
Napolean's death

It was 5th May 1821 Napolean died due to Stomach cancer on the British held Island of St.Helena.

At heaven.....

"Welcome to heaven Napolean I was suprised you would be choosen for heaven" said the Angel.

"What do you mean?I was always choosen for Heaven I was the great French emperor"Said Napolean.The angel replied as-"Yes exactly that's why we're also gonna give you a second chance at life but not right now for now you will learn moral lessons.

Napolean replied-"Okay..." The Angel said- "Well I am gonna give you a book about what is going to happen in future until 2021 cause that's when you're gonna return" Napolean says-"Well I will gladly read the book and wait for my return patiently" Angel says-"That's great here have the book" The Angel gives the book to Napolean and Napolean takes it and starts reading the gigantic book.

Napolean starts reading and is saddened by seeing France being turned weak powerless and a monarchy again but his mood was boosted after seeing France became a republic again but a weaker one..He read through the Franco Prussian war,The industrial revolution,World war I,World war II and cold war it was around 2021.

"So Napolean are you ready for your glorious return?" The Angel says. Napolean replies-"Oh of course I am ready to make france great again!"

Napolean returns to earth

To be countinued...........

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