
Go Big Or Go Home

(Authors POV, U.A. University, 4 years later)

A little bit less than half a decade later, at the front of U.A. University, three different figures stood in front of it and stared down the H shaped building.

"U.A. University, it's about god-damn time." A now 18 year old Zero said, looking roughly the same as he did when he was young aside from having more wild looking hair shaped into a messy wolf tail like style that went down his back, sharp canine like teeth, pointed, furry ears like that of a dog, and inch long claws that were retracted back into his fingers, he also now had very muscular and athletic but also lean build thanks to his training with his Mother and Mirko.

"You guys ready?" He turned to his two companions Mina and Tokoyami.

As expected, Minas once cute and curvy body had blossomed into a down right knockout of a figure with shockingly large E-cups, a slim hourglass shaped waist, wide hips, and long slender legs that sent Zero up the walls just by staring at them, all of which seemed to be enhanced by her naturally pink skin that shined underneath the sun.

Tokoyami, like Zero, looked pretty the same, not that a giant bird head could change all that much in the first place, but he did look quite a bit more buff due to him, Mina, and Zero all training together from time to time as well.

"Ready as ever Zero-kun!" Mina smiled while Tokoyami nodded silently.

"Let us hope that the power of darkness will aid us in feasting on the fruits of victory on this day..."

"What he said!" Dark Shadow chimed in before Zero nodded and they went inside of the building and entered the auditorium to see at least a few hundred other other teens getting ready for the exam.

"Whoa, there's so many...." Mina said as she looked out at the sea of people.

"Indeed, it only makes the oncoming challenge all the more greater." Tokoyami added before the lights started to dim and the three of them went to find their seats.

Once they sat down, the room became fully dark and everyone went silent as a large hole opened up in the floor of the stage and a tall man came out of it.

The man looked to be in his early to mid thirties with long blonde hair and a thin mustache, a pair of headphones with the word "HAGE" written on the headband, and an orange pair of sunglasses, he was also dressed in a black jacket with an upturned, studded collar shoulders, black pants with studded belt, black boots, and black, fingerless gloves, the strangest part about him though was the large collar that resembling an old stereo player, complete with speakers, play buttons, and a cassette tape around his neck.

This man was Hizashi Yamada, better known as Present Mic, a Pro Hero and teacher/announcer at U.A.

"Yo yo, all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today!" He greeted them all with a big toothy grin.

"Everybody say 'hey'!"

"Hey!" Zero exclaimed, causing an echo as he was the only one who did while Mina giggled slightly.

"What a refined response!" Present Mic exclaimed, aiming a thumbs-up at his direction.

"Just for that, let's skip the formalities and head straight to explaining the Practical Exams." He then pointed at the audience.

"Are you ready!?"

"Yeah/Yeah/Yeah!" Zero responded again, only this time Mina, and even Dark Shadow joined him much to Tokoyamis' embarrassment.

"As it says in the application requirement, "you listeners will be conducting a ten-minute mock urban battle after the Written Tests!" Present Mic continued as the screen behind him showed the testing room and eight other areas, labeled from A to G, which are the places where the mock battles will happen.

"You can bring whatever clothing or equipment you want for this test, after you change in the locker rooms presentation, you'll head to the specific battle center."

"The area you'll be in is written inside of your entrance ticket, kay?"

As soon as Present Mic finished his last word, all of the students took out their tickets and looked for the letter below their name.

"I got E." Zero said.

"Aww, I got F." Mina whined as Tokoyami looked and saw that he was in Area-D.

"It appears we shall not be working together on this day."

"Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center." Present Mic said as three pictures of robots appeared on the screen, showing 1 points, 2 points, and 3 points.

"You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty, your goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirk to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains."

"Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited." He finished before someone raised their hand.

"I have a question!"

"Yes?" Present Mic said, pointing at him and the spotlight shined down, revealing a very tall boy with square glasses and dark blue hair.

"On the printout, it says that there are four types of villains, if that is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake." He said while his hand moved up and down as he talked.

"We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes!"

"In addition, you." He pointed at one boy with curly green hair.

"You have been making noises all through the explanation, it is distracting, if you are here on a pleasure trip then leave immediately!"

"I'm sorry..." The green haired boy said, covering his mouth.

Zero felt a bit bad for the boy, though he'd be lying if he said that his constant muttering wasn't irritating on his hearing.

"Okay, calm down examinees, and thank you for the great message." Present Mic said, as a fourth robot appeared on screen.

"The fourth type of villain is worth zero points, it really more of an obstacle rather than an actual enemy, there's one in every battle center and it's designed to go crazy in narrow spaces, not all that hard to defeat, but there's no real reason to fight it either, I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it."

