
“Journey to the mist”

Karna stood before the unmoving body on the ground, impaled by a tanto. Uninterrupted blood flowed from the wound as Karna looked at the body with tears in his eyes. He couldn't find a reasonable explanation for their predicament, nor could he self-loathe to comfort himself with guilt. He looked down at the cold body of his mother and crouched down beside her to check her situation.

He calmed his rioting emotions and checked Kazuya's pulse. Although barely, surprisingly, she was still alive. He smiled brightly as if an enormous burden was removed from his shoulders, but he knew it was too early for him to smile as he still had to heal Kazuya.

Since his birth, Karna has only pursued unrivalled strength. Thinking of the feats Madara and Hashirama achieved with their strength alone, how could he not thrive to achieve something similar when given a chance. As a consequence, he forgot to polish his medical ninjutsu.

Currently, Karna was rummaging through his brain to think of a way to save Kazuya. His forehead swarmed with sweat, and his hands shivered with anxiety and weariness.

Suddenly, he remembered an incident that had happened a few minutes ago. When he awakened his dojutsu, he could see chakra more profoundly, and mere moments after awakening his dojutsu, his chakra colour changed entirely from before.

Kyo had notified him about the chakra colour before; everyone has a distinct chakra colour, and it depends on the person's characteristics. But, in the early stages of one's life, their chakra colour would resemble their natural affinity.

Hence, Karna's chakra colour was transparent, resembling his wind chakra nature; however, when he awakened his dojutsu, his chakra colour became an amalgamation of seven different colours. At first, he couldn't infer the change, but now, he had a wild guess within his heart.

'I think my taiyougan somehow granted me the chakra affinity for all seven chakra natures. If that's the case, I might be able to save mother.' Karna inwardly thought as he sat in a lotus position to sense his chakra.

Karna was amazed to find that his chakra capacity had increased by a significant amount, even dwarfing his father. Then he opened his ethereal eyes to see his chakra colour through his dojutsu. He saw that his chakra had mutated into a golden colour resulting from the amalgamation of seven different colours.

Then he slowly circulated the little chakra he had and moulded it to transform its nature.

'Finally.' Karna sighed in relief when he saw his chakra taking a white hue after a minute of extended meditation.

"According to Yamato in the manga, medical ninjutsu uses Yin or Yang release. If I can inject yang chakra within the wound, then maybe it will work." He muttered as he lifted Kazuya's body with his left hand and placed his right hand over the wound.

With a swift movement of his hands, he took out the tanto from her shoulders and blood chaotically flowed out from the wound. His right palm glowed in a white light which was soon transmitted toward the wound. The light was constantly flickering as if it was about to disappear the next moment.

"Please, please work!" Karna pleaded as he intently focused on the work in his hands.

Even though Karna's chakra control had increased unimaginably, it was still his first time transforming his chakra to yang nature chakra and practically applying it. What it took people to learn months or years, Karna was doing it in a minute.

The light flickered for a while before stabling itself, and steadily, the wound in Kazuya's shoulder started to heal. After a couple of minutes, Karna had completely healed Kazuya, but the opening of the wound had yet to close.

"But I have neither a needle nor stitches to close the wound. What am I going to do, shit!" Karna was perplexed by the new problem, but similar to before, his eyes lit up, emerging with intelligence.

"But that could be risky. I should practice it before I use it on mother."

Karna closed his eyes and opened them again the next moment to reveal the glowing taiyougan. Two beams of chaos shot out from his eyes and landed on a tree, piercing it entirely in their path.

Another series of fiery golden lasers came out from his eyes, which went on for five more times. Each time he discharged the beams from his eyes, they became thinner and more relaxed. The last set of beams shot out from his eyes, but they were almost invisible because of how thin they were; similarly, they grazed the tree– riddled with holes– but only left a slight scratch on the trunk.

He averted his eyes and looked at the wound on Kazuya's, and his golden eyes glowed brightly. Another pair of beams shot out from his eyes and landed on the wound, but instead of passing through her body and devastating it, the beams caressed her shoulder and slowly closed the wound with mild heat.

Cautery is a medical process to close wounds with heat and chemicals, but since Karna was short on resources, he used his beams to close the wound by reducing its heat.

After closing the wound on Kazuya's shoulder, Karna carried her on his back like a piggyback ride. It was a scene unfathomable for the ordinary, as a five-year-old was carrying an adult but probably more acceptable than a five-year-old slaying a band of elite root shinobi of Konoha.

The moon was already lowering, and the shrieks of nearby creatures hinted at the coming of dawn. The wind hustled as a five-year-old child carried an adult woman and jumped from tree to tree.

Sweat swarmed all over Karna's face while his breathing gradually weakened. Even though he had a slightly stronger body than his peers carrying Kazuya was still a far-fetched thing for his current physique. But, he cared not for the immense burden he was placing on his body and passed through the forest with extreme speed. He still had a father to save.

He leapt from a branch and landed on another, but the branch he had landed on creaked with an ominous sound and broke apart, making Karna and Kazuya abruptly fall.

But Karna was fast as he flipped his body and landed on the ground with a crack, all while keeping Kazuya safe on his back.


"Ahhh, Shit. It hurts!" Karna gritted his teeth as he felt the pain from one of his ankles breaking.

"I don't have time for this right now," muttered Karna as he reinforced his leg with chakra, ignoring the pain and darting off to Kyo's location.

Karna wasn't optimistic about Kyo's life. He knew the sight he may experience upon reaching that place, but that doesn't mean he will abandon his father. After all, Kyo had given birth to him. If he couldn't even bury Kyo's body, he would be unable to live with the guilt for the rest of his life. He wasn't doing this for any filial pity or familial love; it was only to satiate his conscience and the freedom from the constraints of guilt.

