
Chapter 17: Bookstore 1

They made their way around town visiting small stores that were hiring. Each of them was qualified for every job, but they too had standards. Most of them had horrible pay, employees, and even the buildings were small and almost run down. Brian had many plans for his wingman job. They were just about out of ideas until they got to the bookstore. Prue stopped in her tracks as they walked past the bookstore. This bookstore has left a huge scar within

Prue's mind. Their mother used to take them here every day when they were younger. Their father wouldn't let them go since she died. Prue felt like crying by the sight of the building. Marcus noticed that she stopped so he did as well. Brian turned around with them. Brian knew exactly why she stopped. He began to feel a little sad as they stared at the building. Marcus stood on one side of Prue and Brian stood at the other.

All they could think of were the bad times. It reminded them of their mother. They never wanted to forget her but the thought of her made them tear up. They soon figured though that it wasn't the bad times that mother would want them to remember, it's the good ones. They have many wonderful memories in this bookstore. Prue began to smile wider and wider, same with Brian. Marcus didn't know why, but he liked to see them smile, especially Prue. Her smile was like a light in the middle of his dark sea.

Suddenly, Prue began walking forward. Opening the door, the small bell above the door rang. Marcus and Brian stayed outside and watched her through the wall-sized window. The inside had huge bookshelves along the wall and a wood desk in the middle. A woman sitting at the desk ran over to Prue and gave her a tight hug. Prue didn't move at all, she even walked as if she was being hypnotized. The woman was one of their mother's best friends. Her name was Claire and she was like a second mother to them. Claire was the owner of the bookstore and loved their mother very much. Prue began to cry as their second mother held Prue in her arms. Brian didn't cry, but he smiled. It used to be just Prue and Brian, alone, no one else was ever there for them after their mother passed on. Turns out Claire was there the whole time. Neither of them blames anyone for the way their father treated them. There was nothing anyone could do about it. Marcus, on the other hand, didn't know who this woman was. All he saw was Prue. The sun began to set giving her hair a gold tint. The dust within the store rose off the dusty shelves as Prue stepped inside. Marcus only came here a couple of days ago. Never has he felt this way for anyone. Not knowing what it is, he couldn't help but not know what it truly is. Of course, he considered it being love, but in the novels, they felt completely different. Plus, they just met the other day, how could it be love?

Brian began walking into the bookstore, Marcus followed behind. The inside was decorated with small purple flowers everywhere. Marcus and Brian walked in and stood near the doorway. Once Claire caught sight of them, her jaw dropped. Brian and Marcus felt they did something wrong, which Brian did. He never came to see her!

"Brian! Why haven't you come to see me?! Get over here!" Claire demanded in a cold yet worrying voice.

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