
Arc I: A Sorrow Forever Engraved In Our Hearts Pt. 1

It was a beautiful morning... A Beautiful morning of a day that will be forever engraved in my mind... A day of disaster... A day of sorrow... A day of. Pain... Everything started as usual. A good sunny morning like most days in Solumn. What I didn't know was that say would grow to become the coldest day of all...

???: Tsuneo! It's time to wake up!

Said my mother. I didn't listen so I didn't get up. She then called me again-

???: Tsuneo! Wake up! Your father needs your help outside!

My parents were the founders of our little village in the forest at the time. I woke up and got out of bed.

I'm Already up! I replied to her with an angering tone.

I got ready and put my feet covers on. I walked outside and met with my father.

???: Hey son. Good Morning.

Good Morning. I answered politely

???: I have a big surprise for you!

I had totally forgotten! Today is my 6th birthday! I stood there excited to see what he would give me.

He pulled out a wooden sword custom made for me. With a big smile on his face he gave me the sword and said,

???: This sword belonged to my ancestors. They passed down this sword as a tradition and a way of training their children to fight and defend themselves. I hope you like it!

I accepted the gift and gave him a hug. Then I ran to find my friends to tell them what I had been given.

They were on the playfield near the village, playing with the stray Corlions (Kittens with head fur similar to lions and small wings on their backs). I then arrived.

Guys! Look at what I've got! I exclaimed excitedly as I ran towards them.

Lucas, one of my best friends, ran towards me first, curious to see what it was. The others followed him. When we stood in front of each other I showed them the sword.

Lucas: Cool! Where'd you get it? He asked.

My father gave it to me as a birthday present. I said passing the sword around so they could hold it

???: Are you sure it's okay to hold it?... Asked Shariah, worried that they would break it.

???: No need to worry! Exclamated Walter taking the sword from Lucina's Hands.

Lucina: Hey Walter! "Force is not always the answer!" Quoted Lucina

Walter: I didn't use force, you just weren't strong enough! He stuck his tongue out. Lucina replied doing the same, then both pouted.

Lucas: Hey no fighting! Said Lucas trying to stop them.

I walked towards Walter and took my sword back.

Walter: Tsuneo now we can make our dream come true! Said Walter excitedly.

We can finally start our journey to become the strongest knights in all Solumn!

Lucina: Hey don't forget about us! We will make it there together!

Shariah: A-And we will be the best team ever! Quickly Joined Shariah throwing her shyness to the side.

Lucina: And then one day I'll become a Valkyrie!

Lucas: I will be a Guardian!

Shariah: I-I will be the best mage there is!

Walter: Me and Tsuneo will be the strongest of all knights!

We all cheered up and laughed.

Let's go play something! I suggested

Lucas: Let's play The Knight's Stone!

The Knight's Stone is a game where two people (The knights) hide a pile of stones (Sacred Stone) around the forest and the others (The Bandits) have to look for it while the knights try to stop them.

As we went to play the day passed by quickly... And as the night soon fell we had to go home.

Lucas: We have to go Shariah, mother will be mad at us if we stay out here for much longer.

Shariah: O-Okay... Bye guys... H-Happy birthday Tsuneo. She blushed as she said that. And then, she and Lucas ran back to their home.

Lucina: I should get going. My father is very protective of me, I don't want to worry him more than I already do... She then ran to her abode which was near the east entrance of the city.

I should get going too. My family probably wants to eat with me. Are you coming Walter? I asked.

Walter was an Orphan, so most of the time my family let him eat and sleep at our house.

Walter: I will stay a bit more. You can go first. He said smiling.

Okay. See you at home! I ran back home as quickly as possible.

Mother, Father, I'm home! I said as I walked in.

???: Welcome back honey! How was your day? She asked me while setting the table.

It was fun. I got to spend the whole day playing with Walter and the others!

???: That is great honey. She finished setting the table and came to me and gave me a hug.

My father then came and he hugged the both of us. My little sister who barely started walking had come to hug me too.

