This is a Short novel You will like. Barbara befriends Myra the known School Beauty in order to get close to Brian who is a new hot student all girls are falling in love with. After getting close to Brian, Barbara thinks that he has fallen for her but at the end Brian shows his interest in Myra which disappoints Barbara Read for the full story.
Myra was the most beautiful and hot girl in the school that everyone else knew her. She had a boyfriend named Liam of the same class who was among the top four most handsome cool guys in school. But Barbara was a low key students who focused much on her studies.
The two didn't know each other until a new student called Brian joined the school. He was so handsome and cool that most girls started crushing on him. Barbara was low key but she also found herself falling for Brian.
Brian joined Liam's group and became the fifth member. Because of this, He became friends with Myra and her other two best friends.
Barbara tried to approach Brian in all possibile ways but she was always nervous. Her friends noticed and asked her to confess but she feared. One day, One of her friends told her to join Myra's group to gain popularity and get close to Brian.
Barbara took the advise and found Myra in the library. Myra wasn't a good performer in academics and it always gave her hard time.
Barbara got the guts to sit near Myra. When Myra saw her she smiled and said. ",hello..."
" Hi," Myra responded and focused back on her reading when Barbara said.
" I am...I heard that you are not doing well in your studies. Do you mind me helping you ? " Barbara asked.
Myra looked at her with a frown. " We are strangers, You really wanna help me ? " Myra asked.
" Yes. I am Barbara. " Barbara said with a smile bringing her hand for a handshake.
" I am Myra " Myra responded and they shook their hands.
" Actually I know. You know you are popular. " Barbara said.
Since that day the two started studying together for a month until Myra's friends started asking her why she was always with a strange girl. Myra told them she was just helping her improve on her studies and indeed she started improving. She even introduced Barbara to her friends but they continued ignoring her.
One day Myra and Barbara studied until it was too late.
" Myra, Can I ask a question ? " Barbara asked.
" Ask anything. " Myra said.
" About your group, I am can I be a member ? " Barbara asked a question that surprised Myra that she giggled.
" Why on earth would you like to join my group ? " Myra asked in the middle of her laughter.
" Am I not fit enough ? I can change my dress code and style if you wish.." Barbara.
" I didn't mean you don't fit. But all I do with Brinna and Samantha is walking having lunch together, partying and maybe hanging out with our boyfriends. But you are so determined on academics, I don't think you can manage our life style. " Myra said.
" I can, I want to try it. " Barbara said.
" Okay. I will talk to my girls. " Myra promised.
When Myra met Brianna and Samantha at a party she told them about adding Barbara into their group.
" Myra, Are you insane. This is a girl for the hot three. We can't bring another person. " Samantha argued.
" Why , She is beautiful she just needs few adjustments. And she can help all of us improve on our academics. " Myra said.
" Who said we want to pass that much ? We come from rich families. If we are going to insist on that then you leave the group. " Brianna said.
" You know what guys. I am leaving the group. " Myra declared and left.
" You know what guys, I am leaving the group. " Myra declared and left.
When she was going she met her boyfriend Liam who stopped.
" The party is just starting, Where are you going ? " Liam asked.
" Brianna and Samantha told me to leave the group so no more seeing me with them. " Myra says
" But you have me. Don't leave so soon. " Liam held her hand and hugged her.
Brianna and Samantha saw her and went to their boyfriends too.
When Myra went back to school the following day she explained everything to Barbara.
" I am sorry Myra. You lost your best friends because of me. " Barbara apologized.
" It's okay. I am not gaining from them anyway. How about we start our own group ? " Myra asked with a smile.
" Really ? " Barbara asked.
" If it's hanging out that you want. I will go with you. There's a house party at Liam's, You know my boyfriend. All his friends will be there. Do you want to come along ? " Myra asked
" Yes of course. " Barbara answered with a smile.
" Let's go ! " Myra pulled Barbara by the hand and took her to their house.
