
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Explosive Entrance.

Suddenly, everyone stopped in their tracks. They smelled a thick scent of iron in the air, then they looked at where the scent was coming from and saw a young man about fifteen years old with red liquid dripping down from his hands.

From the looks of it, it wasn't his blood. It was more likely someone else's blood. The Prince, everyone, even the Left Guardian stopped in their tracks and looked in shock at the young man with snake-like eyes.

"What is the meaning of this?!" the Left Guardian shouted, infusing neigong/internal energy into his voice and directing it towards the young man.

His voice made everyone's knees weak, even the six princes in front almost fell to the ground. Looking at the black tag the young man had, it was easy to deduce that he was also a Prince.

And looking at his snake-like eyes and expensive silky robe, he was more likely Cheon Mujin, the 8th Prince and Young Master of the Emerald Serpent Clan.

"You better explain why you came here with that blood, Prince Cheon Mujin, otherwise, I'm going to have to subdue you by force and expel you," said the Left Guardian with anger and fury in his voice.

Cheon Mujin simply smiled before answering.

"No need to be so concerned about this, Left Guardian. I just punished someone for treason," Cheon Mujin said before walking in front and lining up with the six heirs.

"Mind explaining what that means, Prince Cheon Mujin?" the Left Guardian said with contained anger.

"I killed someone who dared insult the Lord's Bloodline, wouldn't that be treason, right? To insult the Lord's bloodline," Mujin said blankly.

Suddenly, the tension in the air thickened, and the wind around the academy became heavy.

"What?" asked the Left Guardian with menace. Furious energy started to release all over his body, making everyone kneel down from the pressure.

For a Guardian, nothing is more anger-inducing than someone disrespecting the Lord of the Cult. In fact, that goes for everyone in the Cult. The Guard was just too blinded by greed for money that he didn't manage to see it more clearly and just proceeded without care. But if he knew that he would be indirectly insulting the Lord, then he would've killed himself.

But all in all, this was just sophistry from Cheon Mujin. He wasn't really that angry about the insult towards the Lord of the Cult; what he was truly angry about was the blatant disrespect of the hierarchy.

You see, Mujin valued hierarchy more than everybody else. It is what keeps everyone in line. So seeing something so important being blatantly disrespected by a mere guard made him angry.

"But don't worry, Left Guardian, he's already in the afterlife," Mujin said with a smug face.

The Left Guardian didn't really understand what was fully happening, so he snapped his fingers and summoned one of the Academy's instructors who was responsible for overseeing what's happening inside the academy.

The man bowed in front of him and leaned in. After hearing what happened and why, he sighed.

"I see you didn't do anything wrong, but next time, Prince Cheon Mujin, please inform us before you act," said the Left Guardian.

"Will do," Mujin replied with a sly smile, which ticked off the Left Guardian.

"Sigh..." he sighed.

Now, that was quite an explosive entrance, wasn't it? The six heirs looked at Mujin with wariness. Mujin just looked at the Right Guardian, one of the top 5 within the cult, right in the eye without nervousness and fear.

If it were any of them, they would at least flinch or cower, but he didn't, not when the other released his aura and not when he interrogated him.

"So this is the elusive 8th Prince?" They all thought with different kinds of emotion.

Some were feeling excited, some were wary, and some were pretty angry at him for stealing the spotlight.

Cheon Yeowun also saw this and he couldn't help but feel amazed.

"Such bold moves, there is not a hint of fear or nervousness behind his actions. It's like he's overflowing with confidence that he can defeat anyone."

Suddenly, as all of them fell deep into their respective thoughts, a loud horn resounded, signaling the arrival of someone important.

"It's the sound of the horn!"

"They're coming out!

"Quiet, the Lord is coming out!"

Then from the main building, three figures walked out of the shade. At the lead was Cheon Yujong, the Lord of the Sky Demon Order and the South Demon Lord.

Behind him was the Great Guardian Marakyum, feared within the martial world as the Death King, and from his side was the Left Guardian Seob Meng.

All of them were naturally releasing a strong presence, as if they were overlords of overlords. Each of these figures could shake the martial world if they were to make a move. They are like giants and titans.

"So that is the Lord!" Everyone thought in reverence.

Cheon Yujong took a seat on the throne prepared beforehand and looked at the crowd with a disinterested gaze.

"Silence!" Shouted Great Guardian Marakyum to silence everyone.

"My Lord, it's ready," he said, and Cheon Yujong stood up.

"You all are responsible for the future of this cult,"

"I welcome you," his voice was spoken with normal volume, but his neigong was so powerful that it was heard in every corner of the academy, as if he was near them, speaking right in front of them.

"In this place, make ties and train, become strong, and be the power of the Cult," after speaking, he turned his back away. The three guardians bowed and said in unison.

"Good work! My Lord," he walked away, but before he left, he took a glance at Cheon Yeowun. Though it looked like a harsh and evaluating gaze, Cheon Mujin thought otherwise.

He turned his back once again and walked away.

"Hehe, Cheon Yujong, you coy bastard," snickered Cheon Mujin inside his mind. Then Cheon Yujong's gaze once again stopped and fell on Cheon Mujin.

Cheon Mujin, with his sly smile and untrustworthy string eyes, looked back and bowed.

"My Lord," he muttered in a low volume, fully knowing that Cheon Yujong heard him. The latter didn't give him another second and removed his gaze, leaving the front.

Along with Great Guardian and Right Guardian Seob Meng, they left, leaving behind only the Left Guardian.

He was left behind because the Left Guardian is the Director or the Head of Academy, and he had to brief everyone on what will happen from now on.


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