
Play me a song

(Elektra's POV)

A couple of weeks has passed since I came to Mystic Academy and it's actually been really fun. You are probably wondering what happened with the rest of my first day of school. Well nothing much. I have a music class and in there I have to play an instrument. I chose violin because I actually know how to play and plus I used to play with Neo while he played with his cello. I also have an art class which I have been so excited doing since I love to draw. The rest of the classes are pretty normal and kind of boring, well except for our fight training which is awesome.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been hanging out with Alexa, Damon, and Sebastian. Not really Neo. Everytime I would try, Angelica would get in the way. Eventually I just stopped trying. It seems like we are just growing apart instead of being like how we used to. I mean we have been separated for nearly eight years so it was bound to happen.

Anyways right now I'm outside sitting on the grass looking at the view down the mountain. It's dark out and the lights of the city is on. It looks so beautiful from up here. Damon and Alexa are out and won't be coming back until late so it's just me and Neo, but Neo is in his room.

Looking out to the beautifully lit city, I couldn't help but remember when I was younger and I was looking back at my home hoping that my parents would bring me back, but they didn't. They just kept on going and I watched my city just becoming a little dot from a distance.

I didn't realize that I had shed a tear until I felt a warm hand wipe it away. I was startled at first but then I saw it was Neo who had wiped my tear away. "Are you okay?" he asked and I just nodded and said "I'm fine". I looked back out at the lit city and he sat next to me. "What are you doing up? It's late." he asked as he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders. "I haven't been able to go to sleep." I answered honestly. I really haven't been able to sleep well for years. It's a miracle I even do sleep half of the time.

A sudden memory popped up in my head and I chuckled a little. "What are you laughing about?" he asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head and said "It's nothing. I just remembered a memory of us when we were kids". After I answered he looked at me as if waiting for me to continue and I was right because then he said " well don't leave me in suspense."

I laughed a little and then faced him. "It was the memory of that one time that I was sleeping over your house and I had a nightmare. I ran into your room and woke you up because I was scared. You woke up when you saw me crying. After you helped me stop crying, I couldn't go back to sleep. I then asked if you can play me a song on your cello to help me and you did and I ended up going to sleep."

He chuckled and said "Oh yeah. I remember that. You ended up sleeping in my bed that night with me". I smiled a little and then turned back to the view of the city. Although I was looking out at the view, I can feel Neo's gaze on me. Neo placed his hand on my shoulder and said " Hey how about I do that for you right now". I looked at him with a confused look and asked "Do what?". " Play a song on my cello for you to sleep just like old times." he answered.

I laughed awkwardly and said "I don't know about that Neo". He got up from the ground and held out his hand for me to take. " Come on." he insisted. It looked like he wasn't going to budge so I just sighed and held his hand. He helped me up off the ground and then he went inside.

After a couple of minutes he came out with his cello and a chair and he called me over as he sat in his chair. I walked over to him and before I could say anything, he pulled me to him and made me sit on the edge of chair in between his legs. I started to feel really uncomfortable at the moment. "Um Neo--". "Shh don't move or you will mess me up." he said softly and he placed the cello in front of me.

Once he was ready, he started to play a soft melody. I kept quiet like he said and leaned back against his chest and listened to the sweet tune being played by him.


(Neo's POV)

Why the hell am I doing this? What is this girl doing to me? She is driving me insane. It actually feels nice doing this for her right now. After all she has been through, she deserves something like this. She deserves to be treated like this. Cherished. Cared for....Loved.

As I finished the song I was playing, I noticed her slow breathing and closed eyes indicating she was sleeping. I placed my cello up against the glass door, lifted Elektra up, and carried her princess style to her room. I gently placed on her bed and covered her with her blanket.

After I finished tucking her in, I just looked down on her face. She looked slightly peaceful. I moved a strand of hair from her face and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. I walked out of her room, grabbed my cello and headed to my room. I put my cello away and layed back on my bed, covering my face with both hands.

What is going on with me? Why do I feel this way when I'm around her? When she left when we were children, I was devastated. I had lost someone that was so important to me. I was depressed for weeks. I honestly didn't how I was able to go through the rest of my teen years without her, but now she's back.

I never thought I would see her again and now she is here. She's finally back in my arms. For the past couple of weeks, I have been wanting to hangout with her, but Angelica kept getting in the way. Then I see her with Sebastian and I don't know why, but seeing him touch her makes me so angry. I don't want men to touch her. I just get this sudden anger and it's so irritating.

But I'm with Angelica. She's my girlfriend. Comparing them two together, they are both smart, talented, hot. But the thing that Angelica wasn't though was that.... *sigh* she wasn't Elektra.

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