbu and currently a jonin it didn't take me long to get there.When I arrived what I could see was a baby wrapped in a black blanket crying, he had black hair and deep blue eyes.Who in there right mind would leave such a child in the forest alone what disgusting people.' "I vow to take care of you young one till the day I die" She said loudly causing the kid to stop crying and looking at her strangely wondering if she ok in the head.

(Back To Mc)

'Weirdo, I don't know why but I feel like I've seen her before. Anyway it doesn't matter any more just take me out of this place already would ya.'

Nono: "What a weird child,I'll take you back to the orphanage first I'll give you a name.... I shall call u Atnas.

(Months later)

' I've been stuck in this baby form for 2 months now its quite difficult to do the things I want to do.I can barely move in this state, I've figured out alot of the system functions and how things work there is even a mindscape like space where I can watch my memories on like a theater I'm mostly re-watching the anime episodes I've seen so I can remember what is going to happen in the future and plan for it. The name of the system is Universal Gamer System, it came with a gift box that I can't currently open I have to wait till I reach the age of 2.'

"Atnas it's time to drink your tea and go to bed" said Nono who was walking down stairs with a bottle in her hand shaking it.

'Noooo, I hate the taste of that thing it's fucking terrible' Atnas said, which sound like crying to everyone else. To which Nono replied "Aww, your starving I'm coming." Shoving the bottle in his mouth causing him to gag.

(2 Years Later)

'I Can finally open the gift box that I've gotten, System open gift box'.

[Opening box...Ding, receiving gifts items include:

Skil:Gamer Mind

Description: Keeps user calm In all situation.

Skil: Gamer Body

Description:Inhance users reflexes, improves user body strength, speed, agility, endurance, and stamina.

+10,000 System points

+10 to all stats

+ 1 Indestructible Sword

Description: Sword Made from the strongest material that took The Creator 1000 year to perfect, can change the shape, size and design. Can Only be Held by The Owner once his/her blood touches it first.

"Nice with this I can do alot of damage in this world and if use properly I can become the strongest. System Open Status." Atnas said, a clear almost transparent screen open in front of him.


Name: Atnas (Currently no last name) Age:2



Strength: 12





Stat points: 0

System points: 110,000

Weapon: Indestructible Sword(Un named)

Skills: Gamer Mind, Gamer Body

"I haven't done alot since come too this world but exercising when I'm alone and reading books I found hanging around in Nonō's room. I don't hang out with the other kids since it's boring and I feel weird. I've been searching threw the system store and came upon a few categories, System open store."






Category: Chackra Nature








Category:Kakei Genkai

Category: Dojutsu

Category:Body pills

(I don't feel like talking about the last 3 bc I have nothing now)

'Syetem buy 5 body refinement pills,5 strengthing pills ,5 endurance pill, 5 stamina pill and 5 agility pill, and 5 Mind pills. And consume them.' Atnas thought 1 pill cost 10 points and add 1 Stat to their designated place.

[DING..Showing new status]







Stat point:0

System points: 109,700

skill: Gamer Mind , Gamer Body]

"Atnas It's time for dinner" Nono said loud snapping Atnas out of his thoughts. "What are You doing staring at the sky like that, I've been calling you for 10 minutes now just be lucky I didn't hit you with this book, You should be more aware of your surroundings if you want to be a great ninja when you get older."

"I've been wandering how to unlock my chackra since you won't help me or teach me anything useful other than fetching water and reading books." Atnas replied

"Your too young and fetching water is good for your strength,endurance and stamina while reading improves your intelligence, which is clearly seems to not have an effect so you will be reading more books starting tomorrow."

"hahahahaha" Other kids can be heard laughing at Atnas because he have to read more starting tomorrow.

"WHAT ARE YOU BASTARDS LAUGUING AT YOU WANT TO REED MORE TOO!?" A random old man that is called Papa Brass said causing the kids to rush to the kitchen to go and eat.

"You can go ahead and eat Atnas, I wished to have a conversation with Nonō here."Papa Brass said. Minutes Later after Atnas left Papa Brass ask Nono "Why are so hard on the child just teach him some moves and let him be." Which in return was just answered in silence and then Nono left leaving him there alone.

(1 year)

"I've just finished my routine training my stats didn't level up this time. Today I'm going to open my Chakra my self, first I must go somewhere private."

Deep in the forest a small figure can be seen in a lotus meditation position.

"System buy Chackra awakening pill and consume it."


Consuming Chakra Pill cost 1000 points ... Chakra Awakening.

Suddenly the hair on Atnas Head begain to change to a nice shiny white while his pupils turn to a golden color.

"What a weird feeling it's almost like I can feel the blood in my body moving but I cant control it.I should probably change my clothes and clean my self before going back."

Arriving at a river he looks into the water seeing his completely new look he get kinda nervous because he knew he was going to get alot of questions for this not that it matter to him.

(Back At The Orphanage)

As Atnas walks into the yard all of the other kids notice his new appearance and the person who was most effected was Nono, she instantly use her body flicker technique appearing behind atnas grabbing him and throwing him over her shoulders the disappearing in the orphanage in to a random room with a picture of her in it, next to a a kid that looks like a younger version of Kabuto.

"Atnas what happen to you why do you look like that, why can I feel your chakra."She said Before the young man in front of her can even replied to what happed happened he thought 'although I know she was in the Anbu and can be rank at a jonin level her skills is still amazing.'

"ATNAS!" She yelled causing the boy to snap out of his thoughts.

"I meet a random person on the way to the river he was wearing a a Konoha head band with a jonin jacket on and I asked him if he could open my chackra and he said "No, because I was too young" then I keep asking him till he finally gave in and he said If I can land a hit on him or manage to take one of the bells he carried in his hand then he will unlock my chackra."


"I open them my self after reading how to on a book I found." He replied bluntly

'That make sense considering his intelligence but he's only 3 years old but It don't make sense how his hair and eyes change color.'She thought

"Can I go now" Atnas asked smugly

"Yes,you can"she said

'Tch, if it isn't because I have no money I would have killed this bitch and everyone here just for the fun of it.'