Clans of mythical creatures going to war with each other.
Mythical Faction
"The world had changed…for what I once saw to be a peaceful world…was about to turn into a field of greed and blood. If I don't do something, my race was going to fall…
Gavin Naosu walked down the stairs of the church as a man ran up to him.
"Naosu we have an update in the upper part of the U.S near Ohio!" The vampire nodded awaiting the news. "Well sir, seems the fairies were located and killed by the Balams" Gavin put his hand to his mouth.
(Strange, what would those Jaguar-like men gain in killing off those creatures?) "They may be up in Ohio, but have our best men guard the outer part of our land. Allow them to bring extra blood to ensure they're ready for any attacks against us"
"I will see to it that we are well guarded" He bowed to Naosu then proceeded into the church…
Kelsey, the leader of the kelpies stood up against a tree watching the demonic horses roaming around. Kelsey looked out at her tribe and knew they could handle any issues. She had just received word of the fairy massacre by the Balams. The senseless violence sickened her stomach, but she knew she would do similar to protect her Kelpie clan from danger…
Just then one of the dark horses began to freak out before taking off in a random direction. Kelsey stood up straighter and looked around.
"Kelpies to the water!" She watched her clan fled into the water. A large basilisk slithered towards them, easily destroying the trees just from the force of it's body. Kelsey ran at the basilisk to distract it. A basilisk infestation would undermine the clan of kelpies, though since they become water, they would be safe. The giant serpent let out a terrible screech as it went for the kill. Luckily she dogged it causing the serpent to bite into a tree.
As the basilisk charged her, a man dressed in a black cloak stood in front of her waiting for the beast to attack. The snake lunged toward him when all of a sudden the stranger caught the top and bottom teeth of the large creature before slamming it to the ground. "Have to make sure it can't attack again" Using his super-human strength the vampire shattered most of it's teeth.
Kelsey backed up towards the water, knowing she would be safe. She could hear her kelpies whimpering in the water. The vampire looked at her with red eyes. "Do you know why the serpents would just randomly attack you for no valid reason?"
"No. We have no quarrels with any clans or beasts." Kelsey moved so her feet were in the water. The vampire became a little suspicious of her but nodded to her and took off with his super-human speed moving through the trees. Kelsey watched the vampire go. She sent out the safety signal, alerting her clan that the danger has past…
Meanwhile the vampiric man stopped, standing on a tree branch. He put two fingers to his small earpiece. "So far it seems most of Idaho is clear of any chaos at the moment. Though one girl, leader of a group of Kelpies seems to be acting unusual, though it could just be me"
"I'd check on that clan after a day or two" Naosu suggested.
"Will do sir" The call ended as he leapt from the massive tree…
Next, far left in Utah…a clan of giants lived around a large volcano. They managed to create caves close to the volcano without any lava reaching them. Artemis, the lord of minotaurs, had ordered some of his warriors to scout the giants. After about a day of surveillance, he knew now would be the right time to invade their territory before the giants gained knowledge of their presence.
Artemis was miles away, about half way between his and the giant's land. While a group of his best warriors went for the attack. The best of them pointed at the entry point of their cave. The others aimed large arrows toward the opening and shot them forward. Each one hit around the outline of the hole, causing the top of the opening to crack, barricading them in with large boulders of their volcano.
The top minotaur noticed them about to escape, he ordered them to fire a powerful arrow into the volcano to cause it to erupt. They nodded readying their arrows. Once in a farther range, he ordered them to shoot. As the giants broke out, the arrows landed in the pool of lava causing it to burst in a wave of smoke and ash. The bull-like beasts began to get more distance while the giants were engulfed in the thick dark smoke.
"You little worms!" Suddenly one of the giants came out of the cloud of smoke landing a few feet away from them. One of the minotaurs shot an arrow hitting them in the eye.
"Raaaagghh!" The large beast stepped back a few feet with fluid running down his face. "You little shits! You'll pay for that!" The large man threw a punch toward the minotaur leader but his arm was decapitated by the human-like beast's giant dual-weld axe. The large arm landed on the grassy land sitting there motionless with blood running out of the end of it.
Before the giant could attempt another attack, the beast slashed the giant multiple times to the point he was unable to stand. He hit the ground with a loud crash.
"Good, our work here is done" they responded leaving the area back to their land. Artemis awaited his warriors' return, feeling in his gut that the battle had been won. He planned their next actions, pondering an alliance with the centaurs or vampires and whether to destroy the werewolves or kelpies…
Back in Florida Naosu was siting in a chair on the balcony of the church. Being high up, he was able to see and hear much further with his vampiric abilities. He saw an approaching minotaur entering their territory. Two men tried to stop him when Gavin suddenly came up behind them.
"Stand down men. If the clan's leader were attacking us, he would've sent much more men. So…what brings you to the Vampiric land?"
"Artemis wishes to extend an alliance with the vampires. There is much violence nowadays," the minotaur says. Naosu nodded in agreement.
