
Hangout with Friends 2


(Monday morning breakfast)

(Aliza got up at 7 in the morning as per her habit, told all the servants to finish their work as soon as possible and then went to her room to wake Alia)

Aliza: Get up, Aaliya it's morning, we have to get ready quickly, all my friends will come on time (Alia lies down on the bed in the same way.) (Aliza picked up a bottle of water and said)

Aliza: Now you are getting up or I will pour this bottle of water on you. Remember that mom is not at home who will support you. (Hearing this, Alia got up as fast as lightning and stood up and said)

Aaliya: Hey hey Aapi ... just ... look I got up ... I got up.

Aliza: Let's wash your hands quickly and come fresh for breakfast ... it's getting late.

(Saying this, Aliza left the room and instead of going to the washroom, Alia lay down again thinking that it is only 7 o'clock now and I will get up in half an hour. Just 15 minutes after Alia was lying down, Aliza entered the room again. When she saw Alia sleeping, she got angry and she quietly picked up the bottle of water and poured it on Alia and Alia got up in a panic and said in a nervous tone.)

Aaliya: What happened ... what happened ... water water ... rescue rescue.

(Aliza scolds Alia loudly)

Aliza: Stop this drama of yours or I will leave you alone at home. Get ready quickly. All my friends are coming. (Alia got up quickly and went to the washroom. Quickly getting ready, she came out of the room and sat down with Aliza at the dining table for breakfast. Then they put their luggage outside in the lounge after breakfast. In the meantime, her friends Aiza, Adil and Fahad reached in the car. Aliza asked after Dua Salam)

Aliza: What happened ... Maria didn't come ... Didn't you all tell her?

Ayeza(Answered): Dude, we told Maria but she probably she couldn't get permission from her parents.

(Aliza said softly, "it's OK..." and then gave Adil his and Alia's bags and asked him to put it in the car, then went to Feroz uncle and said.)

Aliza: Uncle Feroz, we are leaving, I have closed all the doors and windows of the house well, all the servants of the house are about to finish their work. You will check again after we leave and go to your home.

Feroz: OK ma'am. Go well and come back well. I will go home and back again in the afternoon.

Aliza: OK... As you wish.

(Then they all got in the car and left. On the way from Lahore to Highway No. N5, they came to Gujarat after various places like Shahdara, Muridke, Kamunki, Gujranwala. Then from there they reached Jhelum via Lalamosa, Kharian and decided After stopping here, they rest for a while and after spending a night, they will leave for Azad Jammu and Kashmir early in the morning.) (Adil said on this decision)

Adil: Yes it's a good idea... I have made advance booking at PTC Hotel here. Let's go there. (Then everyone reached the PTC hotel and went inside and asked at the reception)

Adil: Assalam o Alekum. Yes, I made advance bookings for six people here. Check it out.

Receptionist: Walekum Assalam. Of course you made the booking but we had to cancel your booking as the house was full. We tried to contact you by phone and email but you did not respond. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Adil: How did you cancel like this? When I spoke to you, you said that three rooms are available. Then how did you suddenly cancel the booking.

Reception: Sir, we sincerely apologize to you for bothering. You can view our email record if you wish. It lists the date of booking cancelation.

Aliza: Leave Adil... Let's go to another hotel.

Receptionist: Sir here is a Malik hotel on some distance away you can check there.

Adil: OK thanks.

(Then everyone reached Malik Hotel from there, gave information at the reception inside and easily booked two rooms, along with the hotel waiters arrived with their luggage. Then everyone freshened up, ate lunch and slept in their rooms. At 5 o'clock in the evening everyone got up and went to the dining hall for tea and then went out for a walk. Walk around the Tarbela Dam site a short distance from the hotel and take pictures together, then return to the hotel by 8 p.m. Arrived at the dining hall and had dinner and then started gossiping for a while.

Adil: (Pushing the Fahd) Dude, why were you so behind? Were you scared?

Fahad: (Saying with a sigh) What does it mean to be afraid?

Adil: Abe used to stand behind with Alia like a coward and now you're showing us to be a hero.

Aliza: (Saying angrily) Beware that someone said something wrong in the name of my sister.

