
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs


Speeding up like sports cars were armoured vehicles with military personnel stationed on top of them. They were about thirty in number and they were spending up through the streets. At one glance one can clearly tell that where ever this group of militants were heading, they were not going there with the intent of peace but rather with the intention of war or something of that sort since their manner of approach was just too intimidating to see.

However, as the militant groups were moving into the city, they have been noticing something odd about the place they are and which was totally different from the other places they have been.

"I don't know, but this place has some odd feelings about it," a lady's voice was heard in one of the vehicles as they travel.

The lady was sitting right next to the window as she looks out into the city in observation.

"What exactly did you think is different?" the person sitting beside her asked.

Inside this particular vehicle, they are a total of six people minus the two drivers in the front that was demarcated from the others passengers.

"Can't you guys see it, ever since we arrived here, we have not even encountered any problem like before, not even zombies could be spotted, thinking about this keeps making me shiver because this place is too creepy," the lady said.

"Really? What's wrong with you ladies, when we were assigned to a creepy location, you panic and yet now we are here with fewer zombies and beasts, you are complaining," the one sitting beside the woman lamented.

"But she's right, something is definitely wrong with this place. The zombies and beast don't exist in this place, then it means something is killing them, "another man said.

"Really? You guys know the number of zombies out here and beast, just what will have so much appetite to finish an entire city of zombies, besides, they are already a report of a survivor base here, if there is something that can do such a thing stays here, then why will they be a surviving base?" the man asked.

The other militants know that the man was right, if truly they were something about this place they are now, then it wouldn't have been possible for a surviving base to exist in the place.

However, thinking of this also brings more assumptions to them as they question further about the case. "I'm just assuming though but what if it's this base that is behind all this, you guys know what I'm saying, right?" the guys that said this received an odd stare from everyone in the vehicle.

"Forget about it, I'm just saying because you guys know the world has changed, many people have been developing some type of supernatural power, so maybe someone was behind all this, maybe not a beast entirely, it might be a human you know," the man said as he stayed silent for the entire time they were travelling.

The vehicle was now silent with nearly all the people in the bus face down. The truth is that what the man just said had made them think more about the environment of the city they were in. They thought that maybe as the journey continues, they will eventually meet with some beast or even spot a zombie on the street but none of that happened, they, in fact, didn't see any shadow except that of their vehicle.

"Ahhhhh....! Enough of all this, why is it so quiet, this is not how it used to be," the particular man that was opposing the fact that they are in a strong city yelled at top of his lungs as he hold his helmet ready to take it off, but it was at this moment they car for the first time trembled as they all fall side was.

"We stop, did we finally encounter something like a beast of a zombie horde," they all asked themselves, but then, they just received a message from the drivers about the current condition.

"We were ordered by the captain to stop," the driver said.

"For what?" they asked but didn't get any response from the driver's anymore.

Soon, after the cars have stopped in the middle of a long street they set a camp for the time being.

"So ..., what exactly made us stop," the lady from before asked the captain.

The captain was a light-skinned man that was covered in scars and then on, and the man's head was bald with only some bunch of hair in the front which he tied around with a band making it stand upright like a devil's horn.

The captain's physique was decent, though it doesn't look intimidating the scares that were most visible on his hand and face.

"Our main goal is to capture all those people in that base and then send them to the working base where they will have to help in carrying out hard labours and so on, therefore, this means we will be needed most of them alive if not all of them." the captain explained.

"Because of this, we won't engage in a fight with the base out rightly to avoid mass killing from their side which is what we don't want since it will reduce the number of people going back with us. We will kindly inform them that we are here, we will only attack once they try to resist," the caption explained with confidence that they will win the fight as soon as it starts.


Meanwhile, unknown to these military men, all that they are staying in are being heard by some groups not far from their camp.

"This is bad, they simply want to take all the survival back to work for them, from the look of things also, it seems like we might not be the first target of them, they must have been going around doing this," V whispered in a low tone.

He was currently with Nate and the rest of his horde. They are avoiding getting closer to the military group because they are fearing to be dictated to by any mechanism or power they have. Regardless, with their high sense of sight and they were able to capture all that has been said by the captain of the militants.

"Good news is that their force is quite weak to what we were expecting," Sin said. Thirty armoured vehicles filled with heavily armed men want, not something to joke about but Sin was mocking all this right there and then.

Meanwhile, Nate was thinking of something in particular and that was about what the captain said. 'They are capturing people for labouring. Labouring for what?' Nate wondered. The army group was known for not having a free pass for recruitment in the first place.

If one wants to join the army, then they have to pass through some tough tests and training and this is something not all can achieve. Right now, it sounds as if the military is trying to add more numbers to their men but Nate knows they must be the reason for that and it was entirely not for the zombie apocalypse.

Regardless, he didn't want to think much about it, all he knows is that he won't allow the military to steal the people of his base since this was mostly the only means for him to level up fast.

With that thought in mind, Nate placed the order. "I think we should attack them now they are more relaxed and not expecting anything," Nate instructed.

Meanwhile, back in the street where the militants were camping confident in dealing with any threat that appears.

The Captain has just finished selecting who will go pay a visit to the prison base when they found something strange occurring. It was a phenomenon, but since the world has changed, nothing could be considered a phenomenon anymore.

"Why is the temperature changing, it feels cold here," one of the militants said.

"What are you talking about, it's getting hotter this side," another said as he was taking off his upper clothes.

Soon, the other militants also start to complain about the temperature some were saying it was cold while others were saying it was hot.

The captain seeing this knows that something is not right. Just then, a loud explosion sound was heard as one of the armoured vehicles exploded.

"Sir, we are being ambushed," a report was made instantly alerting the captain.

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