"Thank you very much for the explanation." The glasses-wearing boy said with a deep bow.

"Sorry for the interruption!"

"Well, I guess that's one last enemy to worry about." Mina smiled while Zero hummed quietly.

'If the enemy isn't worth any points, why would they even put it in the Entrance Exam in the first place?'

"That's all from me, now finally, I'll give you listeners a little present, our school motto!" Present Mic said as all the students listened intently, their expressions and the atmosphere turning serious.

"Go beyond, Plus Ultra!"

"Well, I'll see you guys after the tests," Zero said to Tokoyami as the students started to leave towards the locker rooms.

"Break a leg you two."

"Break someone's leg, you got it." Dark Shadow said with a small salute while Tokoyami breathed in and sighed deeply.

"And I'll see you later as well." He said to Mina who smiled before jumping on top and kissing him.

She soon found Zeros arms wrapped around her waist and his lips pressing back into her own, she quickly moved her arms around his neck and pressed her breast into his chest while he picked her up and held her tightly by the thighs before slipping his tongue into her mouth causing Mina to let out a deep moan.

Both of them completely ignored the stares they were getting from the other students and the looks of Exasperation/Glee of Tokoyami and Dark Shadow respectively.

"Tatsuma, we are in public, explore the forbidden garden when you're alone, please!"

"Yeah, get it man!" Dark Shadow cheered as they both continued to kiss while most of the other students stared at them in jealousy.

The girls wishing they were in Mina's position since Zeros muscular body and slightly canine like features gave him this wild look that they found attractive, while the guys just wanted to to get their hands on Mina's amazingly developed body, after a minute of kissing and torturing Tokoyami, they finally broke the kiss but didn't let go of each other

"I love you, my silly little alien."

"I love you too Zero-kun, now let's go take our first steps to being heroes!" Mina said as she kissed him on the cheek before they let go of each other and she walked away to her area.

As she left, Zero's eyes wandered down to her swaying hips and he licked his lips subtly while Tokoyami sighed once more.

"Honestly after you two finally got together you've both become insatiable for each other."

"Hey, don't judge until you actually get a girl Birdie."

"Well he does have a crush on someone!" Dark Shadow said, laughing loudly as he dodged an attempted strangling from Tokoyami while Zero gasped loudly.

"Oh my God really, who is it, is she here?" He asked before smelling him and gasping again.

"You were with her yesterday, you had a date yesterday and you didn't tell me?!"

"It wasn't...I....we never...you and Mina....mmmm." Tokoyami left as soon as his face started to go red while Zero snickered like a fox before leaving for his area as well.

Only a few moments later, Zero was now standing outside Area-E doing stretches and going over all of his plans, he could easily destroy half of every robot in there with one of his dozens of Special Moves, but that would be a bit overkill, maybe he could-

"Hey, is this Testing Area-E?" A female voice asked and Zero snapped out of his thinking session and looked over to his side to see a young woman with bright orange hair tied into a ponytail on the side of her head, teal colored eyes, and a rather toned figure with a perky set of D-cups, a faint sign of a six-pack on her stomach, and a pretty strong looking pair of legs, all of which were confined nice and tightly in an orange sleeveless top, blue sweatpants, and a pair of white running shoes.

"Yeah...this is it." He said, feeling an odd sense of familiarity from the girl as she nodded and stood next to him.

'She looks...familiar....'

As Zero stared at her, the ginger was doing a few stretches in her place, her toned stomach and powerful legs being pushed out even more before she noticed him looking at her.

"Um...are you okay?"

"Sorry it's just..have I seen you before?"

"Heh, I doubt it, don't think I'd forget meeting a half-wolf boy sometime in my life." She said with a small giggle which seemed to make something click in Zeros head.

"That's it, Master Maya's!" He said with a snap of his fingers making her blink in surprise.

"You went there too?"

"Yeah, I mean...for a little bit, I'm Zero by the way, Zero Tatsuma."

"Itsuka Kendo." The girl said with a smile.

"Man, it's been so long, is the old bird still alive?"

"Yes she is, and her hearing's still as good as ever, in case you ever get the feeling to visit her again with that type of mouth." Kendo said, his ears folding back like a scared dog as he shrunk a bit, making her giggle again before they heard Present Mic speak up.

"Alright candidates I hope you're ready to go PLUS ULTRA in this exam, but first, let me remind everyone of the rules just in case some of you weren't listening the first time!" The hyper voiced blond shouted, his voice somehow sounding even louder than in the auditorium.

