..... Konoha.....

... Hokage


Hiruzen sarutobi just went through some paperwork, his lifelong enemy. He was taking a little break smoking from his pipe, looking through the window, Suddenly he felt a presence inside the Office, Without looking he asked "What is it, Rat"

A ANBU wearing Rat mask is kneeling before the office table, After getting the permission to talk he place a scroll on the table and said " Kakashi

has sent a message Hokage


Hiruzen takes the scroll and read through it, ' It's about that kid huh, His strength is quite remarkable indeed' . In the scroll kakashi

wrote about the confrontation between Zabuza and Shi Yan.

" Rat, Have you looked into Shi Yan Background yet"

"Yes, Hokage-sama, There is no evidence that suggest any black dealing he may have somewhere, As for his strength , its been reported that he cannot wield Chakra and has just trained physically like Might Guy, He is trained by his Caretaker, an Ex-Konoha Shinobi Roshii who was presumably a Jonin Level ninja at his peak , So far Shi Yan file is very clear and there is no problem. "

"Hmm... Do you know of any new great sword users in the Ninja World That may have appeared " Reading the file of his fight, especially his mastery in Kenjutsu, Hiruzen know that it is not possible to gain such proficiency without real experience.

" I can only think of one, Hokage-same " Rat looked at Hiruzen for a second at the random question and replied, Hiruzen might not be bothered to know of every little details of Ninja world but he being an ANBU must know about it, it's his duty " He is Sword Rogue, A top A-Class Bounty Hunter , Affiliation not known, Face not know but has 100% success rate, He takes mission that mostly revolve around neutralizing Rouge Ninjas from Hidden Villages "

Hiruzen dismiss the ANBU, Seemingly falling in thought, He asked for a detailed report on the 'Sword Rouge', Although he has no proof for the claim that this is Shi Yan, something tells him that this character is not unrelated to him.


2 weeks has passed since Team 7 started their training regime, They were doing their best to improve being aware of the fight that awaits them, throughout this tenure Shi Yan never appeared again, Kakashi at one point

used his hounds to search for him and found out he is just training in solidarity, Not disturbing Shi Yan, He left a ninja dog to keep watch over him and retreated.

Team 7 being full aware that Zabuza can attack at any moment has accompanied Tazuna to the bridge.Tension was all time high, As everyone was doing their job Kakashi

suddenly takes a fighting stance and tells all the workers to retreat , all of the Genins become attentive because they know the Fight is now going to begin.

Zabuza and Haku sticks the Team 7 , They went through a intense 'to and fro', Kakashi

being at full strength confront Zabuza and both Naruto and Sasuke began to fight Haku.

As the fight is going on, somewhere from quite a distance Shi Yan is observing the fight, no to be exact he was observing Haku and his Unique Ice Release Kekkei Genkai. Submerged in his own world he appears to have no intention to help at all.

Shi Yan had an excited look on his face, like he just won a lottery 'Hmmm ....I was wrong in my approach, In order to form ice , I was mixing Both wind and water element with no synergy and rhythm at all hence it produced unstable results but I didn't put in mind that As the liquid cools down, the amount of potential energy is reduced and the molecules start to move slower. When the water temperature reaches around 0°C, the molecules stick together and form a solid – ice. To form ice I need to stabilize Water element and use wind to reduce the temperature, I need to picture wind as a utensils and water as it's content . Only proper stability can form Ice with least Input. '

Shi Yan opened his palm and tested his theory, a small block of ice formed on his hand, ' I still need to perfect the ratio, To think that a whole clan has the innate ability to reach such a great stability in both the elements and produce ice is baffling. '

As Shi Yan opened his eyes he saw that situation was getting out of hand for the Genins, Sasuke was knocked out cold in same fashion as in the canon , Naruto was getting brezerk, and Kakashi

decided to use his Chidori , Shi Yan knows that Haku is going to sacrifice himself for Zabuza.

'ohhh. Fuck it, As a token of my gratitude I will save you cross-dresser' Shi Yan decided whimsically.