"I shall agree to an alliance with him. All of our clans being independent isn't a good idea in this time of War... we never know which clan will be the next to fall"
"He extends this due to the fall of the fairies. It is troublesome times that peaceful peoples fall" the minotaur says. The head vampire signed a paper giving the minotaur proof of his alliance. The minotaur fastened the letter to his person before heading off to return it to Artemis. The minotaur returned and delivered the alliance agreement. Artemis took it and praised the minotaur. He then went inside their base to continue plotting…
Deep in Wyoming, the clan of werewolves had taken control and remained there ever since. Their leader Erica was the strongest of all, along with being the shallow few able to control their actions while in the werewolf form. She walked past a group of warriors talking, going into her large tent. Just then her 2nd in command came racing in behind her.
"My queen! I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news, the harpies have planned to attack and are on their way here!" She gave him a serious look replying: "Where did you get this intel?"
"Eric our scout, he managed to eavesdrop on a few of the bird's conversations"
"Alert our men of the situation. I will gather our alphas for the fight" After about 20 minutes, the sounds of harpies could be heard out in the distance. Erica's body grew bigger with more muscle mass until it was covered in snow-like fur. She leapt up into the trees jumping tree to tree, each time grabbing on with her sharp claws. The others quickly followed as the first bird-like human came flying toward them.
Erica stayed still, holding onto the side of a large oak tree until letting go, grabbing the harpy. They struggled till hitting the grassy forest floor. The creature continued to struggle when Erica suddenly stabbed the bird through it's torso with her sharp claws. The harpy instantly died in a pool of it's blood. At that moment, the rest of the harpies came flying towards them. Erica watched as the harpies and werewolves attacked each other. The harpies may've had sharp claws, but the werewolves had much more endurance.
One by one Serena took out the harpies. There were more than she anticipated but she was ready to take them all out with her fellow companions. She had gotten some wounds but that wouldn't stop her. Another harpie came rushing at her and she jumped at it, bringing it to the ground. She bit into its neck and put more and more pressure on it as blood splattered out. The harpy struggled against her, clawing at her until it's very last breath.
Finally they managed to take them down with just some bad wounds on their bodies.
(At least they're only wounds instead of casualties) she thought. After making sure that no other harpies were inbound Erica had the two least injured men go scout out the harpies land in case there was anything of value or any survivors.
Serena limped over to Erica, in human form, and sighed, "I wonder why they attacked this time?" She said as she watched the two men take off. She never really knew why the harpies and werewolves were enemies. She didn't know the back story but obviously there was good reason…
Back in Florida Gavin was walking out to the outer-part of their land, a vampire came over asking why their ruler was so far from his base.
"Because…I feel as though something bad is headed in our direction, I won't let anything happen to my race, they've done nothing to deserve such a fate" He quickly leapt into the air, dashing through the trees at super-human speed. Meanwhile A few vampires heard about their leader heading off on his own, so they went off to aid him. After about 30 minutes of fast moving through the trees, he saw a dragon perched on a mountain.
The vampire proceeded to pass it when a blaze of flames came from his right, Gavin quickly flipped sideways just enough to evade the flames. He turned to see a silver dragon looking at him. The man stayed on the large branch he had landed on, waiting for either the silver or black dragon to make a move.
Both dragons unleashed a duo blaze of fire straight for him, Naosu jumped off the branch, watching it be set ablaze by the dragon's flames. He now saw this as an act for self-defense. The vampire went for the black one that was now flying toward him from the mountain. Dogging every incoming blast, Naosu struck the large beast across the face before holding onto it's back. It fell toward the ground still trying to smack Gavin with it's tail while also trying to regain it's balance.
Just before impact the dark dragon managed to knock Naosu back with it's tail causing him to go staggering backwards into a small cave.
"W-wow that hurt" He struggled to get back up after the strong force of the dragon's tail. Naosu reached into his shirt pocket, pulling out a small bottle of blood from a deer he had hunted weeks ago. Once he had drank the blood, his wounds began healing themselves and he was able to get back on his feet. Moments later a few of the vampires were heard being attacked by the two dragons about a mile back.
Gavin hurried back where he saw the four top warriors of his race evading the fireballs. One projectile was aimed straight for Karmus when the vampiric leader intercepted it by pushing the ball of flames away with his bar hand. Just then a dragon far bigger than the two before came into view, it stopped right next to the other two. A man stood on the gigantic creature looking down on them.
"I knew your kind would invade my land, what purpose do you have to hurt my poor beasts?" Naosu looked at him with a serious look.
"Your dragons attacked us first, I meant to pass them when I finally had to defend myself!" The man stared at him with a nearly emotionless expression.
"Very well, you've made your choice and will now be given your penalty" The massive dragon took off at an incredible speed, Three of the warriors stayed and faced the silver and dark dragon while Gavin and Karmus chased after the large dark red one the king was on. However they couldn't seem to catch up with the flying creature.
