1 New man

It was a Friday afternoon in a little town called Tainian, It wasnt like your typical town it had its villians,superheros,faes etc. Joanne was sitting in a coffee shop with her friends Sarah and Maddy they were all enjoying their time. "What if the world just ended who would be the hero now?" Maddy had asked the group' no one knew what to say then again Maddy always had the smart questions of the group but she didnt have the secrets. *story time* " We need to keep her powers down, if anyone were to find out then who knows what they would do to her...Our child our baby girl." A woman had said in a wiery voice. Joanne had no clue what was going on. "Me has powers mommy?" She stood confused at the age of six and learning that she had powers of course as any typical mother would do they say something to cover it up. "Of course you do sweetie we all do!".
