

During that scenery, Keimie did not feel any fear or hesitation.

He was imagining the blue stars flying above his head and predicting what was he going to do with his crush.

After the Physical Impact of the asteroid, It was not an asteroid.

It was a blue looking flare that looked like a physical asteroid.

Keimie lost consciousness and hit the ground. The ambulance arrived and took him to the Hospital.

Keimie woke up and had no clue of why is he in the "hospital".

"Where am I? Why am I here?" asked himself

"Hello? Is anyone out of this room? Please help!" screams in hesitation

Doctor Tsunade and the nurse entered and confronted him. Keimie kept inquiring questions

"Why am I here? Did anything happen to me? All I remember is heading back home from school and losing consciousness."

"As a doctor, I can say we have no clue on what happened to you, the infirmary men saw you lying down on the ground and brought you here," said Doctor Tsunade.

Keimie found it weird on why is there no technical reason of him being here and he randomly thought that he was getting kidnapped by firstly getting poisoned.

"I remember seeing blue stars above my head before I lost consciousness, why is that so?" said Keimie.

"Unfortunately we have no idea on what are you talking about but you can consult a therapist if you want to." replied the Doctor.

Keimie headed to the toilet and in front of the mirror, he found blue spiral looking marks on his chest written in text as "Chosen One".

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