"My lord, at this rate we won't reach them in time!" His ally commented still moving as fast as they could. Naosu didn't stop, he knew hesitating could just make things worse, he would have to think up a strategy while moving at his max speed. At that moment, they realized they were near their territory. The dragon unleashed an immense wave of fire burning through their land. Gavin told Karmus to try and save anyone they could while he continued to pursue the monster.
"Understood" His ally replied taking off in search of the nearest vampire in danger. Naosu used the buildings to get higher to reach the dragon. He saw they were about to reach the church of Sinto.
"Oh no" he exclaimed to himself. Just as the beast was about to destroy the church, Naosu jumped as high as he could off the large building he was on, risking it all. It seemed as if he was just an inch off when luckily he gripped the creature's tail. Using his super-human strength, Gavin put his fingers closed together like a dagger, stabbing the beast in it's lower underside.
Only the top of the sacred building was scorched by the flames. The dragon lord fell from his beast while the massive creature plummeted to the ground with a thundering crash. Their leader quick stabbed the dragon through it's heart making sure it was defeated. He hesitated before feeding on the creature's blood.
Just as he finished, the dragon's ruler went for his pet's murderer. But with the dragon's blood Naosu could move much faster. He caught his attacker's arm that was holding a dagger.
"I'm sorry, but you've killed innocent people that didn't deserve this" Gavin stabbed his foe straight through his chest, his hand dripping blood outside the man's back. All of the remaining citizens watched as their lord puled his hand out of his target. Some thought it was violent but knew this was what he had too do.
Naosu looked behind him, seeing destroyed homes along with dead vampires. He fell to his knees striking the scorched ground as tears ran down his face. Karmus came up behind him placing his hand on his lord's shoulder…
"How many?" Naosu asked not moving his head.
"How many what my lord?"
"How many of are race remains here?" The ruler replied with a depressed tone.
"About 60 of us remain sir…we lost 140 of them to the immense flames of the beast!" Naosu finally walked on, that's when two little kids came up to him, a boy and girl. They seemed like twins since they both had light brown hair and purple eyes. They ran to him holding onto him.
"Our-our mother was killed by that monster!" The vampire embraced them then kneeled down to the two kids.
"Don't worry, I will take care of you two, I'm sure it's what they would've wanted" He picked them both up, taking them into one of the homes that the dragon hadn't reached. They laid down in a large bed quickly falling asleep…
It took days for the city to fix most of the damage done by the monster but eventually they managed to continue on. Though they'd never forget all the loses that day…
Months went by without any other problems until a message was received from the minotaurs that they were in need of support against Manticores. Naosu sighed still grieving from his lost race, but knew doing nothing wouldn't help anything. So the man took off with a few others while leaving Karmus in control until he got back, or if he came back…
After about two days they reached the fighting location. Many minotaurs and manticores laid dead all over the rocky terrain. Gavin took in a deep breath trying not to focus on all the corpses laying around him. He saw a group of minotaurs fighting off two large manticores over by a dead end blocked by a tall cliff. He moved at full speed, his momentum was so high that it seemed as though things around him were moving in slow motion. Just as one of the lion-like creatures went for an attack, Gavin struck it's face sending the monster staggering into the cliff with a loud boom. Parts of the cliff collapsed and buried the thing in a pile of rocks.
The other monster let out a devastating roar that shook the entire area. Suddenly a ball of fire began to form in it's mouth.
"Wait, Manticores can't shoot fire balls!" Naosu yelled just as the projectile shot from the creature's mouth towards him. He deflected it past him out into the distance. It erupted in a dome of light out in the rocky terrain leaving a large crater. "Damn, that attack's stronger than I thought it was" Wasting no time, the vampire dashed forward once more. He managed to strike the large beast in the ribs, causing it to whale in pain.
Instead of giving up or falling over, the creature ascended up into the sky once again forming a ball of flames.
"All of you, get away from here. It's going to attack much stronger this time!" All of the remaining minotaurs along with the allied vampires took off away from the area while Naosu stayed still waiting for the attack. It came down like a large meteor. He put both arms straight out…The entire area shook violently by the force of it's attack. The vampire was shaking but didn't give in. With all his super-human strength, along with the boost from the dragon's blood, he forced the massive sphere right back at it's attacker The vampire watched as the manticore was hit by it's own attack. Gavin looked away by the blinding light of the explosion. Once he looked back, he saw the creature laying motionless in a crater. It's body looked as though it had been fried in an oven.
Gavin Naosu sat on a rock out of breath with some of his clothes burned from the creature's attack.
