

The words of Professor Uhl resonated in the classroom: "That's all for today. See you tomorrow." Quickly, my classmates rushed out, eager to get home or join their clubs.

I, on the other hand, decided to stay seated, patiently waiting for the flood of students to pass. Once the room emptied, leaving only the professor and a few stragglers, I stood up and headed for the door. However, luck was not on my side as Mr. Uhl stopped me just a step from the exit.

"Can we talk, Christopher?" he asked with a smile. Despite my desires to decline and leave, I nodded and replied with a simple "Sure."

The professor exited the room and headed in the opposite direction of my intended path. I followed him in silence, weaving between the few students still lingering in the school, wondering why he needed me.

Finally, Professor Uhl began to speak: "I've noticed your grades have dropped." We walked one behind the other, preventing me from seeing his face, but his initial tone didn't bode well.

"A bit, I'm not very good at Spanish," I replied uncertainly about his purpose. Though it wasn't just Spanish, in reality, I wasn't good at any subject except sports.

The professor seemed to regret it, "It's a shame, considering how much you've trained." We were moving away from the school's main area, and Mr. Uhl turned towards me with a smile on his face, as if what he had just said didn't sound like a threat.

"What do you mean?" I asked in doubt.

"To continue participating in club activities, you need a minimum passing grade in each subject. It's a new rule," he explained casually, shrugging off a new and stupid rule that threatened to ruin all my hard work.

I froze in shock at the news but exclaimed, "But the tournament is in a few weeks!" My voice rose slightly, perturbed by the news.

Professor Uhl asked me to lower my voice and then continued, "I know, that's why I have a deal for you…" He said as I stood by his side.

"Whatever," I interrupted before he could continue. No matter how strange this situation was, I couldn't afford to miss the tournament.

"Don't interrupt me. Here's the deal: I need you to join and recruit two more members for another club, and in return, I'll raise your grade to a passing minimum." As he explained, we stopped.

"But what will happen to the basketball club?"

"Don't worry, you can be in two clubs at once, although I suppose you'll have to miss some days of practice."

The deal made sense; even if I refused, I would need to miss practice anyway to study his subject, and joining another club sounded more fun than studying. But what club was it?

"It's the 'Dragon Investigation Club,'" he answered as if he had read my mind.

"That weird club where the only member is the mayor's daughter," I commented with doubt. I remembered that many people initially joined that club to be close to her, but most abandoned it shortly afterward, considering it strange, ridiculous, intense, or a waste of time.

"And the director's daughter. As you know, a club needs a minimum of 4 members to stay afloat, and the director is strict about the rules, even when it comes to his own daughter."

I thought for a moment about why he had chosen me out of all the students.

"Why me?" I asked, questioning his choice.

"You're the fifth attempt, and since there are no more students with bad grades, if you drop out, I'll punish you."

"Fine," I clicked my tongue, to which he paid no attention.

Then, he extended his hand for a handshake, and I reciprocated, sealing the deal.

"So, come in," he said as he extended his arm toward the nearest door. Then he walked away calmly.

Alone now, I contemplated what had happened and the possible reason behind his behavior.

'I've heard the vice-principal is retiring. Maybe he's trying to gain favor with the principal… Whatever.'

I approached the door and gave three soft knocks.

Knock, knock, knock.

I waited a moment until I heard movement inside, followed by approaching footsteps.

I couldn't deny that I was a bit nervous about what awaited me. The door opened, and my eyes met those of a beautiful, slender girl with bright blonde hair and eyes as blue as the sea. She maintained a neutral expression, showing no emotion.

'No wonder she's one of the school's beauties.'

I snapped out of my thoughts and spoke to her.

"E-excuse me, is this the Dragon Investigation Club?"

I was a bit foolish to ask, as there was a sign on the door indicating it.

"Yes, it is," she replied kindly, without changing her expression despite my silly question.

I remained silent, unsure of what else to say. I decided to get straight to the point.

"Well, I'd like to join—Wha..." Before I could finish my sentence, she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. For a moment, I thought I saw a faint smile on her otherwise neutral face.

'Maybe I should have introduced myself earlier.'

I was intrigued by how a slender girl of about 5'9" could move a bulky guy almost 6'6" like me.