
Chapter 0 - The Start

Long before existence took shape, within an endless expanse of nothingness, a boy of around 11 or 12 years floated aimlessly. His hair was a cascade of blond with a subtle green hue, reaching his shoulders. Crowned with a red Sherlock hat, his eyes were a curious blend of blue and red, each harboring a cryptic '1' and '0'.

Dressed in a green t-shirt under a red jacket, blue shorts, and vibrant boots, he held a posture of contemplation, legs crossed, hand resting on his chin.

With a playful smile, he muttered, "How about we start crafting a Universe?"

As he spoke, he raised his left hand to chest level, extending his index finger. "Under my authority, heed [New Order: Creation]," he declared.

His words seemed to cast a spell. The boundless white canvas shifted into a void of darkness. At the tip of his outstretched finger, a small white orb appeared, no larger than a fingernail. Withdrawing his hand, he then raised both, encircling the orb. An undertone of melancholy colored his playful expression.

"'I', the Seventh Seat, abdicate my position. The universe we forge shall stand free from the grasp of other Seats. It shall thrive under my blessing and protection, at the cost of my very existence."

Pausing before concluding, he murmured, "[Start Over]."

Within the orb, a faint movement stirred. His hand began to transform, turning into luminous white sand, slowly consumed by the orb's pull.

The boy seemed to dissolve, his form fragmenting into dust. Meanwhile, the orb swelled, consuming remnants of his presence.

Once every trace of the boy had merged with the orb, it expanded further, distancing itself from the 'Nothingness' it once called home. It embarked on the creation of a Universe.



Amid the abyss, a solitary heartbeat echoed. Encircled by ancient runes, a heart persisted, its rhythm accompanied by enigmatic symbols. It appeared the boy hadn't entirely vanished; instead, he'd ensconced a fragment of himself within these glyphs. Yet, the runes faltered under an unseen force, struggling against the 'something' within the heart.

In response, a voice pierced the void, "[Authority release: Authority Manifestation]."

Runes dissipated, and the heart morphed, turning obsidian. Its shape twisted and contorted, morphing into that of a female entity. Adorned in black twintails, hollow eyes, and a flowing grey dress, she emerged.

Draped in a billowing black coat, she sported gloves and boots in the same shade. The figure was crowned with a massive scythe, looming larger than her form itself. Her presence was absolute, and she locked eyes with the one who'd awakened her-the boy.

The boy stood in a translucent state, his outline ever-shifting. With a parting grin, he addressed her, "You were once my authority, but that chapter's closed. You now stand alone, free to ponder, decide, and be. It's astonishing that you wield 0.1% of my might as a newcomer."

The girl's gaze remained intense, her disappointment evident. After a pause, she voiced her sentiments, her tone heavy with reproach, "You failed."

His response was serene, "Indeed, I did."

"Pathetic," she retorted. "You vowed never to falter, yet you fell. Where?"

"At the final test."

"So, you lost...to the First Seat!? Him, of all beings! Was he that


"No. I was weak. I admit my failing."

"And that's it!? After all the eons, the struggles? You surrender now?"

The boy's grin held a twist of irony.

"Wait. Hold on. What makes you think I'm giving up?"

"That's the only conclusion, isn't it?"

"Who said so?"

"You did. You relinquished your Seat, your power, released 'me'. What's left?"

"Failures and a game piece."


"Let me explain. I tried, I faltered, I fell. I even expended myself to birth a Universe, a futile attempt. They're unaware of my true purpose-the rift connecting 'this' and 'that' universe isn't for mere corruption accumulation. They also remain oblivious to your existence."


"The stage is set. The game's begun."

The girl's disbelief morphed into a sinister grin. "???....!!!!!...You're certifiably insane, but you're the best."

He paused, a moment of serenity before the storm. "In due time, 'someone' will arrive, capable of reaching you. If that individual, irrespective of identity, touches you, both your existences will bind. Together, you'll inherit my mantle and become the next Drifters."

"Why 'two'? Why not one?"

"Two are required to surpass me and confront 'them'."

"Are you sure, or are you glimpsing into the future?"

"Experience and intuition guide my certainty."

"And when will this 'someone' come?"

"Oh, that!...I don't know."

"Fascinating! Even you're uncertain," astonishment flickered in her eyes. For the first time in their interaction, he was without an answer.

"Time for me to go," he remarked as his figure dissipated. Fingers gracing his hat's beak, he lowered it gently.

"It's been an adventure," he murmured, his form evaporating into the endless white void. Alone now, the girl commenced her solitary march.

"Est, one of the Seven 'True Gods,' you remained true to your word. Never faltering, not once."

A grin spread across her lips as she murmured, "This is going to be quite the amusement."