" Don't worry, My dad is at work. I will do your makeup and give you a nice dress. Lets prove Samantha and Brianna that your the cutest. " Myra said and did Barbara's make. She gave her a short pink bubble dress and heals. Myra wore a white body hug and they went to the party.
Most people who saw Barbara were surprised by her stunning beauty and their wow compliments could be heard in a murmur.
Barbara was so happy at the moment that the students were finally noticing her beauty and she joined Myra in the smile. They were walking gently when Brianna and Samantha came forward.
" You two look beautiful ! " Brianna said with a smirk.
" Thanks.." Myra answered with a big smile.
" Well, I see you dared to bring this ordinary girl on such a big party.." Samantha said.
" It's my boyfriend's party. So I had the right to bring who ever I wanted. " Myra said.
" Are you really breaking up with us for that girl ? " Brianna asked in disbelief.
" I did that long time . " Myra said with mocking smile and turned to look at Barbara.
" Barbara, Lets go ! " Barbara loved Myra for this and they went forward to the boys .
When Barbara set her eyes on Brian she felt nervous and her heart begun racing. She was going to meet him at last.
" Hello guys.." Myra said when both the boys turned to look at her and they smiled.
" Myra, You are here ? " Liam asked and went to hug her .
After she shook hands with Brian and they all looked at Barbara.
" This is my friend. Barbara.." Myra said
" Hello I am Liam.." Liam said to her and she responded with a smile .
" Brian.." Brian introduced himself giving her his hand for a handshake.
Only God knows how Barbara was at the moment they shook hands and she felt her hairs stand upright.
" Nice to meet you. " Barbara said.
" She cute, Isn't she ? " Myra asked.
" Of course, I have never seen a girl beautiful like this for the time I've been at school. " Liam said making Myra to laugh.
" So you study with us ? " Brian asked.
" Yeah" Barbara answered.
" How comes I've never seen you before ? " Brian asked.
" I am not a popular student. " Barbara answered.
" At least Myra shouldn't have taken this long to introduce you to me. " Brian said huskily.
" Hmm, Seems you guys are getting along. " Myra said standing next to Liam.
" I think Brian has finally found someone.." Liam said making all of them to laugh.
" It's not like that. " Brian argued.
" Baby, Let's move around. I have someone to show you. " Liam said holding Myra's waist and the two walked away.
Brian looked down at Barbara and said.." Wanna have a drink ? "
" Sure.." Barbara said and they went to the house to find some seats.
' My God ! Is that Brian ? Who is that girl ? We have never seen him talk to a girl before except Myra's group. '
They heard some students comment in soft tones and Barbara felt so special to be seen with Brian.
" Don't mind them. " Brian said after hearing them.
" Of course I don't mind. " Barbara said.
They went inside, had drinks and played with the other students. Most people were wondering who Barbara was and on other side Brianna and Samantha were so disappointed to see Brian with Barbara.
" Brian is hunging out with Barbara, Can you believe that ? " Samantha asked.
" I accept, He is the coolest and hottest guy at school. But at least our boyfriends are also handsome and popular. Don't mind Brian. " Brianna said
" You are right. " Samantha said and after they joined their boyfriends.
Later Liam got a microphone to say a word to them. Myra stood besides Frank who was gay among Liam's boys.
He begun with thanking everyone for attending the party " Especially my girlfriend Myra. " Liam said making Myra to blush.
" The two really love each other. ",Brian who was still with Barbara said.
" Indeed. They are a perfect couple. " Barbara said.
" well.." Liam continued. " I organized this house party because I have a special announcement."
" Prom is very soon. I think Liam wants to propose to you " Frank whispered to Myra.
" We have two months to Prom. How dare you say that ? " Myra asked making Frank to laugh.
Liam turned to look at Myra. " Myra..." He said her name making all the students to look at her.
Myra smiled and looked up at him. " I want you to know that I love you so much. " He said making her to blush.
" I love you too. " Myra replied.
" You see, I said he is going to propose. " Frank whispered to her gain.