After a couple of minutes, Karna reached the place where they departed from Kyo. Under the gloomy sky that was yearning for the slightest touch of the dawn, a cold and dull body lay there counting the time of the end of time.

Karna looked at the motionless body and stiffed himself for whatever was to come, but upon closer inspection with taiyougan, he found a wisp of life still aflame within the cold body.

His eyes enlarged with shock as he rushed beside Kyo and properly inspected his body. The rinkaichu corrupted the cells in his entire body except for his head and some of his vital organs. Even now, they were gnawing on Kyo's chakra. Karna was so angry that he wanted to blast them with his beams, but he refrained from doing so as he couldn't shrink his beams to the microscopic level.

He took out a vial that he had stolen from Shikuro before, an antidote for the rinkaichu insects. He slowly dropped the contents of the vial, a black liquid with a putrid smell, on Kyo's abdomen, and the rinkaichus within his body came out because of the lure from the liquid.

The insect gathered at Kyo's abdomen and greedily savoured the liquid. After a few seconds, when all the insects were gathered in a single place, Karna fired a sharp yet thin beam toward Kyo's abdomen, destroying all the insects in the process.

After killing the nano-sized insects, Karna dropped Kazuya beside him and began to heal Kyo with the bit of chakra that remained in him. Kyo wasn't healing; to be precise, He could not be healed. Most of his cells were corroded except for some of his vital organs, which he had protected somehow that Karna couldn't discern.

Luckily, his lungs and heart still worked, letting him hang by a thread. But unfortunately, he was crippled for life. Currently, Karna was killing the bacteria feeding on his dead cells and stopping the damage from further increasing.

He kept transmitting raw yang chakra on Kyo's body for a while before he saw the world turn blurry in front of him.

"No, not yet!" Karna roared as he ignored his fatigue and forcefully induced chakra onto Kyo's body.

Seconds passed, and as he saw Kyo's situation stabilising, he sighed with relief.

"Finally! I healed...fucking hell—" the world stunned, and his body finally gave up, falling beside Kyo and Kazuya onto the ground.

Under the first light of the dawn, the Yagami family rested peacefully on the ground. Unconscious yet together. Hurt yet victorious.

Two days later,

The vast Sakura sea, spanning from the peripheries of the land of fire to the land of water, covers many islands such as the land of whirlpools, the land of hot springs, Hagi island and many more.

Hoof! Hoof!

Moving through the Sakura sea was a large ship that carried hundreds of passengers on it. At one of the corners of the deck, a family of three could be seen lying on the ground with tired faces.

The woman had a delicate touch to her face while her smooth skin radiated under the burning sun atop their head. Her sharp eyebrows and gleaming eyes seemed quivering as if riddled with worry. Her black hair was tattered and untied as if she had just come out of a scruffle. Beside her, a man sat in a wheelchair gazing at the sea with great focus. Almost all of his body was bandaged except his neck to his head.

A little child slept on the woman's lap as she caressed his hair gently. Suddenly, the eyes of the child quivered and shot open. The child jumped out from the woman's embrace, shocking the couple and the people around them.

"Well, you're up, son." the man in the wheelchair said with a gentle smile contrasting his solemn temperament from before.

"Dad, how is your body now!?" the child looked at the man with shock and asked with concern as he noticed the bandages all over his body.

"Before that, you have an explanation to make, Karna." the man said as he averted his eyes from the child to the woman sitting beside him.

Karna followed the man's eyes and noticed the woman before him looking at him with her swelled eyes filled in tears.

"It seems to be the case, I guess. Hi, mother!" Karna greeted Kazuya while scratching the back of his head.

Soon, Karna explained the entire situation of what had happened after Kazuya went unconscious on the battlefield. He didn't hide anything from them since he didn't feel the need to. His explanation left them with gasps and astonishment at what Karna had done at the mere age of five.

"Hmm, I've never heard of such a dojutsu appearing in our clan. You might be the first to inherit it, but remember to keep it hidden as it could wage another war if others found out about it. Anyway, you made me proud again, son. I can't remember any good deeds that I've done to have a child like you, but I sure am going to appreciate it since I got you." Kyo said with pride and warmth while he looked at Karna.

Karna was happy to see his family back in good health again. Even though Kyo was crippled, he was still alive, and that was all that Karma needed.

Finally, it was time for the long-awaited beating to come. Karna looked at Kazuya warily as he prepared himself for the beating. He was already aware of this consequence when he went against her orders.

'Ahhh!' Karna screamed inwardly as he placed both hands over his head in a dramatic manner. But instead of raging slaps from Kazuya, a warm hug welcomed him.

"Why!? Why!? Why did you have to do it!? What if something had happened to you? How could I forgive myself?" Kazuya roared as she cried her heart out, embracing Karna, her tears soaking his shoulders.

"But nothing happened, right? Even if I had run from there, I wouldn't have been able to live for long, hiding from those elite Anbus." Karna said while embracing her to comfort her.


"No buts, mother. Just like how you'd sacrifice yourself to save my life, I won't refrain from doing the same." Karna said as he rubbed her hands to calm her down.

"But promise me that you'll never do anything like this," Kazuya insisted. "Ok, I promise." Karna finally gave in as he tried to calm her down.

"Anyway, where are we going again, father?" Karna asked, curious about their next destination.

"Kirigakure," Kyo said as he saw the mother and son duo have their peaceful time.

'Well, I'm fucked again, aren't I?'


Hey guys! it's Lit again. i hope you guys like the chapter. Anyway, do tell me if i can improve my writing in any way; i always welcome suggestions guys.

Also, a few reviews would be a great help ya'll. LIT out!

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