
Naruto - Light Ninja

In an AU, Naruto doesn't have his fate sealed as a Jinchuuriki of the nine-tails fox; instead, his sisters receive the halves of the Bijuu, and something else emerges in him. He receives powers and memories from another world, a world where there were pirates, sailors, organizations trying to dominate or maintain their power at sea. Naruto ends up being born without any chakra, as the only being in the world without this energy, however, he received something else in return. Naruto has the Pika Pika no Mi. Minato and Kushina are alive.

RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 08 - Naruto vs Obito 02.

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV





The explosion lit up the entire area, but Naruto knew that the ninjas he had killed before had placed some kind of barriers to conceal everything happening inside the Uchiha complex, so Naruto had no faith that some ninjas would show up amidst the chaos he caused. 

"Bastard..." The masked man placed his hand on his chest with a hole in it as he bled. 

"You are really sick... Killing young children, claiming this world is an illusion..." Naruto murmured as the children ran away from the explosion he caused, and he noticed the girl with the Sharingan paralyzed with fear. 

Without waiting for a response from the masked man, Naruto appeared like a light in front of the girl, picked her up before she could react, and took her to the other children who were still distant, some Uchiha ninjas, although they were no longer Jonins, because it seems most had died, appeared and Naruto took the girl to them. 

"You, take care of the child. Be careful with the Konoha ninjas outside the complex, if I were you, I would avoid them." Naruto appeared with a flash and said these words, the ninjas were alerted in a fighting stance, but Naruto just threw the child to them and returned his gaze to his opponent. 

"You... What are these abilities of yours..." The masked man still placed his hand on his chest in pain, after all, the strike hit his flesh on the left side, where there was no wooden body. 

"It doesn't matter, you have your secrets and I have mine, but in the end, we will just kill each other... You with your sick ideology and ideal and I will fight for justice!" Naruto spoke although he was just a child, he had some ideas from the memories of the other world. 

"Justice..." The man murmured, but he just started laughing right after. "Another illusion, it doesn't matter, in the end, you will fall and I will continue with the massacre of this cursed clan." 

"Tsk, so much nonsense." These were Naruto's last words before he advanced on the enemy while his sword tried to cut the masked man's neck. 

'What a strange ability... he can simply make his body disappear from this world that even my Haki felt him simply disappearing and this ability that resembles a Logia is quite troublesome, but he can materialize a few times, especially when he is going to attack in the physical world, so I have to be faster.' 

Chains flew towards Naruto as they were bypassing the masked man, with him using Geppo and Soru to escape, while the chains pursued him in the air. 

"Impressive," The masked man, ignoring the pain in his chest, went back to attack Naruto with everything, but he was still quite surprised by the strange abilities of what seemed to be a child by his voice and size. "You have intriguing abilities, boy. But in the end, you will fall." 

The battle continued, with Naruto adapting and exploring different tactics while the masked man used his Kamui to try and surprise Naruto with his abilities, but Naruto never let himself be hit with his attacks. He used his agility to keep moving constantly, trying to find an opening when the masked man materialized. 

At one moment, the masked man activated his Kamui, and his eye distorted space with a spiral, and giant ninja stars began to emerge going towards Naruto in the air while he fell, using his body of light to move and escape the attacks, everyone saw just a yellow line running between the attacks, when Obito aimed at the children and ninjas at a distance, Naruto had no choice but to go to them and start cutting those colossal ninja stars with his sword wrapped in Haki. 

Meanwhile, the children and Uchiha ninjas watched from a distance, hoping that the stranger, who was cutting the enemy projectiles, could end the masked man who had massacred half the clan with Itachi. 

The fight between Naruto and the masked man intensified with every passing second, the man made seals with his hands and with the distortion of his eye, a spiral line of fire emerged from him and started running towards Naruto on foot next to the stars cut with the last attack.

"Let's try this..." Naruto murmured, and his sword imbued with Haki began to glow. With a movement, he used his Devil Fruit swordsmanship to launch a cut of light. The light clashed against the fire, creating an explosion in the middle of the clan, making even the Root ANBU that were surrounding the clan from other sides a bit cautious and wondering what was happening there and who Itachi was fighting against.

The explosion sent a shockwave in all directions, Naruto saw this without moving, then at that moment, a kunai with expanding chakra almost like a small sword, pierced his chest where his heart was.

The masked man appeared in front of him, "Finally caught you," he said, but he couldn't see the expression of the boy with that cloth covering his face, yet he hoped he was shocked.