"You'll be going into these large replicas of urban areas and your job is to defeat as many of the robotic enemies as you can, which will range from 0 to 3 points, and for those of you whose Quirks aren't helpful in combat, there is a hidden button on the back of the robots that will shut them down when pressed, there are also cameras hidden everywhere so that you can be properly evaluated and make sure everyone gets their rightfully earned points, and remember folks, you're here to become heroes, so no attacking other candidates or you'll be immediately disqualified!"

"Now then, let's get this party started, YEAH!"  He yelled as the doors then opened up, confusing everyone.

"What are you waiting for, there's no count down in a real battle Go, Go, Go!"

With the signal given, Zero watched the other students go before he grinned, and a blue glow wrapped around his body, without warning, a blue and black Zeraora propelled through the crowd in a flash of lightning and was now in the center of the area in almost no time.

"Now, bring out the villains!" Zero said once he changed back.

As soon as he said that, at least a dozen of the faux villains appeared from the corner of every building and he gave a fanged grin while the gem in his chest flashed a bit.

Once the other examinees came, they found several of the bots destroyed with Zero still going at it, laughing as he changed into a Skarmory and sliced a robot in half, earning himself three more points.

Some of the examinees looked at him in awe while the others were feeling a little jealous at his Quirk.

One plain looking boy with sandy hair and a giant tail watched with awe before gaining a determined expression and running towards the nearest faux villain, jumping on a car and spinning around, using his massive tail to slam down on the robot and sending it flying into a nearby building.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, Present Mic and a bunch of other Pros were watching the student hopefuls in through various screens.

"Impressive, that blond kid is brutal."

"That boy in section D has quite the Quirk as well."

"Huh, that purple kid got knocked out fast..."

"Hey, look at section E, that kid's pretty impressive."

"Isn't that Ryukyus kid?"

"He's pretty good."

"Didn't he attack you and Hound Dog a few years back?"

"Oh, water under the bridge, and I was right, he looks even more delicate now~"

"75.....77.....79 points." Zero said to himself before dodging an attack from a 3 pointer and blasting it with a Psyshock attack.

"Make that 82."

Meanwhile Itsuka Kendo, who was not too far away, stood over a 3 pointer she just defeated and was panting heavily.

'I'm already running on fumes, but I have to keep going.' She thought to herself before she started jogging to find more robots, she soon found a 1 pointer and brought her hand up before it grew almost three times bigger than her own body and smashed through it like it was nothing.

Unfortunately, the girl was too slow to avoid an attack from behind by a 2 pointer and was sent sprawling to the ground before looking up from the ground she saw that she was now surrounded by three 2 pointers and two 3 pointers that were all preparing to attack her at once.

'Damn it!' She thought as she closed her eyes and waited for the attack, only for it to never come as the sound of loud growls and a roaring fire could be heard before she slowly opened her eyes back up and was shocked to see a massive blue and black Arcanine standing over the now destroyed robots before jumping down and turning back into Zero.

You alright love?" He asked as he helped her up.

"Yeah I'm fine, was that you?" She asked with a small flush on her cheeks at seeing just how...well built he was.

"Yep, pretty cool Quirk huh?"

"Definitely, I can see why....wait a minute...."


"I think I remember you now, were you that kid who turned into a Skuntank and-"

"No!" Zero cut her off, a small bit a pink on his cheeks as Kendo raised an eyebrow before he cleared his throat.

"I...I got spooked when Master Maya found me..."

"Kind of guessed that on my own, makes sense why you stopped coming around after that." Kendo said, making him grumble under his a bit before they heard an alarm go off and felt the ground start to shake.

They then also noticed everyone else running away from something, and looked in the direction to see a giant robot making its way through the replica city.

"T-THAT'S THE 0 POINTER!" She said as Zero stared in shock before shaking it off.

"Guess I see why they wanted us to avoid it, though still..."

The gem in his chest then turned black as the symbol for a Dark Type Z-move flared inside of it.

"That doesn't mean it's any stronger than the others." He said before he changed into a Weavile and started to jump up towards its face, using both the debris from the buildings that it destroyed as it passed by before he reached the head.

"Black Hole Eclipse!"

In a matter of seconds the massive robot was sucked up into the air and crumbled away into nothing before the pseudo-black hole Zero turned into collapsed on itself in a flash of dark energy, leaving only said teen landing back on the ground with a thud.

"Holy...!" Kendo said with a gasp as everyone else was in shock at the display of power.

"But...I thought you needed a crystal and a ring to use Z-moves."

"I already have one." Zero pulled down his gym shirt a bit and showed off the gem in chest, making her hum before a horn went off and the sound of Mic's voice filled the air once again.

"Alright everyone, time's up!"

"A letter will be sent to each of your homes telling you if you were accepted or not, if any of you are injured, our school nurse Recovery Girl will be around to help."