" Myra, My family and I are migrating to Australia next week. " Liam declared which surprised Myra that her smile faded
." What are you talking about ? " She asked in disbelief.
" I am leaving the Country forever.." Liam pronounced.
Myra thought she heard it wrong and tears came from her eyes. The rest stared at her in whammy.
" Myra, I..." When Liam tried to add on something Myra turned around and left.
The students begun murmuring on watching Myra walk away in tears.
" Excuse me ! " Liam said and excused himself to follow after Myra.
" Myra..Myra..Myra.." He called when she finally turned around to look at him.
" I am sorry. I didn't want it to be like this. " He said.
" Why didn't you tell me earlier ? " She questioned.
" My parents just told me last week. " He said.
" So you are leaving forever, It means I will never see you again ? " Myra protested.
" I am sorry. " He says.
Liam moved closer and cupped her face. " I am sorry Myra. I didn't have another option. " He apologized.
" When are you leaving ? " Myra asked looking up at him solemnly.
" I am setting off tomorrow. " He said.
Myra pulled him into a hug and he hugged her back.
" I am gonna miss you..." She sobbed.
" I am so sorry.." Liam said.
Barbara and Brian has been left together with the others.
" I think the party ends here. " Brian spoke.
" I wonder what they are up to now..",Barbara said in worry.
" Don't worry. I know my Liam will handle it. How about i drive you home ? " Brian asked.
" No, I came with Myra. I can't leave her behind. " Barbara argued.
" You think she will easily come ? Today is her last night with Liam. " Brian spoke and held Barbara's hand which sent shivers down her spine.
" Let's go ! " Brian spoke huskily and added a smile.
They took Brian's car to Barbara's place and after she thanked him.
" Thank you for the company too. " Brian said and drove away.
Barbara stood there and watched his car still disbelief. She could not believe that she had spent over three hours with him and he even held her hand and offered to bring her home.
When she reached home her parents noticed her happiness for a reason that they didn't know.
The following day when Barbara went to school Myra was absent. She was still looking around when Brian came to her locker.
" Good morning.." He greeted her with a grin.
" Good morning.." Barbara replied with the feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
" Where is Myra ? " Brian asked.
" Looks like she didn't come to school. " Answered Barbara.
" So bad. Maybe she will be with Liam. How about I keep you company the whole day ? " Brian surprised her with this question.
" What ? " She couldn't resist opening her eyes wide.
" Since your friend is absent. I can be there for you. Lets meet at lunch time for now I have a lesson. " Brian said to her and left.
Barbara wasn't believing all this. She decided to go to her class when Brianna and Samantha came to her.
"Good morning guys. " Barbara greeted them.
" We here to worn you. " Brianna started.
" What did I do wrong ? " Barbara asked with a frown
" You better start keeping a distance from Brian. You think he will ask you out ? " Samantha asked.
" Who Said I want to go out with him ? " Barbara asked.
" We can see it all in your face. You have a deep crush on him. " Brianna said.
" I am not the only one who likes him. And why do you guys care ? You have boyfriends already. " Barbara spoke boldly and walked away.
Finally Brian came to pick her at lunch time and they sat together. Rumor had moved around school that Brian and Barbara are dating.
After lunch Brian walked her to class and most students were blubbering about them.
" Brian, Isn't it comfortable got you to move with me ?Everyone is talking about you.." Barbara said.
" Not at all. I care more about my friends than words from people. " Brian said making her feel like he was really falling for her.
She glared at him and beamed. " Nice lessons. " Brian said and Left.
Barbara had just walked back to class when her old friends Came around her.
" Barbara, Are you finally dating Brian ? " They asked.
" We haven't. " Barbara said.
" We are so happy for you. "They said.
Myra came back the following day and she said she had been with Liam and sent him off to the airport.
Brian begun hanging up with both the girls but he interacted mostly with Barbara. He always showed signs of being in love with Barbara but he never told her anything concerning love. Barbara completely changed her dressing code and she also became popular at school. Brianna and Samantha were totally forgotten and It was after a month when Myra gave Barbara a bracelet.
