
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

No Cure.

The question asked by Bull was ringing a bell in Nate's ear as he looked at him and then at the others suspiciously.

"Are you guys tired of being zombies or something?" Nate asked but didn't allow them to answer as he continued to speak.

"A way to turn a zombie back to human is already too late for us. Even if we manage to create a vaccine, it's already too late for that. This because right now, our body can't take drugs or anything of that sort that's why we are also immune to poisons," Nate explained.

The other understood what Nate was saying. Speaking of vaccines, Mark has already created one that will prevent someone bit by a zombie not to turn.

However, this vaccine only works when the person was not yet fully become a zombie and lost his sense.

Regardless, Nate misunderstood the question or maybe it was Bull's fault for not phrasing the question properly.

"Sorry... I miss phrased the question. What I was initially asking for is whether there is a way to make a crazy zombie-like us," Bull corrected himself.

Hearing this, Nate didn't know why Bull was asking this question. From the looks of things, Bull wasn't the only person interested to know this because the others were preparing to hear his response.

"How long have you guys been waiting to ask me this question..?" Nate asked not bothering to answer Bull's questions yet.

"Since we joined your horde," Bull replied being truthful.

"And for what reason are you guys seeking this?" Nate continued to ask.

Nate knows there must be a reason why Bull was seeking this. 'Is there a zombie he wanted to make like us?' Nate wondered.

With a sigh, Bull started to explain. "It's about my former base... My military base was destroyed due to the outbreak of the zombie virus that ended up infecting everyone on the base. I was wondering if there is a way they can be turned like us, reason well, I would wish to know," Bull explained.

Hearing this, Nate now understands where the question was coming from. 'Even I thought he must have gotten over it but that's not the case... From what they said, living in the base was like living with a family. They must really be hoping for a positive answer but do I really have a positive answer?' Nate asked himself.

"I understand how you guys feel, and it's quite unfortunate that I don't have the positive answer you guys want," Nate said.

"I don't know how to turn a crazy zombie to be like us," Nate replied.

His reply made the other's face fall as all hope left their face.

"What about Peter your brother...I remember he us to be a crazy zombie but lately, before he left, we all saw him speak," Lyon said wondering whether Nate have forgotten about Peter.

Hearing his brother being referred to as a crazy zombie angered Nate though but he calm down since he know Lyon didn't mean to offend him.

"Peter...!mmm...!" Nate put on the face of someone who was thinking. Of course, it would be ridiculous if he had truly forgotten about Peter's evolution from being a low-intelligence zombie to high-intelligence.

"His case was different... If you want me to evolve your men from being low-intelligence zombies to high-intelligence zombies. I can do that but the problem is that I can't extend it to all of them and it will take time for them to fully evolve," Nate said.

Hearing this, Bull did not mind, although he wished there was a way to extend it to the others. However, still having some of them is better than having none of them.

"That's not all... The zombies must prove themselves that they are strong because for them to evolve, we need to put them to fight just like Peter used to get into fights." Nate explained.

Bull understood what Nate meant. The reason it might take time for the zombies to become intelligent is that they first have to gather some points to increase their intelligence.

The reason why Nate couldn't extend the same fate to the other zombies is because of his zombie slot. Right now, has twenty slots for a regular zombie.

With that part of the discussion out, the next plane was how to get the zombies.

"How sure are you guys that they will still be there I mean, won't they have escaped to look for food?" Lyon asked.

"He is right... They might have just left the base looking for food," Mark said.

"Whatever... We will go there and what we see, we take and leave," Nate said before picking on those that will go with them.


"Only four of us...?!" lyon asked confused.

"What's wrong with the number... Are we going to a war or something... All we have to do is select the one Bull felt all more capable of fighting and then leave," Nate said to Lyon.

Out of the people that will escort them to the base, Nate chose, Bull, Mark and Lyon. Nate himself was the one that made the group four.

Currently moving in their mothership vehicle, in no time, they have arrived at where was formally Bull base.

"You never told us about your base being in a thick and large forest," Nate commented on seeing their surroundings.

The base wall was covered in green grasses and so. It remembered the others about the forest base.

Meanwhile, Mark and Bull looked at each other. "I usually am not like this, maybe the plants here have grown faster than usual," Bull said.

Their vehicle smashed through the base gate breaking it apart. Moving further ahead, they couldn't believe what they were seeing at all.

Soon, they found a place to pack before getting down from the vehicle.

"Speaking of the zombies running away, but it seems like that's not the case at all," Nate lamented.

Behold, in front of them, were a lot of zombies. There are those with slime bodies, those lagers and those that looked normal, but one thing that united them all is the fact none of the zombies was moving, they all were just standing there like a statue.

"What are they doing?" lyon asked.

Looking at it closely, Nate felt like he might have an idea of what was going on.

"They are in a state known as hibernation state," Nate answered.

Bulls have recognized a few of the zombies and become worried. "Is this bad news?" he asked.

"It's not bad news, they can still wake up from it, but something is not right. If am correct, the only thing that can put a zombie in this state is cold but this place doesn't seem to be cold," Nate said confused.

"Maybe, there is something else that can put us in this state," Mark said.

As he was speaking, a cloud of mist was appearing in his hand and soon when it cleared, fresh flesh could be seen on his hand.

However, what surprised them the most was the fact that all the zombies suddenly faced Mark.

There were not looking at him but rather at what was on his hand.

"Hunger...that makes sense, they must have been hungry and were unable to find something to eat. Because of this, their body functioning stopped and work only reacts when food is close by," Mark explained.

From how he spoke, it was as if he had experienced it before.

"That is good news but how are we going to know which one is worthy of evolution? You guys haven't forgotten the plane right," Nate asked.

Meanwhile, Mark has placed the flesh back in his inventory to avoid the zombies from rushing towards him.

"I don't know how we are going to do that though," Mark replied.

"Hey...guys...! I think we have an intruder," Lyon suddenly said looking up.

The others also looked up to see an old man floating in the air with his hand behind his back.

However, what caught their attention the most was the world written on the man's chest.


"I have received reports about you. Reports of how you were able to control other zombies and do more things that zombies can do, that's why I was sent personally to kill you...!!!," the old man's voice echoed as he pointed out his finger at Nate.

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