With that, everyone started walking to the exit though a lot of them were whispering about Zero who had changed back into his Middle School uniform and was waiting for Mina and Tokoyami.

The ladder came up first, only this time he was talking to a young girl with short silver grey hair and tired looking eyes.

"I'm very impressed, your Quirk is quite something." He said to the girl who gave a very slow nod.

"Yes...so is yours...."

"I hope...you call me...soon..."

The girl leaned forwards and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before walking away, an almost invisible smile on her face as she left while Tokoyami seemed to be frozen in place.

"So that's her huh, not bad Birdie." Zero said as he went up and patted him on the shoulder, receiving no response from the frozen team.

"Uhhhh....Birdie, you alright?"


"Okay seriously Tokoyami, please say something." He said as Dark Shadow popped out and tapped his forehead.

"Buddy...you okay...buddy?"

A few minutes later, Mina finally showed up and eagerly jumped onto Zeros' back, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

Hey Zero-kun, did you miss me?" She asked with her usual large smile.

"We weren't even separated for that long."

"The amount of time apart doesn't matter, I bet you still missed me." She said as she nibbled on his ear a bit before she noticed Tokoyami still being poked by Dark Shadow.

"Um, is he okay?"

"Don't really know, he got one kiss from his new girlfriend and he just froze up." Zero said as Tokoyami blinked and snapped his head to him.

"She is not my Girlfriend!"

"Hey you're back!"

"So how was your exam?" Mina asked while still remaining on Zeros back as the bird headed student cleared his throat.

"It went quite well, I'm sure that I've at least made it into the Top 10."

"Did you break any legs?" Zero smiled as Dark Shadow popped out looking rather annoyed.

"No, this killjoy wouldn't let me!"

"Because if you did then we would've failed immediately!"

"We could've hid behind a building or something!

"So, am I carrying you to my place or yours?" Zero asked Mina as the two birds began to argue.

Before Mina could answer, the sound of footsteps filled the air and Zero saw Kendo come running up to the trio.

"Hey Tatsuma, don't leave just yet!" She called as she finally made it to them.

"Oh hey, what's up?" Zero asked before she reached into her back pocket and handed him a folded piece of paper with some numbers on it.

"W-well, I didn't want to forget you again, so..." She trailed off before Zion took the paper and realized that it was her phone number on it.

"That would help both of us wouldn't it, if you have your phone on you I can give you my number as well." Zero said before she quickly reached into her pocket and handed Zero her phone.

"By the way, the bird talking to his own shadow is Tokoyami, and the girl currently hanging off my back like an Aipom is my girlfriend Mina, Mina, Tokoyami, this is Kendo, I met her during the exam." Zero said while putting his number in the ginger's phone.

"Oh right, it's good to meet both of you." Kendo greeted them with a bow.

"Good to meet you too, Kendo." Mina smiled, though Zero still felt her arms tighten around his neck ever so slightly.

"Greetings, this is my Quirk, Dark Shadow." Tokoyami bowed as well while forcing Dark Shadow to do the same with hand behind his head, making him mumble while giving her a small curt wave.

"So...how long have you and Tatsuma been together?"

"Almost a year now."

"Wow, that is quite a long time!" Kendo said with surprise in her voice.

"Well, it did help that I kind of had a crush on him since we were kids.

"Kind of?" Zero repeated, receiving a playful flick to the head from the pinkette.

"Plus, I'm the only one who can keep Poke-Man here under control." She winked and gave him a kiss on the cheek as Kendo smiled a bit at Mina's nickname for Zero before taking her phone back from him.

"Well, I should get going, we should hang out sometimes, I bet Maya would one to see you again!" Kendo said, smiling as his grin vanished just for a second.

"And it was nice meeting the two of you too, bye."

"Goodbye Kendo/Bye Kendo/Farewell ." All three of them said at the same time as she left.

"So should I be jealous?" Mina asked with a grin once she was out of earshot.

"I basically just met her today, no need for claws sweetie."

"Ohhhh, like you can talk to me about being possessive?"

"Please not here....." Tokoyami muttered as he finally forced Dark Shadow back inside.

"Well then, I suppose I should be returning home, I hope to see you at UA soon."

"Same here, hope your girlfriend makes it in too." Zero said, this time making his forehead twitch a little before he smiled softly.

"Yes, as do I." He said before walking away, leaving a rather surprised Zero and Mina.

"Well, that was unexpected." Zero said before looking up at Mina who was still sitting comfortably on his back.

"You never answered my question, my place or yours?"

"Your place of course, your bed is much stronger than mine anyways~" She purred the last part in his ear before he changed into a Braviary and secured her on his back before flying away.

Next chapter