
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Zombie hunters.7

Mark didn't just run off the fight scene because he was trying to flee the fight. However, he was going out to look for Peter and just when he managed to get behind the mothership, he found him.

The mothership is too tight and close to the two building walls that formed the array, therefore, because of this, Mark could not just go through the side, instead, he have to climb over the mothership top to reach the other side or he could just follow through another collection but zombie hunter was already slabbing the path with his strange bubble ability. At this moment, Mark can't afford to fall victim to the bubble trap so he decided to climb over the mothership.

Though he will be delayed this way, however, it will be worse if he was to take the former path and be trapped inside the bubble. First, he has to get into the mothership again, he used the elevator to get to the training room before getting on top of the vehicle through the opening on top.

Just after climbing down from the top, just like he expected, Peter was trapped in a transparent ball while he was trying to break out from the bubble. Getting closer, he could see that Peter was already in the red ghoul form while hitting the bubble with all his might.

Regardless of how strong Peter was, for some reason, even he could not break out with his raw strength, however, Peter being who he is, not willing to give up nor was he even thinking of doing so. He was still punching the bubble but his hand kept on bouncing off.

Meanwhile, Mark was gently approaching the bubble, not only was the bubble not popping, it was not even moving as something that is because punched on. When he got closer, he was able to study the bubble before some theory started to form in his head.

He could as Peter's fists and claws hitting the bubble yet, there was nothing that seems to be happening to the bubble as it was still intact, however, that was till Mark started to figure something out.

Anytime Peter's hand touches the bubble, it ripples, before it bounces off and hit Peter's hand as they were pushed back. That was not the only he noticed, every time he hit the bubble, the next ripple after seems to be reduced as if the bubble was getting solid at moment. See this brought a worrying thought to Mark. 'The more he hit, the stronger the bubble gets, if I'm right, what this needs is a gentle approach,' Mark thought ad he brought something out from his pocket. It was a brass knuckle. However, other than his fist, the brass sharp edge was facing his palm.

'Other than any other brass knuckles that are based on the clenched fist, this is on the palm and it is useful when one wants to slap some teeth out of anyone, I just hope this work," perhaps, because he wasn't sure of is the theory, he was hopping that thing will work out.

However, the problem is that Peter is still hitting the bubble none stop and with this, there is a high chance that Mark's plane might not work. Just as Mark was wondering when Peter will give up on punching the bubble, a gaseous smoke was released inside the bubble and slowly, Peter's movement started to become sluggish as he stopped punching.

Seeing this, Mark panicked as he did not waste any time and placed his hand on the bubble surface, at first, they seems to be nothing happening, however, that was until he heard and saw a crack in the bubble, it was as if an egg was hatching and the smoke that was stuck inside the bubble was released out forcefully.

Peter didn't even wait for the smoke to get out completely when he bust out from the bubble and sprinted towards the mothership. In one jump, he was on top of the mothership and locked his gaze on the zombie hunter and pounced on him.


The fish beast was thrown out from the array. But when he was still in the mid-air, Peter was already after him. Ghouls are already fast zombies, they could be considered the fastest zombies, and to top it up, Peter was in his red zombie form. Just like Nate anticipated, for them to be two classes of ghouls, there must be something different about the two.

Right now, Peter was a lot faster than any ghoul as he was able to catch up to the zombie hunter and throw out his fist at him once again, but this time, he was punching down and the fish beast was slammed into the soil, however, his body never stopped moving as it continued and slammed into a house over the other side of the road.


"Shit, I thought you were trapped," although Peter is a special type of ghoul, he was a ghoul and a wight at the same time and his punch is not to be underestimated especially when he is in the red ghoul form, however, the fish beast was able to get up in time to release more bubbles not just from his ear but also from his mouth, and Peter seeing this retreat back giving him a distance.

Meanwhile, Twain has seen this and started shooting at the bubbles popping them. He noticed that the other bubbles that has nothing trapped inside were able to pop just like any other bubble and he did not hesitate to waste his bullets on them.

With the help of Twain, the path was cleared as the fish beast was in sight again and Peter didn't hesitate to sprint towards him.

Just like before, the fish had wanted to cast out the bubbles again, but Peter had beat him to that. Before any other bubbles could be released, Peter clashed with him, breaking the wall behind them while throwing the hunter into the grocery stores.

Just like before, the man was quick to get up. However, this time, Peter had found out what was doing all this.

The damage was on his body yet they were not healing, but he was still able to get up fine without any problem. The reason for this is because of the stone he was strongly holding with his hand.

Every time he was hit by Peter, the blue stone glowed, and send a huge boost of power through the fish beast's body.

"You are a pain in the ass!!" The fish beast roared and thrust his tail forward. All Peter did was open his mouth, take all the tails inside his mouth and bit them off.

Before they do any further thing, Peter appeared by his side and swung his claw. It was swung diagonally and it hit the zombie hunter on its jaw, throwing him to the side. Peter picked him up and opened his mouth ready to bite, but he suddenly paused.

Still holding the stone in his hand, the man still has the strength to talk despite his jaw being destroyed by Peter.

"What? Does your type have mercy?" The man asked. However, what Peter did next was the opposite. He grabbed the man hand holding the stone and rip it off the shoulder before tossing him out of the store to the road.


For the first time, there was a cry of pain from the fish beast as he flew out of the store.

Slowly, he was turning back into a human with a missing hand, just when he was having the thought of escaping, he started to feel an immense pain all around his body, the pain of all the injury and bone damage he had was now taking effect on him and it was so great that it was driving him crazy and he was at the height of passing out, but before that, he was able to see an unfamiliar face, a face that did not appear throughout the fight. It was a young boy at the age of sixteen years old and he said to him.

"So, you are the one brave enough to invade my horde base?"

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This is the amount I have for today!!!

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