
Fighting Jasmine

Without hesitating, Shiro immediately slammed her hand down as chains appeared around.

Suddenly, invisible hands were revealed as Shiro managed to parry them before they could reach her.

Narrowing her eyes at Jasmine, Shiro activated Sigil of Night as her body faded into the darkness.

Seeing this, Jasmine put up her guard as souls started to howl around her.

However, even with this guard, she didn't expect to see Shiro's left hand cover her vision while her sword pierced the back of her neck.

With a single twist of her body, Shiro gritted her teeth as she tried to separate Jasmine's head once more.

This time, tens of soul chains erupted out from around her as she aimed to restrain the mass of writhing souls behind her so that she couldn't revive using it.

But just as her chains came into contact with this writhing mass of souls, Shiro didn't expect her chains to be swatted aside as black hands aimed to grab her.

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