" Barbara, From today onwards, You arey best friend. " Myra said .
" Really ? " Barbara asked.
" Yes. Take this bracelet. I have the other piece of it. " Myra said and they hugged.
" By the way, I have designed a prom dress for you. " Myra surprised Barbara.
" Are you serious ? " Barbara asked not believing it.
" Of course I am. You know I want to become to designer when I finish studies. If by chance I start my designs company I will give you the highest rank. " Myra spoke cheerfully.
" Thank you Myra for the Friendship, the love , The bracelet and the dress. " Barbara said almost tearing up and and in her head.
' Thank you for introducing me to Brian. I am not sure if he really likes me but I am so happy that he got to know me. And I shared moments with him because of you. '
" Don't thank me. You have been a goodfriend. You helped me improve my studies for nothing in return . I am the one supposed to thank you. " Myra said to her.
' I wish you knew that I only befriended you to get close to Brian. ' Barbara said in her head with guilt.
She smiled at Myra. " Let's go home today, I will show you the prom dress. " Myra said and they went to see it. It was a blue cinderella gown and when Barbara tried it fitted her very well.
" You look like a princess.." Myra praised.
Barbara almost cried out of happiness but she held her tears tight.
" Thank you so much Myra. But I can't take this dress. " Barbara gasped with Puzzled Myra.
" Why not ? " Myra inquired.
" How can I attend Prom ? I don't even have a date . " Barbara said sadly.
" Don't worry about a Prom date. You have Brian. " Myra said
" Brian is not my boyfriend. How can I even be sure that he will ask me ? " Barbara asked.
" You and I are the only closet friends that Brian. And of course he can't ask me. You are the one he is so close to. " Myra reasoned.
" How about you, If Brian asks me. Who will you go with ? " Barbara asked.
" I am not attending Prom. ",Myra said.
" Why ? " Myra said.
" Liam is gone. I don't feel like going with someone else . " Myra said sadly.
Barbara Understood what Myra said and held her hand. " Myra I can go with you. " Barbara said.
" No need. I have made up my mind anyway. If I am to attend, I will only come for the final speech. Because I am the one supposed to make it. " Myra said.
Their Friendship grew stronger and it was only two weeks to the Prom party when Brian told Barbara that he wanted to meet her that evening. Most students had begun their proposals already.
Barbara told her friends about that and they assured her that Brian was going to propose to her.
After the classes,Barbara went to the venue which was the School Theater and there were no students there.
" You are here ? " Brian asked on seeing her.
" Yes..Why did you call me here ? " Barbara asked
" I want to show you something. " Brian said and held her hand.
" Come with me. " He said and pulled her to the stage that had closed curtains.
' I think he is really going to propose to me. ' Barbara thought and put a big smile on her face.
When they were there, Brian let go of her hand and opened the curtains only to see a beautifully decorated table wall that had a big red heart on it and around were a number of candles and rose petals.
Barbara smiled not believing it. Brian was going to propose to her. The guy she has been loving all along. She gave a bog grin that tears almost escaped from her eyes.
Brian looked at her and smiled. " Do you like it ? " He asked.
" Mm..its beautiful. " Barbara answered almost shading tears of joy.
Brian looked at the decorations again and said. " It took me three days to organize this place. " he said and looked at Barbara again .
" Do you think that Myra will like it ? " Brian asked making the smile on Barbara's face to face immediately.
" What ? " Barbara asked to make sure she heard it right.
" I want to propose to Myra tomorrow. Do you think she will like it ? " Brian asked.
Little did he know that this broke Barbara's heart into pieces. A tear escaped from her eye.
" Barbara, Are you okay ? Did I upset you ? " Brian asking on seeing her expression.
She dried off the tear and forced a smile. " No, I am fine. I am just so happy and surprised by this so tears of joy. I am so happy for you and Myra. " Barbara said just to show him that all was well.
" Oh, You almost scared me. " Brian said and smiled at her.