The moment the masked man had considered his victory, something he hadn't foreseen happened. Naruto acted faster than before, something not even the man in front of him could predict, and Naruto tore off his right arm, made of Mokuton.

"!" The masked man quickly jumped back, but Naruto had already moved to that side at the speed of light, and his sword pierced the heart of Obito from behind while he was still materialized.

"This was a good fight, but it seems I will be the winner, strange man." Naruto felt obliged to comment, he wouldn't normally fight like this, but here he was cunning after years of hearing about the ninja world. He deliberately limited his powers, not putting his maximum speed or avoiding being hit so that the other party would think he was at his limit. He allowed himself to be hit so he could have a chance to attack this man, which ended up happening.

"How!?" The masked man spoke, stunned. If he hadn't been wearing a mask, everyone would see him spitting blood at that moment.

"We are more alike than you think, physical attacks also don't work on me." Naruto admitted, as it would be something the masked man would find out anyway.

The heart of Naruto, where there should have been a hole from Obito's reinforced kunai, began to close like a light lid and looked as if nothing had happened there.

"This..." Obito seemed shocked as he fell to the ground. Naruto quickly cut his neck with the sword to end his life, but the sword just passed through his neck.

"This is problematic..." Naruto thought as his sword went through the neck, "But with your heart pierced, you won't last long." Naruto taunted in the end.

"I..." Obito tried to speak, but then beings began to emerge from the ground. Naruto was unfamiliar and surprised by these hands coming out of the ground where they were, and beings with white skin began to appear, his observation Haki couldn't even identify them, making Naruto retreat a bit.

"What are these things..." Naruto murmured, he was the only one seeing these Zetsus emerging between him and the masked man, since the Uchihas from before had fled with the explosion.

"Hello!" The Zetsus greeted Naruto with some enthusiasm, which made the boy raise an eyebrow under the cloth covering his head.

"Tsk." Naruto said and used his speed against the Zetsus, decapitating them quickly with a smile on their face, some even commented something like, "Damn, I'm going to die." before losing their heads. As soon as Naruto passed like a line decapitating 10 white creatures, he realized that the masked man had disappeared.

"He escaped..." Naruto sighed, but no matter, he knew he wouldn't cause more trouble even if he survived the pierced heart, which Naruto thought was unlikely with that wound on his chest.

"Now... what were those things..." Naruto looked at the bodies of those pale creatures he had killed, he saw them decomposing right after. "Cunning, no one will be able to study them like this. They seem like some type of fungus..." Naruto analyzed as the bodies seemed to disappear being absorbed by the earth.

"After seeing the Zetsus disappear, his gaze shifted to a new presence approaching. There was no one else on this street besides Naruto and this person, the ground was all destroyed with many houses on fire due to the attack and fight between Naruto and the masked man.

'You finally showed up...' Naruto commented as he calmly turned to face Itachi.

'...' The other party remained silent.

Naruto stared at him and saw a man with an expression very different from the Itachi he had seen before. Itachi had vibrant eyes and a maniacal smile, looking at Naruto as if he were prey. 'I never thought I would find you here, Naruto. It's really a surprise, but this is good, I'm testing my powers by fighting against my entire clan, I hope you can give me a better challenge than these weaklings, so I can evolve my Sharingan!' He spoke like a madman.

Naruto just sighed and stared at him. 'You committed a serious crime today, Itachi. I still remember the last words we exchanged, yet you seem to have followed the path I said was not right, killing innocent people to save or protect a larger group is not the correct way,' Naruto spoke calmly.

'What do you know about it? I'm here to test my powers, I've just killed my parents and made my brother watch everything, hoping that one day he can have the same eyes as me. Look, Naruto Namikaze! See my true powers and how they are superior to your abilities!' Itachi spoke in the same tone, and his Sharingan eyes with 3 tomoe began to change, showing a Mangekyou Sharingan, but Naruto didn't know this.

Naruto just stared at Minato expressionlessly, his clothing covering his head began to fall, due to the fight with the masked man, he had allowed it to be damaged to make the man lower his guard, and it didn't make sense to hide his face from Itachi, who knew very well who he was.

After discarding his clothing, he gripped his sword and looked into Itachi's strange eyes. 'I may not know the real reason behind this massacre, Itachi, but I know you're just insinuating. I feel the guilt and sadness consuming you at this moment,' Naruto felt this with his Haki, even though it wasn't as heightened as he would like. 'But even if deep down you didn't want to do this and are lying and pretending to be something else, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you caused a massacre of half of your clan and I will deal with you with justice,' Naruto declared, catching Itachi somewhat by surprise with these words."


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