"Ugh, I've gotten much faster, but seems blood is no help when it comes to my stamina" Luckily his wounds healed in mere seconds and he was able to stand back up to let the others know he had won…
Once everyone was gathered, they thanked their ally for his help and told him they would be returning to their land. One of them walked up to him while the other's left and replied : "If you can, please kill their queen, as you can see we've already lost a great deal of warriors in just the normal fight, please end it and take care of the queen"
"We'll try. But we might have to find more help first" The minotaur nodded as it followed it's race back to their land…
Meanwhile in Virginia, a man studying life and death finally created a substance capable of reanimating corpses. He went out to each of the cemeteries, pouring his dark green goo all over the soil. Suddenly the dead began to rise up from their graves, a green mist covering the entire area.
"Welcome to your 2nd chance of life" The man grinned as his black hair brushed over, covering his green right eye. His horde of undead had pale skin with black eyes and chipped skin. After days of gathering them, the insane man's army consisted of thousands of zombies. A grin formed across his face.
"Now to prove to everyone that I'm just as strong as they are!" The man, along with his thousands of undead made their way into North Carolina when a balam stepped out from a large rock. The balams were leopard beings that walked like men. The creature held a large sword in it's right hand.
"What business do you have entering our territory?" It asked, staring at the army of undead intensely. Their leader laughed responding: "Kill this fool!" The crowd of zombies let out screeches, charging their target. The animal hybrid quickly pierced through the undead horde one after another. Letting out a roar, his allies that had been watching from the trees, jump down to join the fight.
There was only six of them against thousands of undead. They knew they were incapable of defeating every single undead on the field, but thought lowering their numbers would be a good alternative. They may've been out numbered, but zombies weren't nearly as fast as the leopard men.
The zombies were relentless, scratching and biting. They continued their assault but were decapitated or sliced in half by the hybrid's blades. Their lord began to get uneasy. (This is bull, they should've been killed by now! At this rate, I'm gonna lose a great portion of my men on the first battle!) He began backing away from the fight wile the balams reduced his numbers more and more. Once a mile away he gave the command: "Retread my undead! Back to our land!"
Both the man and his army of zombies ceased their attack, running back to Virginia, away from the threat. Meanwhile the leopard men went back to their village to check their injured. Only two of the six men were wounded. Kaylah, their lord came out of her large hut to check on their recovery.
"How goes your healing?" She said pushing the cloth door out of her way. Kaylah had long brown hair with green eyes, she had a youthful look to her even if she was only 20. The tribe's heal was siting in a chair between both men's beds.
"They'll be fine, Dezba only sustained minor scratches, so his wounds should be treated easily. Though…I suggest he rest for a day or two, getting scratched by the undead can mess with a living creature's mind, even send them into madness. As for Gunther, he seemed to have a terrible bite upon his hand. For his treatment, he might have to be strapped to the stone tables in the back until we're certain he won't become an undead"
Their lord looked at her follower with eyes filled with worry. Her follower assured her it would be ok, it was for the safety of the balam tribe. Kaylah walked over trusted in silver armor. But as she went to place her hand upon the leopard man's head, he brushed her away. "I'm sorry my lord, I mean no disrespect, I just don't wish to possibly infect you with the corpse's disease"
"He's right, the infection is capable of traveling through physical contact. You should keep a good distance of five or so feet from both these men until were absolute that they're clean of the infection" The healer suggested.
"I understand, please…get better both of you" She responded in a worrisome tone. Both men assured her they were going to be ok and whatever happened, happened. She went back to her hut that was the largest of all of the tribe's huts. They knew of modern technology, but saw it more of a distraction than actual help.
Their lord walked through the cloth doors that hung there like curtains. She sat on her bed that was filled with straw instead of your average mattress. "Ugh, I hope I don't lose either of them. By the sound of it, Dezba has a lower chance to succumbing to his claw marks than Gunther, he has a full-on bite mark, meaning he has a 50% chance of joining the undead horde…Maybe I can form an alliance that has the capabilities of defeating such an infectious army"
Kaylah heard word of the vampiric army down in Florida, so she sent three of the remaining five warriors down south towards the vampiric territory…
They came to the large castle where two vampires dressed in black cloaks stood side by side at the entrance. "What business do you leopard hybrid have with our lord?" One of the balam stepped forward replying: "We come in the name of our lord Kaylah to form an alliance with our tribe so we may defeat the undead army that has popped up in Virginia"
The man standing to the left replied: "We shall allow you to speak with our lord Naosu, but…should you do anything to upset him, we shall throw you out without hesitation" The balam still standing in front of the other two put his hand across his chest, bowing in agreement. "I agree to your terms, shall we go?"
The leopard men followed right behind one of the vampires, leading them through the large stone court yard. The vampire had spiky black hair, pale skin and red eyes. He wore a black suit with red tie. After a few minutes of walking, they reached a large pair of golden doors with an "R" inside a sun symbol in the center of both doors.
