
Chapter 10: Job Hunting Part 1

Prue sat on her bed feeling her heartbeat when someone suddenly knocked on her door. She jumped up to the sound and rushed to the door. Opening it, she sighed with relief. It was Brian, thank goodness. Letting him in, she plopped back down on her bed.

"Are you going to get ready?" He said leaning in the doorway.

She propped herself up confused.

"For what? It's Saturday." She asked confused.

Brian looked up annoyed as he realized that he has yet to tell her.

"We have to get jobs if we are going to take care of ourselves. Get ready, let's go." He said leaving and shutting the door.

She didn't take a second to think about what their life was going to be like now. The only thing she thought about is, their free now. Now that she is thinking about it, there is a book store not far from their apartment where she has always wanted to work. Getting up, she got dressed. It was spring, almost summer, so she put on shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail and she put on light makeup, to cover the bruises. After putting on the makeup she realized, he might be gone but the scars will stay. The more she thought about it, the more time she took up.

Suddenly someone knocked on her door. She snapped out of her daze and got up thinking it was Brian. When she opened the door, her face flushed with a rosy pink tint. It was Marcus.

"Are you coming?" He asked in a slightly irritated voice.

She looked away embarrassed.

"Why are you here?" She asked blushing.

He sighed and put on a very small smile, almost unnoticeable. Looking away, a blush crept into his cheeks.

"I was passing by. I'm going with you to pick a job for me as well." He said looking away.

Digging his hands into the pockets of his jeans, he turned around and walked down the hall. Since she was ready, Prue followed. They both were silent as they made their way out of the apartment complex. They met Brian outside. Though their father was gone, they still had their driver. Brian sat in between them in the middle back of the car. They were all silent until they got off in the busiest part of the city.

"So, any suggestions?" Marcus asked as they began walking through the street.

Brian and Prue have lived here there whole lives and still don't know where they want to work. With their father gone, now there is no headmaster. Brina was supposed to take his place after he retired, but Brina never wanted that. The truth is, he wants to be a vet. When they were little, when their mother was around, their neighbour had a dog. It was a small white lab named Wish. The wish was a very friendly dog and Brian loved her. after school, Brian would go to their neighbours and play with Wish. It was almost a whole year of knowing her when Wish died. Brian was outside playing with her when some stray dogs got into a fight with her. Her white fur was coated in the dark red substance. Wish passed away and Brian wished he could help her. Ever since, he wanted to be a vet, to help animals in need. His father did not agree, though his mother did. After his mother's death, his future was already planned by his father. Now here they are, hunting for their own jobs.

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