???: Son, Happy birthday. When you grow up you will be the best knight there is. He said it with a big smile on his face. He was proud of me and of the decision I had made.

We sat down to eat. We said a prayer to the Goddess Aselion and then—

???: Sir! Sir! A male voice coming from outside

One of the Guards of the village burst into our house, bleeding so much that I don't even know how he could still be standing. He said,

Lupus: Sir! The Knights of Solumn are here! They invaded through the west entrance!

At that moment everything descended into chaos.

???: What?! How did they— It doesn't matter! Gather everyone and evacuate!

Lupus: We can't! They have us surrounded! They demand to speak with you!

My father stood up.

???: Protect them. I will be back. He said as he left the house.

I stood up too.

???: Where are you going!? Asked my mother with a despairing tone in her voice.

I have to find Walter! He was near the west gate! I said as I left the house.

???: Tsuneo! TSUNEO! Screamed my mother afraid to lose me.

Outside I saw that all of the men were tied up in a circle with my father in the center tied up to a wooden pole.

I stopped. My mother came out after me and saw the scenario.

???: Darling! Let them go! She begged.

My little sister started to cry.

A man in a dark armor mounted on a pitch black horse came out of the woods. One of the knights turned to him and asked,

Knight: Sir! What do we do now?

The man on the armor dismounted the horse and took his helmet off.

???: I shall speak to him. He said as he walked towards my father going through the circle of men on the ground.

He stopped walking and stood still in front of the pole.

???: Agares! What do you want?! Said my father in anger

Agares: You took everything away from me Hiroyuki... You and your wife will pay for that.

Hiroyuki: We did what had to be done! My father spat at Agares's armor.

Agares laughed silently.

Agares: If that's how it's going to be, then so be it... He said that as he walked away from the pole. He turned to his knight and said,

Agares: Kill them all...

Knight: Even the children sir?...

Agares: Yes, except for that one.

Knight: But sir—

Agares: Did I stutter?...

Knight: N-No sir...

Agares: Good. He mounted his horse again and put his helmet back on.

Knight: Firgus Hadst Jerger! They charged up fire magic and released it towards the pole and all of the men who were on the ground. We watched without being able to do anything. We stood there listening to the agonizing screams of pain of our beloved fathers and our mother's beloved husbands.

Knight: Now, Kill the rest!

???: Tsuneo come! Said my mother who started running away from the village.

Everyone started running but they were faster and stronger than any of us. Without the strength of the men to protect us we weren't safe...

I saw Lucas and Shariah running. I wanted to help them but my mother wouldn't let me.

We tried to run as far as we could but we were ambushed by the Knights.

Knight 2: Don't hesitate! It's not just because she has a baby that she will be spared!

???: Tsuneo run!

But mother I-!

???: You have to go! You have to survive!

As much as I disagreed with her I couldn't stay... I ran leaving her behind.

Knight 2: You! After the child!

Knight 3: Yes sir!

The Knight ran after me.

As I looked back I saw my mother and little sister being killed by that knight, I heard my Little sister scream briefly and faintly as my mother held her pain inside her.

I kept running.

As I ran I fell onto the ground. The Knight who was already caught up to me rose his sword. As his sword was coming down upon me I saw Lucas and Shariah jumping on him. Lucas grabbed his right leg and Shariah Grabbed his left hand.

Shariah bit his hand making him let go of the sword. The Knight already angered grabbed Shariah by her hair.

Lucas: Let go of her! Let go of my sister!!

Shariah screamed in pain as he threw her towards a tree where she hit her head and died.


Lucas: Sister!? He looked at her. SISTER! GET UP! Lucas started crying even more as he saw that his sister wasn't answering his call. As he lost strength and grip the knight kicked Lucas in the face making him let go of his leg. He then grabbed Lucas by his head and punched him very hard leaving him strengthless laying on the ground.

I stood up and got the knight's sword and managed to wield it. It was a heavy sword, all I could do was raise it to a point where it was pointed at him

This has gone too far!

