
Starting Afresh

I stared outside the window as my mom drove the car whiles talking to someone on the phone, ok I'll start the job tomorrow thank you very much. Good news Val, I just secured a job as the manager of Hydro Science And Tech Company,is that great?

So this was it,this was my faith to stay here with my mom at Royal Hills,my thoughts were interupted with mom's voice,heloooo!! Earth to Val! Ehmm..Yes mom, what are thinking about Val, look I know moving here is a drastic change for you but please try to understand,that place is filled with too many memories of your father and.....Mom please I don't want to talk about him! Ok,so what do you think about your new school? It's fine replied Val. We're here said her mom in an exciting voice. Val pick anything you like shoes,bags, dresses.. anything! After we were done shopping,momo drove us to the market to get some groceries,she told me to wait for her near the car cause she left her phone at the counter and went to get it .As I was standing there waiting ,a posh looking car suddenly came to a halt right infront of me, my heart skipped a beat and I stood there , frozen to the spot. Two angelic looking guys emerged from the car and said Princess are you ok? Yeah I am , but be careful next time you really scared me...Val, I found it let's go , it's getting late said mom from behind .Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation...no ma'am we are done.

Ok then, we'll take our leave nice meeting you.Mom started the car and either a minute we were on the highway. I can see you're making friends already said mom in a happy voice. No mom they were just apologizing for their mistake.The car became silent till we reached home.I went straight to my room and fell asleep. Beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep. IT'S 6:30 ALREADY !! Moooom,why didn't you wake me up? Now am gonna be late on my first day! Take your time or else you'll fall at least have some breakfast before you leave ,no mum I'm already late. Love you-good bye ! I run to catch-up with the bus but found myself up walking to school,as I sped up to avoid being even more late than I already was, a black tesla stopped next to me and a voice from inside told me to get in when I say the people inside, I recognized them from yesterday, no thank you. I replied. Five minutes till lessons start ,you wouldn't want to make a bad impression on your first day, would you ? I got into the car after thinking it through,he did have a point there. I forgot everything when we reached. I was starstruck by what I was seeing, it looked nothing like a school but rather a palace before and the aura around it felt like royalty. Before I could continue mesmerizing the school someone opened the door and said Princess please get down or else you'll be late for class ,two minutes till lessons commence he added. My name ain't Princess it's Valentina. Ok Princess Valentina !! I shrugged and got inside the school. I was welcome by a young lady who introduced herself as Diane Willson she was the head of the students body council (SBC) . She then led me to the principal's office. In there, I saw a beautiful woman in her mid thirties with dark blonde hair and cresent blue eyes. And this is Lady Juliana de Ambrose . Hi Val, just call me lady Julia she said handing over a sheet. This is your assigned classes for your selected courses. Mrs Elizabeth Cathaway selected the courses for you, I assume she's your mother. Yes she is. Ok, your first lesson is elective technology Miss Diane will lead you there and if you have any problem concerning anything don't hesitate to confront me I'll always be here for you . Thank you Lady Julia. Miss Diane led me to a room and said;'here we are! go inside and get a seat before the tutor comes.See you later. I entered the classroom and the class said 'Aloha' Valentina !! I responded ,aloha to you all I introduced myself and they gave me a warm welcome I sat down quickly when I heard the tutor approaching the door. During lunch time I got my food from the cafeteria and decided to take my seat but I didn't know where. It was like everyone was sitting in groups and all the seats were taken I was standing infront of the Savory Hall not knowing where to go when someone waved at me to come over to her table before I could get there, someone tripped me over knocking my food over but someone caught me right in time before I could suffer the same date as my food. I turned to see a pretty caramel haired girl dressed in a gorgeous short black gown, she looked like royalty. I thanked her and she introduced herself as Mal, from then we became good friends. After closing, I stood at the parking lot waiting for mom ,I soon saw her car, it halted in front of me and I got in. Val, how was your day? Mom asked in a happy voice. 'It's fine' I said. How about you, how was your day? Well, my boss just made me his secretary and the second in charge of the technology department,so you can guess for yourself. Mom asked me one last question, Val, answer this question honestly. What do you think about this place? I love my life at this place, it's really great here and I wish it would always be like this. Don't worry dear, we'll never leave this place until you say so, mom said assuring me.

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