The doors slowly opened with a strong vibration shaking the room. The trio found themselves standing before Naosu, the vampiric lord, his black hair covering his right eye, his left glowing red. Like most vampires, his skin was also quite pale as well. "Welcome to the fortress of the vampires. What brings you to my land? I heard your race took out the fairies in Ohio for no reason"
"Lies, that wasn't us. We live in North Carolina…the only race I know of that live near the fairies in Ohio would be the basilisks, large creatures such as snakes, lizards or other reptiles. But don't know how we could be blamed by their actions, our races look nothing alike. Anyway, we've come to form an alliance against an undead army that's sprouted up in Virginia"
"So you would like my men to help you defeat the undead since we're impervious to the affects of the zombie's bite or scratches?" Both leopard men knelt down with their hands across their torso as a sign of respect. "Yes lord Naosu, we hope you accept or request and in return we will be loyal to you in return"
Gavin thought for a moment before answering: "Very well, I shall assist your race in the coming threat. In return, I shall request one of you stay here so we may keep in better contact or update between each other"
"Alright, I Genokai will stay behind while the other two head back to South Carolina" The two balams nodded as they prepared to depart. Naosu rose from his throne walking down the stairs towards the great doors of the entrance.
"Sir, I don't think it's a good idea to leave your fortress…it isn't right for the lord to leave his land unattended. I suggest you reconsider and send half your army alone" Gavin turned to his servant responding: "I'm going to Virginia to deal with those undead and as the lord and master of the vampiric army, you will accept my decision. Who is the strongest of the vampires not including myself?"
"The 2nd elite vampire in all of Florida would be Alamaro Socomi, he controls the outer part of our land about 50 miles north of here" His servant answered. Their lord smiled replying: Tell him I order him to come watch over the fortress while I'm gone" His follower bowed in understanding before walking away.
Naosu had 20 of his men join him while leaving the others to guard the base. "Alright we're off. Genoki, make sure nothing goes wrong while I'm gone" The leopard man assured him that everything would be exactly the way he left it. The vampire lord replaced his royal cloak he had on, putting on his black steel battle armor instead. "Let's head out" All his men saluted their lord before following him up toward Virginia…
After a few days they finally reached Virginia. Naosu had both balams stand by while he went on ahead. "I want two men on both sides of this path every mile. To be clear, I will approach the enemy's base, every mile I walk, I want two men on ether side of the path hidden and ready to attack"
His men followed behind, every mile two of his men would hide on both sides of the dirt path, either behind a tree or rock. Finally Gavin saw the horde of undead coming into view. It looked as though there was an endless number of them.
"Alright…time to take out these piles of flesh" Their lord took off at incredible velocity. He took out a katana he kept at his side, decapitating tons of undead in mere moments. The vampire stood in the center of the thousands of undead. He looked around but noticed they were walking around as if they didn't even know he was there. "That's right, the dead are attracted towards the living. Being an undead race myself, I doubt they can sense or smell my presence"
Naosu ordered the few remaining men to take out as many undead as they could. The five men joined in as all of them continued to cut all the corpses into pieces. Took the group of six vampires about 15 minutes to finish off most of the undead that walked around the base. Gavin ordered his squad of men to stay outside while he went inside the small base.
"Yes sir!" They responded as their master made his way up to a steel door. Not even checking if it was unlocked, the vampire struck the large door with immense force. With one more blow, the door fell backwards with a loud smash. "This place needs more defense" Naosu sighed walking through a narrow gray hallway.
It didn't take long for him to find the location of the zombie's lord since vampires can smell blood from long distances. (Alright, looks like he's through here) Once more the vampiric lord found himself standing in front of a large layered steel door. With merely a few blows, the door went flying off it's hinges.
There stood the lord of the undead, but in between the vampire and his target were mutated zombies that were seven feet tall and buff. "Should've expected him to keep mutated corpses nearby at all times. Didn't think he'd be capable of multiplying his undead's body to such a degree"
"Welcome human, you are in the presence of the coming lord of all races" A smirk spread over the vampire as his red eyes glistened in the dark room. "If you think I'm a mere human, then go ahead and have your buff undead kill me"
"If you insist, undead…kill him!" The 20 zombies and five buff undead let out screeches and roars as they charged toward their ordered target. Naosu remained still as the horde reached him. As one of the large corpses threw a devastating blow in his direction, the vampire easily caught it with his left hand, twirling him around like a recking ball, knocking all of the others back.
"Come now, don't tell me you can't even kill one measly human" Gavin laughed, throwing the giant undead right for it's master. The man managed to run out of the way just as it smashed into his throne, crushing it. The villain was filled with rage at the thought of his throne being destroyed, along with his minions losing to an insignificant being.
Out of nowhere, a large zombie grabbed Naosu from behind, holding his hands back so he couldn't move. "Yes, that's it! Do it my undead corpse, self-destruct!" That's when the creature began blowing up as if filling with liquid. Just as the monster prepared to explode, Gavin threw both arms forward with all his strength. The bloated monster flung forward as it's arms broke off from it's torso.
