
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

The code of survival.

Nate was grateful that he now finally had someone to talk to for a long time. Most of the time he thought and talked to himself, and though he was not bothered by it, it was still kind of boring for him.

But now that Lyon was with him he was grateful.

Of course, Nate would not sit around while waiting for the system to get back online without doing anything.

Nate had learned that Lyon first saw them when he was running from the group of militants. Nate had just randomly chosen a house to hide and did not even bother to take a closer look at the house...

That's why he and Lyon were looking at every piece of equipment in the house. Nate especially made sure not to leave any place in touch.

After some hours, the system is yet to be back online...

To pass out time, Nate decided to engage in a spar with Lyon.

Instead of going out on the mean road, Nate had found a backyard about ten meters wide...

Standing opposite each other were Nate and Lyon.

"They are things you have to learn if you want to be a follower of mine" Nate started to lecture while he moved back and forth with his hand lucked behind his back.

He was mimicking some of the fighting moves he used to watch when he was still a kid.

"Is it education?" Lyon asked, a bit worried. He once stated to Nate that he was not the type that was educated, he could barely read and write, and all the academic skills he has now was the one he got from his days in basic school before his disease was discovered. As he grew, people bullied and mucked him, making it known to him that no one could live a better life without a proper education.

Though this might be true In the past in a world of Apocalypse, no one thinks about school what matters most now is your strength and resources.

"Hoff...." Scoffing, Nate replied.

"In a world like this, do you think your school degrees matter? Yes smart people might be needed in society but that is not something that everyone should be aiming for, instead, you should be aiming for survival" Saying that, Nate ran to his side and delivered a kick at Lyon's leg.

Of course, he did not put much force on it because he was still weary of what Lyon could do now.

Lyon fell to the ground with his back slamming hard on the surface of the earth.

"The capability to survive is something you don't have, You have all it takes actually, but you don't have the skills" Nate stretched out his hand to pull Lyon up.

"What do you mean by I have all it takes?" Lyon was eager to learn more.

"Do you think that it is everyone that can turn into a beast and have a great bust in their strength"

"The world has changed quite all right, but not everyone has changed, you are one of the few people that could be considered a superhuman"

"Humans that can achieve supernatural feats, you once said that this is a cause to you, but this same cause is what many of those that had mucked you, bullied you will only dream to be. If you chanced to see one of those bullies, with what you currently have, they will all worship you like a good" Nate ended his speech there.

Meanwhile, Lyon was already fantasizing about how his old bullies would kneel before him and worship him.

"Mind you also, for this to happen, you have to be stronger than any other superhuman out there because if some are stronger than you show up, no one will bother to look at you and will be treated like you used to be treated, so get stronger because strength is the main code of an apocalyptic world. Saying that Nate stopped as he looked at Lyon.

"We need to teach you how to transform by yourself because there might be a situation where the triggering method might not work and this might be a problem for you in the future"


Having been walking for a long time, Red could not help but ask in compliance.

"Where exactly are we going, he has been working for,"

"The zombies are just too much for us," Red said while using a scythe that he picked up from the place they had spent the Knight on, to kill the zombies. Though the zombies kept coming, he and Purple have been doing a great job so far by trying their best to fend off the zombies.

Where Mia was leading them is unknown but he was sure that with the way their movement was being hindered by zombies, they wouldn't be reaching their destination soon.

"I have told you that we are getting out of this territory, If what Kai said about that man is true, then we should try our best to stay away from the area, at least for now, maybe in the future, when we are strong enough, then we can come back and rule over this world"

"Hahaha...!!!" Mia laughs out loud.

After Kai had narrated what he had seen so far from the crew that had taken him in, he advised Mia and the others to vacate from this particular area because the crew seemed to have a lot of influence in the area, even with the apocalypse going on, the strength of the group was something Kai was amazed.

Meanwhile, Red can close Purple's ear and whisper.

"Has he finally gone crazy?"

Purple used his elbow to hit on Red's abdomen.

"...that hurts," he said while holding onto his mouth.

"Then learn how to shut up," Purple said before increasing his space.

"So Green, what have you been able to do with those stones you picked up back then?" Mia asked.

"Not much" just two words out of Green's mouth as he resumed what he was doing.

Among all the triplets, the person that has the weirdest personality is Green, unlike Purple and Red who love getting into a fight, Green loves things that have to do with science and tech.

And right now, he has a great task to complete which is to find a way to build things that will grant Mia and the rest a fighting bust.

That is not the only thing one should know about him.

He also does not like speaking much. This has been so because likes focusing on things that are categorized as things that demand technical skills or scientific skills, any other things that exclude him from that.

Yes, he also has a musical body, but he has nothing to do with that because a stable body is something that he found out was from their genetics.

Mia did not want to pursue much on that and had mainly focused on something else.

"Though it is not yet evening, I think we should stop here and gather some food," Mia said pointing at a grocery store.


"We are barely moving without any goods, but now we will surely be eaten by zombies" Rad disagreed.

"What is wrong with you, we will be taking every single thing in this store with us so knock it off. After all, we still need to follow the first or maybe the last code of the apocalypse" saying that Mia starts to walk into the store.

"The last code of Apocalypse is to have enough resources to survive" Green muttered.


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