" I am so.I am just surprised. " Barbara said trying so hard not to cry.
" So, You are Myra's best friend so I hoped you could what she likes. " Brian said.
' Do you know that I became her best friend to get close to you ? ' Barbara asked in her head and said.
" Of course. She will like it. " Barbara said.
" There's a show tomorrow. Please beg her to come over. I will propose to her immediately after the show in everyone's presence. " Brian said.
" Wow, It's a good idea. " Barbara said.
" I am, I was also thinking of confessing my feelings to her. Do you think it will work ? " Brian asked this time round crushing her into a million pieces.
" You like her ? " Barbara asked.
" Yes..I like her so much" Brian spoke.
" Huh.." Barbara chuckked.
" I know i hid it for so long. " Brian added.
" For how long ? " Barbara asked.
" Since the day I joined this school. " Brian said.
" You know Myra is like a flower. She is very beautiful, attractive, popular, She does well in academics and on top of that she has a loving heart. At first I couldn't tell her how I felt because she was Liam's girlfriend. And now that Liam is gone. I should take my chance. " Brian explained.
" Sure, I will ask her to come tomorrow." Barbara said.
" Thanks then." Brian said.
" If that's all I will leave.." Barbara said.
" I will drop you home."
" No need.." Barbara said to him and forced a smile.
" I am going to meet a friend first. So...good night. " Barbara left Brian there.
She was confident until she reached her room and cried a river.
' I wasted four months just to be with Myra and this is what I get in return ! ' She cursed.
The following day, Barbara took Myra to the theater and the show was done when Brian stepped forward and said.
" Hi guys, I have a simple show for you all. " He begun and they paid attention.
" So guys, There's a girl that I love. Since the day I joined this school. " When he said this all the students begun murmuring.
" He is talking about you . Right ? " Myra asked Barbara with excitement.
" Don't draw conclusions. Lets first hear what he got to say. " Barbara said.
" We know, Its Barbara.." Frank shouted making the students to laugh.
" Guys, Can't you wait for me to finish ? " Brian asked and they became silent again .
" Yeah, There's a girl I love. " He continued.
" She is very beautiful, Very sweet and just like the blight star. " Brian spoke and At the end he looked directly at Myra.
" Look, I told you. He is now looking at you. " Myra whispered to Barbara.
" No He is coming to you.." Barbara said in a shaky voice when Brian got off the stage and begun walking towards them. Myra also noticed that Brian was looking at her directly and she was puzzled.
The other students' gaze followed until Brian reached where Myra and Barbara were.
Brian smiled when he was before them and he got the microphone again.
" Myra, I like you. Will you go to prom with me ? " Brian asked and after he knelt on his knee before Myra and pulled out a rose.
Myra covered her mouth in shock that her eyes turned red.
She first looked at Barbara besides her but she didn't look surprised at all.
" We thought he liked Barbara, How have things turned up ? " A few students asked some loud and others in a murmur.
" It was all a misunderstanding. Barbara and I are just friends and the person I like is Myra. " Brian spoke out to them loud and looked at Myra again who was still zombied.
" Myra...Say yes.." Barbara encouraged and spread a fake smile.
" Barbara, I thought you.." Myra was talking when Barbara cut her off by standing and clapping.
" Myra, Say yes ! " Barbara sung while she clapped and the other students followed her.
" Myra , Say yes ! Myra Say yes ! " The song became the anthem in the whole theater.
Myra thought that this was okay with Barbara so she smiled at Brian and said.
" Yes..." She got the rose from him and after he got up with her and hugged her before everyone.
Barbara put on a big smile but inside she was dying. After the hug Brian took Myra away and Barbara also left the theater. She went to the washroom and cried from the toilet where no one could see her.
" Brian, Why did you do that ? " Myra asked when she was alone with him.
" I said it already. I like you. " Brian answered.
" But we Can't. " Myra argued.
" I know you still love Liam. But I can give you time to get over him. "
" It's not about Liam. Its about Barbara. " Myra astonished him with these words.