I ran towards the knight with the sword pointed at him.

Knight: Huh?!

I impaled the knight and we both fell on the ground. I then looked up and knelt down as the knight's blood poured out of his body. My hands were dirty with blood. I tried wiping off my tears but they became as red as the blood.

I was in despair.

I saw Lucas slowly crawling towards his sister's dead body.

I stood up and gave a step forward but saw other knights heading our way. I then backed up and ran away.

Lucas: Sister... Wake up... Said Lucas as he shook his sister's body. He didn't want to believe what had happened. The knights arrived at his location and saw the dead knight, they assumed Lucas was the one who had done that.

Knight: You brat! You will pay for this!

Lucas reached his sister and embraced her trying to preserve her body.

Lucas: It will be okay Shariah... You don't have to cry...

He wiped her tears off

The Knight then beat Lucas up to a point where Lucas had also been killed with the excruciating pain caused upon him...

It's going to be okay... I just have to pretend I'm playing The Knight's Stone... I have to hide and hope they don't find me... I said trying to convince myself that everything was going to be okay. I cried until I felt tired and sleepy but. I never stopped Crying.

Walter... Where is he? I thought looking for the only one who could've survived.

I looked up ahead and Walter was there standing ahead of me. I stopped running as rain drops started pouring in through the thick leaves of the woods.

Walter! Where have you been?! The village... I said catching my breath. The village has been massacred!

Walter Clenched his left fist and turned around. As he turned I saw blood in his hands. I then looked at the ground just to find that Lucina was dead.

Lucina! I looked at Walter and saw that his eyes had changed. You... You killed her?! You betrayed us?! I said as my voice cracked and tears rolled down my face. Why?... WHY?!

I entered utter despair.

Walter: I'm sorry Tsuneo... I can't let you achieve your dream... No... I can't let you achieve our dream...

He held a knife in his right hand, which he wielded against me.

Walter... Why?... We were your family!

Walter: I don't have a family! We both went silent for a few seconds. For people like me... There will never be a family... I'm tired of the powerful ruling this world... Since your parents are already dead... I'll make you a favor and reunite you!

He ran towards me ready to attack, I dodged the first few swipes but I was still cut by the other swipes.

Walter stop! We don't have to fight! We were friends! I said as I took a few steps back.

Walter: You said it right... We 'Were' friends...

I ran towards him and kicked his hands disarming him and leaving him open for attacks. I then grabbed the knife that was laying at the ground and stabbed him in the leg.

Walter: Aaaaagh! He fell to the ground and I topped him.

Walter stop! I threw the knife in the bushes.

Walter: No! I won't stop!

He hit my head with his head and got me off of him.

Agh! I stood up. He tried to do the same but couldn't due to the wound I inflicted in his leg.

Walter... I heard horses approaching. I looked the other way and kept running. Walter stayed there grunting in pain as I left him behind.

The horses reached Walter.

Knight: After him!

Agares trots up to them.

Agares: Leave him be... He is just a child, he won't be able to survive long out here...

He looked at Walter laying on the ground.

Agares: Take him to the castle and treat him. I have other plans for him.

As he said that he turned around and trotted away. The other knights followed him.

The Knight that stayed dismounted his horse and knelt down to pick Walter up.

Walter: Tsuneo... You have to live... So I can kill you with my own hands...

The Knight put Walter on the horse and mounted it. He then followed the path back to the Kingdom.

I dashed through the forest with tears falling from my eyes as I sobbed uncontrollably. I was now all alone, abandoned with nowhere to go, the only thing I could do was look up to the light of the sunset rising from behind the mountainy shadows, shining through the leaves of the trees as the rain died down and became the pouring I was used to. I stopped by a tree to rest hoping that I had gotten far enough from them. I hid myself from the light of the sun hoping that the heat of the upcoming day would dry my sorrows out, I was getting sleepy… I couldn't hold on, I layed against the tree and rested my head on it's trunk. There I fell asleep.