
Chapter 7.

For two weeks now, my attempts to gain observation and secrecy have been going on, unfortunately unsuccessful. Not that there were nothing at all, there were very useful acquisitions, and not very much, but what I needed was not received. I honestly cannot understand what I am doing wrong, it seems like everything is like everyone else, but there is no result, or not the one I would like to get. For example , observation, as everyone usually gets, sits and stares at some object or person, and oops , the skill of observation is created by action.

I honestly did as they wrote, sat and stuck it for several hours on the scroll that lay in front of me, and never achieved anything. Even the system was silent about this, did not respond to requests. Then, after thinking carefully about the reasons for such a setup, I came to the conclusion that I already know everything about the scroll and other things on which I tried to get this skill, it means that an unfamiliar thing is needed, but with this they have serious problems.

There was no way to get such things, and therefore I spat on it, why bother with the search for such things, because crowds of strangers walk around the village on whom you can get this skill. Yes, and combine this with the acquisition of another extremely useful skill, and simply necessary for my ingenious and insidious plan , stealth or stealth.

When I studied the auction and the forum in more detail, I was a little upset, even having bought their skills, they still need to be activated with skill points, for some simple abilities, you needed a little - one, two skill points, but for which much more abruptly. For example, Sero from the world of Bleach , in addition to the price of seven hundred thousand CD, also required fifty skill points to activate. So even if you save them and do not spend on anything, then earlier than at the hundredth level, it will not be possible to activate it. Unless you are very lucky to receive a quest reward.

With soul crystals, it's not that simple either. When I took out the crystal I got from the inventory, and examined it, I was even delighted at first I thought I was observant, above the crystal there was an inscription "Soul Crystal * Lv. eleven". My joy was short-lived until I tried to define something else and failed. But the very fact that the crystal has a level interested me. After a long search for an answer on the forum, it turned out that the crystals have a gradation. Crystals from the first to tenth levels are small crystals of souls, from the eleventh to the twentieth, were considered the standard, but already above the twentieth the situation changes dramatically. So, a crystal of the twenty-fifth level was equated to any five crystals from one eleventh to the twentieth level.

In general, there turned out to be a very complex and tricky assessment system, after the fiftieth, and even the hundredth level, the difference only grew, and there were also named crystals of souls, with them a separate story. But such a system, it seems to me quite logical, here you banged some peasant and got a crystal, or managed to bang Madara and got the same thing, somehow it's not that. And so the higher the level of the enemy, the higher the level of the crystal obtained, the more you can get for it.

The answer why crystals from the eleventh to the twentieth levels were taken as the standard unit of payment, I did not find. But that's when I came up with my ingenious plan.

Well, returning to my not particularly successful attempts to get these skills, without finding a description of how to do it on the forum, I continued to use my own knowledge, gleaned from fanfiction , and books on similar topics. But here I was waiting for a bummer. I watched people from the shadows of houses or dark alleys, tried to discover observation, diligently peering into passers-by , sitting in the darkest corners.

But the skill did not want to be created, despite all my efforts. Not that it was completely inconclusive, I did get something. On the third day of my torment, the system rewarded me with another useless skill.

Param pampam.

Congratulations !!!

Skill Created by Action: " Rare Sight" level MAX.

Annoying Gaze:

Causes the victim to feel mild anxiety, intense irritation , and a desire to punch your face.

The effectiveness of this skill has been proven in practice, a broken nose, and a fingal under the left eye, which I got in a fight with the kids, whom I stared at, trying to discover observation. But I hastened to conclusions about the uselessness of the skill. The ability to whip anyone up with just a look is worth a lot. I used it on sellers from shops where they refused to sell me sludge and overpriced me too much.

You stand like this, about a hundred meters from the store, to see the victim, and you stare intently, in about five minutes, the victim's nerves gave way, and spit on everything, she rushed to clean my face. Naturally, I did not stand as a pillar, as soon as I saw that the victim had reached condition, I immediately began to skimp, a handicap of one hundred meters and obstacles in the form of a counter made it possible to hide, but not always.

Thanks to these races to the limit, I raised my speed by two units, and agility and endurance by one. Although sometimes they caught up with me, they did not beat me too hard, at least there were no broken bones, and the bruises and abrasions themselves healed very quickly. So I did this kind of training every couple of days.

Sitting in dark corners, too, did not pass without consequences, well, there was nothing like that at first, it was just that the system periodically issued a message about an increase in kinship with the elements of darkness, not much, only by one tenth of a percent, but quite often. And when it crawled to three and a half percent, the growth stopped.

But this is not the most important thing, when I once again sat in a dark alley, in the shade of a garbage can, trying to hide from the owner of a butcher's shop, whom I brought with my new ability, and apparently overdid it, because he rushed to catch up with me with a cleaver in his hands ... I had no desire to check whether he would use it or not, and this hog, despite its size, ran very quickly, so I had to hide. When I literally pressed myself into the darkest part of the corner, hoping that I would not be overwhelmed, the system issued a message.

Param pampam.

Congratulations !!!

You have acquired the skill "Dive into the Deep Plane of Shadows" Level 1.

"Diving into a deep plane of shadows":

You are able to plunge into the deep plane of the shadows, and through it move between the shadows.

When I read it and realized what I had received, I flew out of that alley with joyful shouts. As time has shown - in vain, the butcher has not gone far enough yet. Of course, they didn't kill me in the mince , but they made the chop.