Ayeza: Hmmm. spoke quietly ... spoke quietly ... She spoke quietly as soon as her sister's name came up.

Aliza: Yes then what do you mean. You will all say anything in my sister's name and I will be silent. It's not going to work.

Adil: (Saying softly) Dude Fahad, it's a good opportunity to ask for Alia's relationship. Anyway, all the way, you kept bridging the gaps in my ears.

Fahad: (Speaking softly) Dude, you will beat me by shoes from Aliza. You don't know what she is?

Adil: (Said in a slightly louder voice) By the way Aliza is not so bad if you talk and see if something can happen.

Aliza: yeah For now, my sandals could fall on both of your heads.(Both boys put their hands on their heads and say together) As soon as they shaved their heads, hail fell.

Ayeza: (Laughs)There should be a shower of shoes on both of your heads for such things.

Aliza: You guys have come to visit or to establish relationships. Who have sat down to talk like the elders.

Adil: Alia, you also say something in this regard. You are just sitting quietly and laughing.

Aaliya: Sorry... It's not my job to talk about it anyway. Anyway, you know Aliza Apee's thoughts.

Aliza: After beating, you will admit that.

Adil: I wonder what we have done.

Ayeza: Stop your nonsense and tell me what time you have to leave for Azad Kashmir in the morning.

Fahad: (Laughs and says) That's the plan. We'll leave by 9 o'clock in the morning after breakfast. We were just teasing each other.

Aliza: (She said a little angrily) You guys were willing to beat not to teasing.

(Aliza stands up and says)

Aliza: Let's all go to your rooms and get up early in the morning. We have to travel early in the morning.

(Saying this, Aliza came out of the dining hall with Alia and went to her room. Then they all got up in turn and went to sleep in their rooms. After breakfast in the morning, they checked out at the reception and paid their one-day bill. The waiters put their luggage in the car and they all left. Pass through Jhelum Toll Plaza and reach Highway N5 And on the way they passed through Dina and reached Rawat via Sohawa, Gujjar Khan, Mohra and Gorian. There were two lanes going from Rawat but they were all gossiping and singing songs so no one could see the holding board on the highway. And they entered Rawalpindi instead of Azad Kashmir from Rawat. After going some distance, they were shocked to see famous places like Pak Clay Roof, Giga Mall and Jinnah Boulevard. They stopped at Jinnah Boulevard and found his way to a passerby.

Adil: Brother, which road leads to Azad Kashmir from here? We may have lost our way.

Passersby: Sir, you can go straight, then Wadlockmark will come next, then turn right from there, then Kahuta Road will come from there, then after that you will reach on to the super highway.

Adil: My brother, do you know that there is any food point on Kahuta Road?

Passersby: Yes, HBL Bank will come on the same road first. If you go straight from there, then a little further is Azfar Food Point.

Adil: Thank you.

(After that everyone reached Kahuta Road and stopped at the food point to eat, then from there they came to the super highway and on the way to Rawalakot they started arguing with each other)

Ayeza: Yes, which one of you guys who was bringing up a map of Pakistan?

Adil: I told Fahd to bring up a map.

Fahad: When did you ask me to bring the map? You were saying that I would bring a map, just one would be enough.

Adil: I will give you a hard slap. Then your mouth will fit at the place of the wheel of our car. You mean!

Fahad: (Saying with a smirk) Dude, I kept it. But maybe it was left at the hotel in


Ayeza: (Scolded) What do you mean you forgot in the hotel, you are a small child, can't handle things?

Fahad: Brother, if you remember, we were sitting together in a hotel room in Jhelum and studying a map.

Adil: Well, I'll drive the car and I'll pick up the map, you just sit back and flirt with the girls. You a shameless human...!

Fahad: If that's the case, let me drive for a while.

Aliza: Let it be. You drove and we drove. We have to reach Azad Kashmir alive.

Ayeza: By the grace of Allah, we found a good guide to guide us to the right path, otherwise you would have humiliated us all.

(During all these repetitions, Alia wakes up and asks)

Aaliya: (Saying half asleep) What happened? Why is it so noisy Aliza Aapi?