" What's with Barbara ? " Brian asked not understanding it.
" Oh my God Brian, Can't you see she likes you ? " Myra asked.
" Be serious. " Brian took it for a shock.
" Brian, Don't act naive. You could tell. " Myra said.
" Fine..I know that but you are the one that I like. Myra,I am so serious. I really like you. '
" But I can't accept you. I can't betray Barbara. She is my best friend. " Myra explained.
" So will you force me to like her ? I don't have feelings for her. " Brian said.
" But I can't hurt her. " Myra complained.
" Fine . You can reject my feelings but please go to Prom with me. " Brian begged.
Myra kept silent.
" If it's hurting Barbara tjaThat you fear, I promise once the party is done I will never bother both you again. " Brian assured her.
" Really ? " Myra asked.
" Yes. I promise. " Brian promised.
" Okay. Let me go and talk to Barbara now. " Myra said and left.
Barbara came out of the toilet after crying and drying her tears very well. She was walking along the compound when her old friends came to her.
" Barbara, We heard that Brian proposed to Myra. Is or true ? " They asked feeling sad for her.
" I am not in the mood to talk about it. " Barbara answered.
" I feel sorry for you. You became Myra's friend to get close to Brian but now you have lost him. What will you do ? " One of them asked.
" I can't separate withher just because of that." Barbara had just said when she heard a voice from behind say.
" You will !.." when she turned around it was Brianna and Samantha.
" Brianna..." Barbara called in panic.
" We have heard everything. You became Myra's friend because you wanted Brian. " Samantha said.
" You were too stupid to think you can win Brian. No onein this school competes with Myra. " Brianna said.
" Now we shall go and let her know your true colors. " the two girls said and left.
" Barbara, Wont you do anything ? " Her friends asked.
" No. Maybe this is the only way to cut ties with Myra. " Barbara said and left.
Brianna and Samantha went to Myra and found her looking for Barbara.
" Are you looking for Barbara ? " They asked.
" Yes. Have you seen her ? " Myra asked.
" Myra, Stop looking for her. Do you know we heard her with own ears saying she only got close to you to get Brian ? " Brianna asked.
" You are lying. " Myra argued.
" Then go and ask her yourself. " They said and Myra rushed to look for her until she found her seated under the tree.
" Tell me the truth. Did you really get close to me to get Brian ? " Myra asked when Barbara turned to look at her.
" Myra, I am sorry. I wanted to tell you myself. " Barbara cried.
Myra chuckled. " I always wondered why a stranger suddenly started talking to me and offered to study with me. I thought you loved kefir who I was. I am so disappointed. " Myra said and walked away.
The two didn't talk again for the remaining days. Myra started hanging out with her friends Brianna and Samantha again and she gave more time to Brian.
When Prom reached, Myra went with Brian and her friends with their boyfriends. She was made the Prom Queen and Frank the Prom king.
It was time for the speech when Myra went to talk and realized that Barbara didn't attend.But on rememberimg that Barbara was just a fake friend she continued talking and ended her speech.
The party came to an end and they were all dancing to the slow music when the door opened and Barbara entered putting on the gown Myra had given her.
All the students turned around to look at her.
" Why is she here now ? " Brianna asked
Barbara gathered confidence and walked to Myra.
" What are you doing here ? " Myra asked.
" Do you remember, You gabe me this dress and told me to wear on prom ? " Barbara asked.
" Myra, You really did ? " Samantha asked in disbelief.
" I did because I thought she was my friend.." Myra said.
" Myra, I am so sorry. " Barbara said with sincerity.
Myra became angry and turned to walk away when Barbara rushed and picked the microphone.
" Myra, Listen to this before you go..." Barbara spoke out loud.
Myra turned around to look back and all the students set their eyes on them.
" I know. I lied to you and I made a big mistake. But when I said you were my best friend. I never lied. It's true I came to you with other intentions but when I got to learn more about you ,I realized that you have more hidden beauty within you. "
The students kept silent to listen to her.