The resulting skill fit so well into my ingenious plan that I had already seen mountains of CD, and millions of experience points that I will get. But everything was spoiled by the lack of observation and secrecy. After suffering for two weeks, and without achieving a result, I began to beg for these skills from the system. And so that she understood the importance and necessity of obtaining these skills by me, I told my brilliant plan. He was a genius, and how all ingenious is simple. With the help of observation, I would determine the victim with which I was able to cope, and with the help of secrecy, I crept up unnoticed and killed, and just left unnoticed. And with the ability to move between shadows, so in general he could penetrate anywhere. Thus, I would gain experience, get CD, and still fulfill my revenge. But instead of giving me the necessary skills, the system gave the following ...

Param pampam.

Congratulations !!!

You have completed a hidden quest.

Come up with a "BRILLIANT PLAN" to gain strength and wealth.

As a reward, you will receive an out-of-leveled artifact .


Use as directed.

I was so happy that I immediately reached into my inventory to see what I got, though my joy was not long, literally until the moment I saw what I got. And I got a lip-rolling machine. I didn't have time to express all my gratitude for such an "artifact".

I hate the moon.

But after sitting and thinking, I was inclined to agree that yes, I rolled my lip a lot. No, that I will kill, without any problems, I have no doubt, as well as in the plan itself, it is quite feasible. But when drawing up the plan, I did not take into account that the police here consist of Uchiha who are clearly better than our own police, and I don't know how they look for criminals. If I can still cover up fingerprints, footprints and other evidence of this kind, then what about what I don't even know about.

Yes, right now, on reflection, I realized that I can be tracked down by a banal smell, a whole clan of dog handlers is available. And even if I can hide all the traces and evidence leading to me. The locals have the edo tensei technique . They will raise the ghoul and ask who killed you, and then a scribe will come to me. Although no, he will not come, he is always with me. But still, it won't end with anything good for me.

Intelligence +1

Wisdom +1

Intuition +1

YESaaa , something is not a good tendency is outlined that all sound thoughts come to my head while sitting in the toilet. But I will not give up the plan, I will simply postpone the implementation period until the end of the academy, where I can find out more about the methods of searching and covering up tracks. Yes, and Uchih by that time will not be. Okay, stop making plans while sitting in the toilet, otherwise God forbid And gr, they will give some more achievement.

Param pampam.

Congratulations !!!

You have received the achievement "Outhouse Sage"

"Outhouse Wise c":

Chance to get illumination while in the toilet + 15%.

While in the toilet, intelligence, wisdom and intuition +5.


I got out of the toilet only five hours later , the debuff intensified, and four more hours were added to the time left. Full moon today, or something. But as they say, there is a silver lining, during this time I came up with some good ideas, and besides that I was thinking about my further actions.

Firstly, we need to start improving physical characteristics, otherwise the clashes with the village children showed that I am far from superman, very far away. Secondly, take care of gaining experience, new levels will not be superfluous. Quests and illusory barriers should help me with this. But in order to deploy the barriers, you need to find a suitable place, otherwise I'll deploy it anywhere and get the mobs of the two hundredth level. Hence, thirdly, you need to carefully examine the village. In addition to suitable places, I might find something useful, Orochimaru's secret laboratory , or the Uzumaki quarter under the protective barrier. And finally , fourthly , it is to deal with the chakra and its control, to practice immersion in the plane of shadows, and also to increase the affinity with the chakras.

It was relatively simple with the elements, using the example of darkness, I concluded that the more you are or are in contact with this element, the higher the affinity. Now, if there are relatively no problems with water, earth, wind, and light. It is not difficult to stand in the wind, swim longer, sunbathe, and lie down covered with soil, but with lightning and fire, the problem is. There was no desire to shock myself and stick my hands into the fire. As for the increased affinity for death, the ideas smelled like extreme idiocy. With life and chaos, there weren't even extremely delusional ones.

Here's another problem with the quests , or rather with their complete absence, you can't take them from the residents, they have only one quest for me, called "go somewhere and die, demon." The system also gave nothing. Therefore, all hope was on illusory barriers.

Well, the action plan has been drawn up, it remains only to implement it.


Danz Shimura was in his office and looked through reports and documents, among which were reports on the observation of jinchūriki . So they caused the most headaches at the head of the root. The jinchūriki's strange, and at times extremely inadequate, behavior caused concern. Especially the fact that he spoke to himself, or simply sat motionless under the olga with an absent gaze.

But the experts who made the psychological portrait argued that for an unsociable loner at his age, such behavior is not far from the norm. And other strange behavior, such as references to the names of non-existent people, just as a strong hatred to the moon, and senseless babbling of a set of sounds, due to conflict of mental bookmarks village tavlennyh subordinates Hiruzen .

Reading the reports, Danz was amazed that ninety percent of what the jinchūriki said was selective swearing, another seven percent was meaningless mumbling, and only three percent was normal speech.

Especially colorful and long-lasting epics were dedicated to the moon. You have to manage to swear at the moon for half an hour and never repeat yourself in expressions. Even in the semblance of a diary, his dream was the destruction of the moon. And why did she not please him?

One of the most meticulous subordinates, expressed the opinion that these obscene epics are some kind of cipher.

And what, the idea is interesting, to instruct a not very reliable person to deliver the scrolls with these epics, under the guise of secret reports, and leak information about him to enemies. And we will eliminate the unreliable element by someone else's hands, and we will confuse the enemies.

Having made such a decision, Shimura summoned a subordinate and issued appropriate instructions.


And Naruto next two weeks puzzled, where and how he could so annoy Botsume Konotori of Kumogakure that reputation with him fell every day on the spacecraft did not reach the fierce hatred.


A Clerk encryption Botsume Konotori every day sent all the more terrible curse on the author of this obscene cipher.

Next chapter