Aliza: (Gritted her teeth angrily) Nothing ... nothing ... you swell. We are taking someone's class.

Fahad: OK it's my fault and I am very sorry for that.

Ayeza: what do you mean, I'm sorry, it's not a small mistake, sir. This small mistake of yours would humiliate us all and we do not know where we would end up instead of Azad Kashmir. (Aliza says while resolving the issue, that taking a long time)

Aliza: Aiza, just stop it now. That's enough. And now no one will say anything to Fahd about this mistake.

Adil: (chuckles) Look ...! look ...! stop someone ...! Fahad is supported by Aliza! Congratulations Fahad! your work has been half done.!

(Every one laughs loudly)

Ayeza: By the grace of Allah, we have found a wayfarer to guide us to the right path, otherwise we would not have known because of you and we would have been humiliated.

(In the next two hours, the first place in Azad Kashmir reached Rawalkot. There we booked for two days at the Valley Inn Guest House. Everyone left their luggage there and went for a tour. In just an hour's drive, we reached Nairyan Sharif, a very beautiful and natural valley. Where a Waliullah visited the mausoleum of Hazrat Pir Muhammad Allauddin, everyone stood up with discipline and reciting Fateha, then from there everyone went to Kas Bazaar, buy some handicrafts, dried fruits and beautiful Kashmiri shawls, There they offered Asr prayers in the Maki Masjid, then went to Mongolia, then entered another beautiful valley through the Bagh Bypass. The beauty of which was such a mesmerizing beauty that everyone was amazed to see it, because when you see it standing on a nearby hill, it seems that the image of the (NAALAIN - E - PAK) of Holy Prophet Mohammed (S. A. W) is placing on the earth as a stamped. It would not be wrong to call this beautiful valley the crown of forehead of Pakistan. Here everyone took pictures with their cameras and then after walking around for an hour, they reached the district Baagh. After spending an hour here, they reached Rawalakot again. Arriving at the guest house, everyone ate and then fell asleep. The next day everyone went for a trip to, in the nearby valleys, had lunch at a hotel and then came back early in the evening and ate dinner and went to sleep because they had to leave for Muzaffarabad in the morning. Then after breakfast in the morning they checked out of the hotel and left for Muzaffarabad. They Arrive at the most famous place Red Fort, take pictures and go to other places like Natural Park and then from there to Neelum Valley. After Arriving at Neelum Valley, they all booked two days at Dreamland Hotel & Guest House. Here they went to see another marvel of natural beauty, the river Neelam. The water of this river is of two colors, red on one side and white on the other, hence this river is called Ajuba.The red water in this river is salty and the white water is sweet and these two waters will not being merged. From there they went to see Laswa Neelam Valley and Neelam Valley Natural Park, then they stopped at Popeye Restaurant for lunch and then they returned back to their guest house in the evening. Then the next day we went for a walk at Jagran Resort which is only 30 minutes away from his guest house. The weather had been cloudy since morning which made it fun in trip around, but everyone decided to return to Muzaffarabad guesthouse in the evening and do prepare for going back to Lahore. Due to Bad weather the slippery roads more slippery, making driving even more difficult. Then everyone came back to the guest house and had breakfast early in the morning, checked out and left for Muzaffarabad. It had been raining heavily since morning. Fahad said to Adil at the gate of the guest house.

Fahad: Dude, I'll drive for return back. You've driven so far and brought everyone here safely.

Adil: Dude, why are you so obsessed with me? We were just kidding. See for yourself how fast the rain is falling. The car may slip.

(Then they all left. On the way back, near Laswa Neelam Valley, there were paved roads with mountains on one side and slopes on the other. The road was even more dangerous.

But on at that time it was very difficult to handle the car due to heavy rain and Adil was afraid that the car would slipped on every time when he took a turn. For this reason, everyone was constantly reciting prayers, but nature probably had something else in mind. After going a little farther on the straight road to Bankhadur, another turn came. As Adil turned the car, suddenly another car coming from the opposite direction caused his car to slip and come very close to the slope. Earlier, Adil's car fell down a steep slope.

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