
Chapter 2 - Too Late Now

As I entered the room, sat at the desk was a thin lady looking to be in her late 40s with dark brown hair that was greying near the roots. She had kind blue eyes and a smile that seemed to warm the room. Just one look at her and I could feel my nerves ease slightly.

"Hi I'm Janine Baxter, but just Janine is fine. I'm head of Human Resources here at SilverStar Tech. You must be Marcella Hartley, here for the intern vacancy?" she voiced with her smile never faltering.

"That's right. I'm Marcella, it's lovely to meet you" I replied tucking a small strand of hair behind my ear that had fell from my bun.

Janine gave me a sweet smile, "you too sugar. I hope it wasn't too hard finding your way up here, I know that so-and-so Rebecca at the main desk can be a right 'you-know-what' if you get what I'm saying" she finished with a small smirk on her lips which frankly surprised me with how straight forward she was. I guess this Rebecca is notorious for her bad attitude with people then.

"It was alright. I don't let things like that bother me. We don't have time in our life to let the pettiness of others get to us, we must focus on the future whilst avoiding the negatives that others bring. Although I have to say that she was quite rude." I finished with a slight smile overtaking my features.

Janine's smile only grew as she moved around her desk to sit at her chair while moving files and stacks of paper along the way. Once she had sat down she grabbed a small pile of papers to put infront of her before opening them up. "If you don't mind me saying, you are quite mature for your age. It sounds like you've been through your fair share of negativity." she spoke with curiosity. "Not as much as it would appear. But it's not hard to know when enough is enough and it's best to move on and pretend it never happened" I replied with a solemn smile before it was quickly covered back up by a polite one.

The woman caught my expression but never said a word, deciding that it was best to leave unspoken. "You have a strong soul," she started "it's not something you often see in someone of such a young age. You must be fed up standing there. Here, take a seat and we will get on with the interview."

After 30 minutes the interview was over. I felt positive after talking with Janine, there was something about her that made me feel welcome, like I could be comfortable around her.

"Well Marcella, it was lovely to meet you, I look forward to seeing you again" the lady spoke with a big grin showing off her row of straight, white teeth. It took me a few seconds before I realised what Janine was hinting at, and within that time my face went from neutral, to confused, and finally shock. If she meant what I think she did then this day couldn't get any better!

"Wait, does this mean...?" I replied trying to put my thoughts together. "Does it mean you got the job? Why yes, I think you would be a great addition to the team here at SilverStar Tech" she answered, the dazzling smile on her face never leaving. "I will give you a call later in the week to discuss when you start and any other bits you'll need to know before you come back" Janine continued.

My mouth hung open unashamedly with my eyes wide, I didn't know what to say! "Oh my gosh, thank you!" I loudly beamed. It might only been an intern position but I have wanted to be in this company for nearly 4 years now so even this is a massive win for me. "That's perfectly alright Marcella. Out of everyone I've seen apply for this position you are the first one to give me everything I was asking for and more. You have a spirit to you that I don't think even you are aware of and I feel that working here will greatly benefit you and this business. My eyesight might not be what it used to be but even I can see you are meant to be here, let's just say I have a foresight for these things" she whispered the end of her sentence with a wink.

Janine stood up from her chair, myself following shortly after. She rounded the desk and pulled me into a hug. Not once did I feel it was uncomfortable, it felt soothing and gratifying to have someone to share my joy with. With one last thank you from me, we said our goodbyes and I left the room with a beaming smile on my face.

Once I arrived at home it was 10:30 am, I felt exhausted. I started my day dreading what was to come and in a few hours my future was already looking better.

Throwing my coat and handbag on the sofa and switching on the TV, I walked to the fridge to grab a can of cola. I quickly cracked it open, taking a long swig before releasing it from my lips with a big sigh. The sugar felt euphoric to my discombobulated brain, it was just what I needed. I walked back to the couch and threw myself on it, making myself comfy before switching over to some cartoons. It might seem childish but it's much more interesting than watching the news or dramas, the worlds that cartoons created gave you infinite possibilities to explore, there is nothing better than sitting back and watching scenarios are that never possible in the real world.

Before I knew it I was opening my eyes, I really must've been exhausted to fall asleep so early, it wasn't even 1pm the last time I had checked the clock, but now here I am sat here at 5pm. I've wasted nearly a full day, although I doubt I would've done anything with the time I had wasted anyway but it was still a shame.

Reaching for my phone I checked the screen to find 3 messages, 4 missed calls and 2 voicemails. I didn't even need to check to know who they were from.

Jeremy Baltine.

Jeremy and I had dated for 4 months before I moved to London. I thought everything was going well between us, he seemed really sweet like he enjoyed listening to what I had to say. We hadn't done much other than kissing and cuddling and he told me that was fine and we could go at my pace. I was still a virgin at the age of 22 and I was proud of it, I didn't feel the need to get rid of my virginity just because everyone else does.

That was until the day I spontaneously visited him. I didn't think anything of it as I had done it before. But as I arrived at his front door I noticed it was unlocked, which was unusual for Jeremy since he had a thing for locking his doors and windows before going out or going to sleep. I know people think that I should've known from that moment, but I really didn't! I assumed we were happy, my mind never drifted to thinking there was something wrong. I had just walked through the door when I could hear it. Noises that sounded like a porno movie; loud moaning and grunting. I'm unsure what convinced me to carry on walking but I did, all the way to the bedroom door that was left open. And right infront of my eyes was Jeremy, balls deep in my co-worker Samantha.

I couldn't move. My eyes as wide as golf balls, unable to avert them from what I was seeing. I just stood there in shock, my heart thumping in my ears making everything sound like white noise. I don't know why I was surprised. It wasn't the first time I had been cheated on, but it was the first time I had seen it right infront of my own eyes.

Seeing him look at me with a face filled with shock like he never thought I would see this was what snapped me out of my frozen state. I turned and bolted from the hall, through his front door and my fast pace didn't stop until I was 10 minutes from home where I lived with my parents. The rest of the way I sobbed while walking, ignoring all the unpleasant and concerned faces that passed me.

It wasn't till later that I found out that it had been going on for the last 2 months of our relationship. He admitted it to me in a voicemail he left in hopes that if he told the truth then I would maybe forgive him.

But what's done is done, it's too late now.

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