
Chapter 13: Story of Freedom part 1

The cafe began to regain its normal sound after a couple of minutes. Prue started to calm down, as did Marcus and Brian. There was a small silence and Prue began to wonder. How did Brian stand up to their father, call the cops, free them? These thoughts began to race in her mind before she looked up and spoke.

"Brian, how did you get the cops to take father?" Prue asked curiously.

Brian and Marcus looked up as Prue broke the silence. Brian was also surprised at how he stood up to his father knowing he could beat him until he couldn't move. It really scared Brian knowing there was a chance that he could be hurt very bad, but that's not what scared him. He was scared that whatever he did, could turn his father on Prue.

Brian put down his cup, sighed. Marcus and Prue were all ears as Brian began explaining.


The house was empty when father and Prue had left the house. Brian's bandage began falling off as the scar began plastering over with a scab. Closing his eyes, Brian was thinking about how he would take each blow his father gave him. Besides wondering about how to survive the pain father was handing out, this was a good opportunity. A good opportunity to get food. Usually, when being punished, father won't let them eat until they have 'learned their lesson'. Brina quickly got up and got a glass of water. Knowing he would need it, he took almost three. Each glass made him think even more. This is normal for him, well, it was. Brina and Prue are used to being in situations like these. A situation where the only option you have is to take it and 'be a man'. Ever since their mother died, it has been Brian and Prue's jobs to take care of father.

Brian put the glasses down and looked at the clock. It has been almost ten minutes since they left. Usually, it takes about twenty minutes for father to drop her off. Father would be home in a short while. Probably sooner than expected because father wouldn't want Brian to have luxuries such as having water when being punished.

Sitting back on the sofa, he closed his eyes. Said before, it was moments like these that Brina nor Prue would let slip out of reach. Feelings like these made them feel free, though it was clear they weren't. It was the small piece of hope right before all hope is lost. The moment in between life and death, or so it seemed. All those somewhat happy feelings snapped back to reality when the front door opened. Opening his eyes, he saw after walking through the door. Brian's heart suddenly stopped when the door shut behind his father. Getting up, Brian obediently bowed, which is something they were taught to do. Father slowly walked to him and hit him hard. Brina stumbled back and fell to the ground. Gritting his teeth, he stood back up. Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he glared at father. Smiling, father hit him again, and again, and again. About after the twentieth blow, Brian couldn't get up. Father was just about to hit him again when the doorbell rang. Brian winced in pain as blood ran down his head worse than before. Brina tried to lift himself up to the couch. Father looked at him and said in a cold voice, "You got lucky this time.".

Father opened the door slightly so whoever it was couldn't see Brian. Suddenly, father froze in fear. It was the police.

End of Chapter 13

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