

Her meeting with furukawa empire was cancelled due to some reason . After her video conference with President Leon she left her office and headed home.

She parked her car in underground parking. While looking at her phone she went inside the elevator. She was checking emails when she felt someone staring at her.

She turned around and saw a handsome an in white shirt and black trousers his suit coast was hanging in his left shoulder.

She gulped looking at him.

Jet black hair , beautiful brows, sharp nose , long eyelashes, pink lips , sharp jawline and his two black orbs who were looking at her. She felt like those black orbs were sucking her inside .

She licked her lips involuntarily when she looked at his body . She could feel that he have well toned body .

' Uwaa i want to see his body ' she said inwardly .

While she was lost in her thoughts someone was in shock and his hear was beating fast .

He looked at her green eyes and new it was her .

'Finally ' he thought looking at her.

*ting * elevator stopped and both of them came out of their thoughts .

Both of them started walking and stood in front of their apartment.

She saw that the handsome man was standing in front of apartment next to her 'ohhh so he's my new neighbor' she thought .

"hi " she said.

He was surprised that she greeted him.

"hi " he said composing himself.

"So you'll be my new neighbor" she said

"yeah" he replied.

"never thought my new neighbor will be a handsome guy" she said

"thank you" he blushed

" my name is yui" she extended her hand for a handshake

"my name is Shunsuke you can call me shun"

he said shaking hands with her

"nice to meet you shun" she said giving her bright smile

He was mesmerized seeing her smile .

He smiled "nice to meet you too"

Seeing him smile he was in daze and forgot to leave his hand .

*Ring ring* Shun's phone went off

That's when Yui realized that she was still holding his hand .

She blushed and put a strand of her hair behind her ear .

"sorry" she said

Seeing her blush shun thought ' how cute'

"Hello " he picked up the call

"Sir , you forgot your apartment keys " his assistant said .

"What ?" he checked his pockets and found there was no keys .

"Sir ,I'm on my way to your apartment . I'll be there in an hour " his assistant said .

"okay " shun said and hung up.

"What happened?" Yui asked

"Nothing, I just forgot my apartment keys in my office . My assistant is coming to give me my keys " he said .

"Ohh so why don't you come inside my apartment and wait until your assistant comes ?" she asked shun with shining eyes .

"okay I guess , cause I don't have my other choice " he said . He was jumping around in happiness in his mind .

"Okay" she said opened her door.