The warrior turned his back as the monster went flying right for it's master. "Nooo!" Right as the corpse was just inches away, it erupted in a powerful explosion. Gavin felt the force of the burst rush past him, but he stood motionless until all was quiet. Once he looked behind him, all the undead had been silenced from the monster's self-destruction. "Hmph, expected more from one that could summon and control so many undead at one time. He was nothing but talk"
Making his way back outside, the man pulled out a small vial of blood he had saved in case he needed a boost during the fight. "Looks like I didn't need this, but wouldn't hurt to keep my strength up for the moment" The vampiric lord stepped outside to find all the undead laying in the dirt.
"Great work my lord, I never doubted you"
"Don't worry, their lord had not idea what he was doing. I'm sure nearly all races could've killed him if they weren't worried about becoming infecting and becoming an undead as well" The vampire followers regrouped with their master as they met with Genoki at the balams base.
"Thank you for your help, we are all truly grateful that an outside, especially their own lord would come help us in our time of need" Kaylah thanked him getting down on one knee as a sign of respect.
"There's no need to kneel before me. As a fellow race lord, I see you as my equal. You have no need for royal gestures. Before I go, I have no use of Virginia at this time. I would use it as a closer connection to your clan, but I do not have enough troops to bring out here. So, you may use Virginia as your own territory and expand. I wish you the best until we meet again"
She stood back up and thanked him once more. Naosu waved goodbye as he and his followers made their way back toward Florida…
With all the group consisting of only vampires, they ran at super-human speed, reaching the base in just a few hours. That's when a royal vampiric guard came out from the castle to inform their master of a problem that had come up. "My lord, I hate to inform you of this, but Alamaro Socomi has named himself lord of the vampires. I'm sorry my lord. I assure you that many of us are only loyal to you"
"How may vampires joined his side?"
"About five sir. I'm sure he'll be waiting for you" Naosu walked past his servant toward the large row of stairs leading to the entrance of the castle's main lobby. (Such insolence to think he could name himself lord. I've been lord for years, he must not know the gap in are experience and abilities)
The warrior pulled out the other and remaining blood vial he kept in his hidden pockets. His muscles grew an inch as is body looked more buff from the great boost of power. Gavin walked through the two golden doors leading to the throne room.
"Welcome Gavin, so happy you could be here for my crowning" The master laughed responding: You must've forgotten, only the strongest vampire can claim the tile of lord"
"Oh, I'm well aware, which is why I tend on defeating you here and take the title from you" Gavin looked over behind the throne to see five vampires, three women and two men standing in a perfect line with their hands behind their backs like marines. "Are your minions joining the fight as well?"
"Come now, what would that prove? If I had them fight with me it wouldn't show me as the superior vampire. Now…let us begin" Alamaro announced, jumping from the top step across the large room. Right as the renegade went for a fast moving punch in mid-air, his lord moved out of the way just in time.
The man's fist brushed past his target, giving Naosu an opening to attack. The dark-haired leader struck his opponent head-on in the abdomen, sending him smashing into the stone wall of the throne room. The vampires watching just stood motionless, not commenting on their leader losing.
Socomi slowly got up from the destroyed crater in the wall, his blonde hair messed up. "That's it! I've had enough!" The traitor moved full speed right for his lord. (Really, he's charging me again?) Again his attacker went for a quick offensive move, but right as the villain went for a fast moving kick, Naosu threw a punch aimed at the coming kick. A shockwave rang out from their immense force. That's when the renegade's leg bone fractured. He hit the ground with incredible pain surging through his right leg.
"You ass! I should've been master of our race, you don't deserve such an honor!" Naosu stood over him and replied: "Is that right? Who is the strongest of the vampires?...who saved the balams when they were in danger even though we had no business with them. They were far away from us, I could've let the undead overrun their race, but unlike you, I care about others especially if they're not going around killing innocent people or entire clans! You may be an undead vampire like me, but we all know away to get past that"
Gavin took his betrayer to the dungeons where he chained him to a pole by the window. "As a fellow vampire you should know what happens when a vampire's low on blood and the sun rises…Socomi faced the large window that was just above his head behind his lord.
"Wait, don't tell me you're going to let the sun kill me!? That's not what a leader should do!"
"Oh, you suddenly know what a lord should do? Right after you tried to take over my clan? Naosu put his index and thumb beneath the man's chain so the man couldn't look away. "You've lost my trust…therefore you will be treated like the enemy you are. Isn't it interesting?...Most races are unaware that vampires are only affected by the sun if they are low on blood. If the vampire keeps enough blood flowing through their body, it protects them from the suns rays"
That's blasphemy! Everyone knows vampires can't be in the sun!" That's when Gavin abruptly forced two fingers through his neck, gripping his jugular vein. "Let's put it to the test shall we?" That's when the vampire could feel his blood beginning to drain from his body at a great pace. "Such irony, to have your blood drained by a fellow vampire"
Alamaro witnessed his built body become puny while Naosu's body became more muscular. "I assume you didn't know vampire blood could feed other vampires as well? It may work, but it's not as plentiful as a human's pure blood" His victim's body looked shriveled in wrinkled like an old human.
