

A man runs barreling through a small village, those he crosses scream once they see his body, beautiful fluorescent flowers growing out from his body, his eyes slowly turning into sun flowers, his teeth getting sharper, his nose taking a sharper shape, his back growing eyes and lily's, his arms getting longer and a horrific smile forming on his face slowly, but surely.

A villager rings the bell, it signals other villagers to head inside their homes, and they all scurry rushing to their homes, the man from before was no longer a man he was a demon: a Māra.

Oh but a woman is too slow the Māra finds her, the demon opens it mouth wide and chargers at her, ripping into her flesh slowly she screams out of pure agony until she dies of shock and so the Māra stops chewing into her, and slowly the woman starts to move again only she is now a Māra too, flowers and all.

The pair wander around pacing looking for their next meal, until they heard the horns of a train and the footsteps of many people,

They turned around to see the source of the noise and they see a short boy around 5'6 wearing a white outfit, not a single spec of skin showing it was all covered, black boots, all the clothes were baggy, with a hood covering his hair and a white mask with horns to accompany him, he looked almost like a Ninja.

And behind him were many more like him only not as short and all with different masks on.

The villagers watching from the inside of their home's could only be relieved at the sight of it, the MEU was here!

The short one from before walked foreward calling out for one of the figures behind him to get his Sickle, and they did as he said, he was clearly the leader of the group. He grabbed a Sickle from his underling's hand, attached to the bottom of the sickle was a chain, the chain was long and had another but shorter handle on the other end. The sickle was made out of this beautiful iridescent metal it glittered in the sunlight.

The Māra then Charged at the boy in a frenzy, with their signature smile plastered onto their face.

"they're never any more intelligent than this, I swear"

The boy then spun the chain with the sickle attached then swinging it towards the Māra on his right, immediately the said Māra split into two pieces. The boy chuckled at the sight of it, he then jumped over the Māra to his left and swung the chain around it's neck and when the boy landed on the ground he planted the sickle on the ground now the Māra was chained down, but the boy kept in range, the Māra then dashed again at the boy, in response he swung his arm towards the Māra, he punch connected and the Māra was sent back, the boy proceeded with another punch, then another.

The Māra's blood slowly covered his hands and stained the rest of his clothes, the boy essentially caved the Māra's skull inwards.

This was no easy feat, a Māra is 3 times stronger than the average human so for this boy to be able to over power it like this, he had to be superhuman.

the villagers watched in awe as the boy casually picked his weapon back up and removed the chain from the Māra's neck.

"Alright, it's safe you can come out now"

the villagers then came out of their home's and proceeded to go on their knees thanking the boy

"Please, please, it was no big deal, twas the least I could do"

he then walked back to his underling's and they all bowed to show respect to the villagers, then they walked back to their train, and went the train went off they all took off their masks.

One of the underlings who was wearing a fox mask scoffed "Sir you didn't need to show off your strength like that, poor bastards are probably more scared of you than the Māra now"

The boy with the horned mask, removed his mask.

Brown skin long straight hair , jet black, and amber eyes.

"Oh it's not that bad Braxton, a little showmanship for the peasants!" he then chuckled

Everyone else in the train could only sigh, this 15 year old was their captian, Ōge Tanaka.