
Returning home

The flight landed in Z city at 8:00 pm. Everyone was busy getting their luggage and meeting their loved one who are their to recieve them.

Soon a girl around 24 came out of the airport. She was all dress in black, She was wearing a black leather jacket over a black shirt and black tight. Her body was perfect with beautiful curves. Her long, silky and brown hair were tied in high ponytail.

Covering her feet was a black stiletto heel as her black channel lamb lethear bag droped down her shoulder. She has kissable pink lips. Her most attracting feature was his blue eyes which was like a deep sea, which can drown everything in it.

On her left side was little girl of age around 4 year dress in baby pink shirt and white tight and a with furry coat. With brown short hair and brown eyes.

On right side was boy dress in black shirt and blue jeans with a black leather jacket . Her hairs were black and has blue eyes.

The girl was natasha, CEO of biggest business empire MN. The kids were her, her only family and her life. She returned back after 4 years from US to city Z. Remembering all her time in Z city tears started to flow from her eyes. Which she wiped away before anyone see.

Lu James : " Mom, where are we gonna live bcz its our first time coming here and we dont know anyone or have a villa."

Lu Anna : " Dont try over-react if we are here mom had surely arrange something you are just trying to act bigger than your age."

" Cant u control your mouth for a little bit. I am older than u but u dont even dare to talk to me in a respectful manner." replied james angrily. "Your are just 5 min older than me, so i dont even consider you older ."

As both were fighting with each other a beautiful voice interrupted them. "James and Anna could both of u stop fighting with each other we are standing at airport."

"Mom its not my fault, James started all this mess."said Anna to Natasha in order to clear his site in this fight.

James hurriedly reply : " No, I just wanna know who are we waiting for and where are we gonna stay. She just started to fight with me without any issue for fighting."

Natasha smiled sweetly after hearing Anna and James fight. "Its okay, just let it go but Anna u should respect James as he is older than u and James u shouldnt be rude with her got it."

"Ok, Mom." They replied in unison.

"And as you want to know where are we gonna stay you will find it out soon." Natasha replied sweetly.

Suddenly a girl around 24 enter in airport she was dressed in white gown and white high heels and wearing a white shoulder shawl. He was 160 cm tall. Her eyes were black and her short black hair curved downward. She was dressed as she had just return from a party.

She ran toward Natasha and hugged her tightly. "Ning I missed you soo much in these 4 years. Where were you in this period?

"Who are you and why are hugging my mom? and by the way who is Ning? My mom name is Natasha not Ning." asked Anna suspiciously.

"Sammy its hurting would you leave me please. And Anna dont be rude my birth name is Ning and This is Sammy Su my best friend from childhood. And we are gonna stay with her until ,I found any suitable villa for us and buy it and sammy this is James and Anna my kids" replied Natasha

"WHAT???????? these both are your KIDS !!!!!!! when do you get married and where did you go 4 years ago and dont you love lu fe...!!"Sammy was shocked as he was talking nonstop she was suddenly interuppted by natasha

"Sammy it's not something unnatural to a girl to give birth and mind what you're saying the Kids are still here." said hurriedly while glaring at sammy.

" Ok, will both of u stop this friends talk. I am tired and wanna lie on comfy bed so, will u hurry plz." Anna interuppted in a lazy tone

"Her attitude is different from you her attitude is just like ... if i am right, ARE U SERIOUS!!!!!! let go to home I want to know everything." sammy hurriedly drag all of three out of the airport and ask her driver to come immediately

After some while the car arrived all of them leaves the airport and went towards the way of sammy's villa.

Hello everyone

Its my first time writing a story so I dont know that would you like it or not but hope u would enjoy it.

I hope that you will support me and encourage me so that i would write a beautiful story for u

MN786lovecreators' thoughts
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