Out of the dark sky, rose the sun, filling the entire room a blaze with it light. Alamaro put his arms over his face in an attempt to protect himself from the rays. However, it was in vein. The sun washed over him as smoke could be seen coming from his perishing body. The dying warrior looked up to see his master covered in the sunlight but unaffected by it's rays.
"I guess you were right my lord…you are the supreme vampire" He closed his eyes as his body became dust. Naosu bowed in respect for the fallen warrior moments right as he proceeded to go back to his throne room…
CHAPTER 2: A Coming War
All the way in New York…a lord stood at the tip of a skyscraper, his eyes glimmering with dark red as shadow creatures swarmed around him, a grin formed across his face in the clouded city. "So it begins…" The man dived from the high tower, falling straight for the city. Just as he was going to hit the street, he stopped in mid-air, a blood-red aura swarming around his body.
The dark master flew off, south…A red mist followed behind him and his swarm of shadow demons. As they soared over plants and animals, the red mist began to kill them and deteriorate their body. That's when they reached Ohio.
"Mmm, seems we've found are first pray" The kelpies made their way back to the water, most of the demonic horse spirits reached the water except for one. The demon managed to grab it's leg. It's master watched in horror as the greenish spirit became a black shadow version of the horse with red eyes.
"What have you done to my kelpie!?" She cried out. The villain was finally in view, he wore silver armor with white hair and red eyes. "I've permanently turned converted your precious horse into a shadow demon, he now obeys me"
"Grrr, you'll pay for that!" Kelsey charged her opponent without thinking. But in an instant, the demon lord grabbed her face with his left hand. "Your finished" The women's body was slowly turned to black as well as if ink was slowly covering her body. He let go to see yet another shadow creature. "Good…now call to your kelpies so we may enlighten them as well"
Their lord moved onto the next closest clan which happen to be the balams…
"Sir! Incoming enemies from the west!" Kaylah came out of her large tent to find the shadow demons had taken physical form, they were pale with large sharp spider-legs and a demonic human's upper-half. "This isn't good" She said to herself with her face filled with fear.
The approaching monsters stopped in place, separating into two straight lines, creating a path for their lord. "Hello balams, my name is Parsami the dark lord of the demons. I would much rather have you submit quietly. It's such a waste of energy to take you by force"
"Never!" A leopard man cried out, lunging toward him with a spear. Right as the warrior was about to hit his target, his weapon broke apart, giving Parsami a chance to grab the fool by the throat. This time, instead of converting the creature, he instantly killed him. Kaylah watched as her ally turned to a mere skeleton. She fell to her knees, tears running down her cheeks.
"Now then, are you going to come quietly? Or must I resort to converting you as well?" The girl pulled out two daggers from both sides of her waist, throwing them straight at his target. The demonic king stood motionless as both blades stabbing him in the abdomen. "Hmph, so that was your trump card? So sad these clans are run by weak humans"
She stared in horror as her attacker slowly approached her. She was frozen in complete fear. The anxiety caused her skin to grow cold with sweat running down her face. Parsami grabbed her by the throat, snapping her out of her fear-induced trance.
"My poor lord, you have one final chance to save yourself and your comrades" She commanded every single balam to throw all blades they had left. They nodded throwing them as hard as they could. All watched as the demonic army just watched while each blade pierced the villain's back an shoulders. However, even with all their efforts, the grip of the man's hands around her throat proceeded to tighten even with dozens of stabs from the leopard men.
"One's fear is to weaken one's self, limiting the capabilities of the mind. I pity those who let such negativity feeling overrun their actions. Take comfort in the thought you will be released from such weights" Again the tyrant transformed the lord into a demonic shadow, gaining control over the balams…
Meanwhile in Florida…
Naosu felt a sense of anxiety surge through him. "What is it my lord?" The vampire lifted his head up from his fist replying: I feel…like I've lost something dear to me" He quickly raced into a small room behind the throne room. There laid the two kids he had saved some time ago, save and sound.
"So then, what is it?" Gavin ordered the leopard man over. "Master, we have a problem, we've lost connection with my clan…I fear someone's captured them!" Naosu placed his hand upon the hybrid's shoulder and told him it would be ok. "I will save your race. While I'm gone…inject this into my adopted son. It's my blood, who ever is given a dose will become a vampire"
The balam was a little uncomfortable but knew it would best to follow his master's orders. "Lastly, give them these pills, they will know all my memories" His hybrid nodded in understanding. The vampiric lord took a deep breath then took off at super-human speed…After an hour of running full speed, he reached the location of North Carolina.
He found himself in a large swampy area. The gross feeling of standing in the mucky waters. Just then, he heard movement behind him. Without thinking, he spun around, throwing a powerful punch before stopping with his fist just inches from a stranger's face.