Suddenly at the scene , As kakashi strided towards Zabuza, Haku appeared to act as meat shield kakashi

could not control his speed and was going to Peirce through Haku.


Suddenly in-between them ,a White Robed Masked Man appeared and holds Kakashi

wrist and stopped his charge Saving Haku in the process, Kakashi

was shocked to see him just nonchalantly Stopping his best move.

" That should be enough, Kakashi I would like to have some words with these people

" Shi Yan looked into Kakashi

eyes and requested, Although it looked like he stopped Chidori with ease, if someone focus a little on Shi Yan figure you can identify a yellow color layer. ' I used Seismic Guard, Still I can feel the pain shooting through my hands, Chidori is no joke, It can even proof to be fatal if I am not at top conditions, '.


nodded, Although he is not sure why Shi Yan proposed such a request he still compiled to his wishes, Both Zabuza and Haku are not a threat especially in his presence, Kakashi

turned around to check on his Students.

"Why did you save us " Haku asked as he turned to help Zabuza, with not much apparent joy of being alive .

Shi Yan looked at the Bridge where he saw Goto and his gand of goons coming, Goto came near the scene and looked at the condition of His hired ninjas.

" You are so useless, you piece of shits .you could not even do your job and are in this condition, well good for me I don't have to pay you worms then, Men kill all of them "

Shi Yan looked at Goto and slowly said in a almost inaudible voice to Haku " I will do you this one favor "

'Swift step'

Suddenly Disappeared from his place and reappear again clutching the neck of a confused Goto in his hand, He looked at all 500 of the Goto Goons.

'Heavenly Flame'

Shi Yan put Goto on fire and burnt him alive for all to see His Shrill Cries added more horror for the audience, Shi Yan threw him before the crowd. Goto didn't suffered for long, in moment of second he was burned into ashes.

Shi Yan looked at the 500 people emotionlessly and Used one of his wind arts, 'Wind Blade' It is a attack with concentrated Damage. While not deadly for a experienced ninja, it is more than Enough to take care of these low level goons. All the people in the front of the blades were cut in half, blood was spilled all over the floor , 30-40 of people died just like that , and Other watched in horror as more Of 'Wind Blade ' were coming their way , It kept reaping lives as all remaining people jumped from the bridge. In the End 100-130 people died while others jumped into the river. Shi Yan went near the end of bridge and used ' Water whirlpool ' an art to create whirlpool in a water body , he then formed ice shard forming a grinder with deadly applications, it killed people merciless.

Shi Yan could have shown mercy towards these people but they are low lives their existence bring only pain and suffering to the masses, so he acted on his desire to kill and crush them .

Turning around he saw horrified faces of the masses they were stunned by his ruthless actions , thankful they didn't went to see what he did in the river, they thought he only killed 100 or so men if they knew he killed all of them they would have fainted by now. The only ones who maintain their composer were Zabuza, Kakashi

and Haku.

"Why did I save you , that is what you want to know right? " Shi Yan asked to Haku while walking calmly towards them, He quickly went near them, looked Haku in the eye and said " Because I felt like it. "

"You have a war going on in Kiri right?That is why you are doing these missions to gain fund " Shi Yan asked to Zabuza

"That's none of your business" Zabuza replied.

Shi Yan stared at him for a while, situation was looking very volatile. Suddenly Haku asked " I still don't understand why you saved us "

Shi Yan smiled " Simple, I am betting on your side, you are with the rebellions right, with Mei Terumī as your leader , going up against the current mizukage to end his reign of terror . I spared you both so that you can go back and join the campaign and hopefully win "

" And what do you want in return " Zabuza asked coldly reading between the lines.

"Nothing, Just the hidden mist should know that Shi Yan is an allie, and I would like to get a date with that hot Mei Terumī as well " Shi Yan said and before Zabuza can retort for his remark on His leader Shi Yan continued " I am not forcing her just tell her about this, if she disagree then that it "

Zabuza snorted and hence Shi Yan and Zabuza came to an agreement that Zabuza will have to explain about his request to Mei and all hatchet will be buried. With that Zabuza and Haku quickly withdraw from there to return to Hidden Mist Village.
