
Chapter 10

Walking up to the school gate, I stare at it with a bright intent to get stronger in my eyes.

This was the place where my status and destiny will change forever, I am Mael, the angel of the stars I will change my destiny and become the leader of the horsemen.


Opening the gate I walk down a path filled with a lot of people.

"Hey, have you heard that the Snow princess is gonna be going here? Im so excited to meet her"

"Babe im sorry but we are in different worlds now. How could I, a class B student associate myself with a class D student, it was never meant to be"

[AN: She just broke-up with the new protagonist, Mael no longer has that position]

"Psst, did u hear about the Inner School tournament, I heard the winner gets to pick whatever they want, they could even get an A rank legacy implant if they wanted."

Walking through the crowd, pieces of conversations floated in his direction.


Finally escaping the crowd of random students, he enters a long line of students.

Patiently waiting in line, a commotion broke out.

Three girls were fighting to stand behind this dude with gold eyes and blue hair.

Instantly I could tell he was a spoiled rich kid. The sickening aura of entitlement just made me wanna puke.

"You whore, I got here first. why do u wanna take my spot?"

"Shut up, you're looser than a pregnant woman. Just cause you love to open your legs for all the guys u see doesn't mean il let u corrupt my prince now move"

"You shouldn't be talking hoe, comparing me to you is like comparing garbage to a medium-rare steak"

"Ladies ladies ladies, you can all share no need to fight each other," says the boy with the blue hair.

Shaking my head in disgust I focus my attention on the line and see another girl glaring at the boy with blue eyes, as a freezing aura permeated from her.

Minding my business I wait in the line.


Finally, it's my turn, walking up to the person at the desk I say "Mael, class 7."

Staring at my face for a couple of seconds he says, "The useless one?"

"Says the dude who works at the front desk of a school. Please do your job"

Staring at me for a couple of seconds then bursting out in laughter, attracting the attention of everyone on the line he says

"Get out useless our school has no use for people of your kind"

"And I don't need a person who looks like a rundown version of Megamind to tell me what school I should go too, and I know you aren't talking, you work at the front desk of a school, if you were so talented to tell me what to do, you could at least be a janitor. so you are the useless fuck in this situation"

Grabbing my access card out of his hand, I storm into the school.


After getting lost I finally found Class F1.

Breathing in and out. I open the door and my jaw drops.

The class was filled with toilet paper while people randomly chatted while sitting on desks eating popsicles.

Everyone stopped talking and stared at me as I walked in.

Looking at class I grin and walk to an empty seat, opening my bag I bring out a sandwich.

"What you staring at, you have ever seen a black-haired eat a sandwich? if so you wanna go?"

As soon as I said everyone went back to talking like I never existed.

"So is this the new class im gonna teach." A seductive voice said behind the door.

Everyone focused their attention on the door.

A beauty who could topple the azure continent walked into the room.

Every male in the room took in a big gulp. A purple-haired beauty with a red spear at her side looked at everyone in the room.

"My name is Scathach. I will be your teacher for the rest of the year."

As she said that a pressure descending upon the class.

It almost crushed the students, but Mael shrugged it off like nothing

A surprised look showed on Scathach's face for a fraction of a second before it disappeared.

Lifting the pressure she says "It seems we have some potential, but remember this is the F class. You are nothing in the broad prospect of the school. Many of you were geniuses in your various schools but here your talent is mediocre or below average.

Facing the class she then says, "Time for introductions, we are gonna go from the 1st row down"

Next chapter