"That was close. You must really be on guard" The man commented. Gavin slowly lowered his fist, but not letting his guard down. "Who are you" he asked. The unknown man smirked with his hands behind his back. "My name is Obara Convoy. It may be a strange name, but it was the one I was given. Your name is Gavin Naosu, you're the vampiric lord of Florida…and have come to check on disturbances in here and by the balams"
The lord's mouth dropped. "H-how do you know that!?" His target laughed responding: Don't tell me you thought you were the only super-human in this world…I can read your thoughts, your memories, everything you know I could read like a book. But for now, that isn't the issue. I myself am a clan leader as well" Obara snapped his fingers, an abrupt quake shook the ground when tons of buff dark creatures manifested out of black mist. They had no face, with sharp horns on their elbows and one on their head.
"Welcome my friends. These are darians, monster-like creatures. They have multiple abilities that make them dangerous. You'll see soon enough. Now, we better hurry and stop the villain before he causes anymore havoc" Gavin clinched his fist agreeing on the severity of the situation.
Both took-off at great speed. The vampire was surprised to see his new ally keeping up with him pretty easily. (This one definitely isn't human if he's capable of keeping up with me) They found the threat in little time. Naosu was horrified at the sight of Serena and Kaylah turned into demonic creatures.
The vampiric lord exploded with rage, charging the tyrant full speed. Just as he went for the attack, Parsami caught him by the face, attempting to change him as well. The transformation began when the warrior abruptly kicked his attacker with both feet. The demon king let go as Naosu back flipped to his ally. Half the vampire's face was a black shadow, kind of like it was made out of black flames.
"Well done, you're the first to resist the attack's conversion. You may be a fun opponent" Obara commanded his darians to attack the tyrant. The buff dark monsters rushed their ordered target. Even though they were large and built, that didn't slow them down. Still, Parsami once more just waited for the coming blow.
(He doesn't seem to rely on his army at all. Is he really that strong? Or does he just think we're that insignificant?) Gavin thought paying attention to the motionless shadow demons that just stood still as if they were statues. The darians began punching the villain as a group repeated. Surprisingly their attacks had little effect against their target.
"Darn, and here I thought your monsters would put up a decent fight" The assailant punched the ground with incredible force, sending all the darians staggering backwards. Obra sighed commenting: I didn't think it'd have to reach this point but…Fuse my darians, show him your true power!"
All watched as the creatures began merging together like clay until they formed one massive monster, the size of a large oak tree. The creature's horns were also much sharper. "Go my mega-monster!" Instead of showing fear, the target smiled, showing excitement for the escalating fight.
Darian moved so fast, the ground seem to crack apart beneath him. "Come mighty creature! Show the dark king what your race can truly do!" Both he and the creatue threw powerful blows at one another, causing a devastating shockwave. Naosu and his ally found it difficult to maintain their balance from such force of just one attack by the two fighters. "Hmmm, I may have a plan" Gavin whispered to Obra as the force of wind settled down.
"What would that be?"
"Does your creature have blood?" The vampire asked. Convoy nodded confused on what his ally was getting at. In a quick move, Gavin pulled out a syringe, taking some of his vampiric blood. "Inject this into your monster. The lord hesitated looking at it before taking it, running up to his minion, injecting the blood into the creature's blood-stream.
In an abrupt burst of red light, Darian's master was forced back by a powerful burst of power. The faceless creature gained a mouth with fangs. For once, Parsami had a hint of concern on his face. He could fell the great boost of power within the monster's body.
"Well…this may be a problem if this thing gets any stronger. But for now, I'm still superior to it's capabilities" That's when vamperic Darian charged straight for his foe once more. The enemy threw a punch in the creature's direction with great strength. However, right as it could make contact, the being vanished from sight. "What!?" Right as he turned, he was struck in the left cheek, getting sent several feet, crashing into a tree.
"Wow, what speed. No one's been able to land such a blow on me in so long. Well done" The pair could do nothing but watch the fight go on, for they were too weak to help. That's when the demon lord decided to unveil his trump card. "I doubt I even need to use this, but you've proven yourselves worthy of my true power. Come to me shadow demons!"
They watched as all his dark minions flowed into him like black smoke. The ones that had taken over the human lords, detached themselves from their hosts, leaving them laying out-cold on the battle field. The heroes stood motionless as Parsami became a colossal buff demon with dark skin, red eyes and sharp claws.
"You will meet your end!" The giant demon bellowed in a booming voice. Instead of going for Darian, the demon focused his attention on Naosu and Obara. His movement was so fast. Gavin pushed his ally out of the way as he was struck straight through the abdomen. Obara stared in horror as the demon pulled his blood-covered hand out of the victim's chest.
The vampire hit the ground out cold. Being a vampire he was still alive just unconscious, but the sun would rise soon and the man was low on blood…