" Before I knew you. I thought that you were popular and loved by students because of your makeup, cool dresses and the beautiful face and body. And I though that if I became your friend and dressed like you I would also be loved. But I was wrong. The reason why they all love you is because you are friendly, kind, loving and caring about your friends. Your heart is pure and you always have good intentions." The students begun smiling on hearing the sweet words coming from Barbara.
" I was just a friend to you but you took your time to make me this gown. And promised to make me one of partners once you started a design company. I appreciate the love and everything. And I know right now I don't deserve to be your friend " Barbara narrated.
The students looked at Myra to see what she would say but she was still silent.
" Now I accept that you are the school beauty. No wonder you walk with two beautiful girls by your side. " Barbara said referring to Brianna and Samantha.
" And only the handsome and cool guys in the school fall for you first. I accept all that because you are a true beauty both inside and outside. And no one hates beautiful things, So do I. I don't want to be enemies with a flower like you.will you please forgive me ? " Barbara asked.
" What sweet words these are ! Myra say something .." Frank yelled as usual.
Brianna and Samantha who were already pleased by Barbara's words went to Myra and said
" I think she is sincere. Say something. ",They said to her.
Myra finally got the microphone and said.
" Do you know why I love people so much ? " Myra asked but no one answered.
" My Mom died when I was just born. So I have grown up without My mother's love. So i try to find love in everything I come across. " Myra said.
" And where there is love. There is forgiveness. " Myra said and smiled at Barbara.
" So does this mean that we are friends again ? " Barbara asked.
Myra walked to her and said. " Of course, You are my best friend." Myra declared and all the students clapped for them.
Brianna and Samantha joined them and said. " From now onwards, We are the super four right ? " Brianna asked.
" Of course . But Barbara is my favorite." Myra said.
" Of course Samantha and I couldn't say all those beautiful words Barbara said. "
The four girls laughed and became closest friends.
After the party, Myra and Barbara were talking the following day when Brian came to them. When Barbara saw him coming she was about to go when he stopped her.
" I need to talk to both of you. " He said
" What is it ? " Myra asked.
" I want to keep the promise I made to you that I will leave and bother you two again. " Brian said.
" What are you saying ? " Barbara asked.
" Tomorrow I am leaving the Country. " Brian declared to Barbara.
" Why ? " She asked.
" I know I disappointed you when I chose Myra over you. I don't Myra to live with that guilt that she betrayed her best friend. I don't want you to live with anger that I chose your best friend over you. And I also don't want to live with guilt that I almost separated two best friends. So I am doing this for the three of us. " Brian said.
" You don't have to feel guilty. I am fine with whoever you choose and I am back with Myra. Nothing can separate us now. " Barbara said.
" I am glad to hear that. But then, Myra rejected me. So U can't live with that feeling of rejection. " Brian said.
" Brian..." Myra called him to stop him from saying something that would annoy Barbara.
" I am leaving anyway. It was nice having you two as my best friends. Bye..." Brian said and hugged both of them good bye.
When Barbara felt his warm body and breath she thought of not seeing him ever again.
' Brian, Do you love Myra so much that you can't even stay because she rejected ? I accept she is far better than me in everything. And she is so good to me. But I wish I could hate her. But I can't ..I have to bear with this the rest of life I guess it was my fate. And maybe I wasn't meant for you. '
Barbara said in her head during the hug and after it they saw him off.
Myra was relieved that Brian is gone and she held Barbara's hand tight.
" Barbara, We are now done with high school.what's your next plan ? " Myra asked.
" I have no big deals.." Barbara said.
" Let's forget everything that has happened in the past and start a new life. " Myra suggested.
" Why not ? " Barbara said.
" Best friends ? " Myra asked.
" Of course Best friends forever.." Barbara answered with a big smile and they walked away holding their hands.
' I promised Myra that I will be her best friend forever. But I won't lie, It still hurts me that because of her Brian couldn't love me. But...I believe one day all these feelings will disappear. "
Barbara said in her head.
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