
Chapter 1: A World of Wrestling and Obsession

Alex had always been passionate about wrestling. From a young age, he had dreamt of stepping into the ring, mastering the art of grappling, and becoming a renowned wrestler. That dream had led him to the world of professional wrestling, where he found success, fame, and adoration.

One evening, after a particularly intense match, Alex returned to his dressing room, drenched in sweat and elated by the cheers of the crowd. Little did he know that his life was about to take an unexpected turn.

As he wiped his brow and caught his breath, the door to his dressing room swung open, and there she stood - Bella, a fellow wrestler known for her fierce demeanor inside the ring. Her fiery eyes were fixed on him, a look of absolute devotion that sent shivers down his spine.

"Alex," she said, her voice trembling with emotion, "you were incredible out there. I love you more than anything in this world." Her words were intense, her gaze unbreakable.

Caught off guard by her declaration, Alex stammered, "Bella, that's... That's flattering, but we're just colleagues. We work together."

But Bella's obsession with Alex went far beyond a mere workplace crush. She lunged forward, her strong arms wrapping around him tightly. "No, Alex, it's more than that. I need you. I can't live without you."

As days turned into weeks, Bella's fixation on Alex only intensified. She showed up at his matches, cheered him on with unwavering devotion, and refused to let him out of her sight. Her presence was a constant reminder of the line between passion and obsession.

Alex: Okay then how about we date for sometime to know each other

Bella; Okay alex, I look forward to relationship

As the weeks passed, Alex's relationship with Bella, the yandere hardcore wrestler, grew increasingly complex. While he was enamored with her charisma and prowess in the ring, he couldn't ignore the signs of possessiveness and jealousy that had begun to seep into their relationship.

One evening, after attending a particularly intense wrestling event where Bella had triumphed over her opponent in a brutal match, Alex attempted to broach the subject of boundaries.

"Bella," he started cautiously, "I love supporting you in your career, but I also need some space for myself. I have my own life and responsibilities."

Bella's expression darkened as she locked eyes with him, her hands clenched into fists. "You're trying to leave me, aren't you?" she hissed, her voice low and dangerous.

Alex was taken aback by the sudden shift in her demeanor. "No, Bella, that's not what I meant," he hurriedly explained. "I just need some balance in our relationship. I want to be there for you, but I also need to maintain my own life."

Her response was far from what he had expected. In a fit of rage, Bella swept a nearby table clean of its contents, sending objects crashing to the floor. The room seemed to shake with the sheer force of her fury.

"You belong to me, Alex!" she screamed, her eyes wild with anger. "You don't get to have your own life! You're mine!"

Alex, overwhelmed and fearing for his safety, took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest. He had seen glimpses of Bella's intensity in the ring, but this was a different kind of ferocity—one that was directed at him.

As he retreated, Bella's rage seemed to swell even further. She lunged towards him, her muscular frame blocking his escape. Panic coursed through him as he realized he was trapped.

Desperation gave him the strength to break free from her grasp, and he darted out of the room, leaving behind the chaos of her outburst. It was clear that Bella's possessiveness had reached a dangerous level, and Alex knew that he needed to find a way to escape her suffocating grip.

As he fled the scene, he couldn't help but wonder if there was any way to salvage their relationship or if he was destined to be caught in the humongous rage of his yandere hardcore wrestler girlfriends

One day suddenly alex got a challange letter, he opens it and read that

"Alex I challange you to a wrestling match for you from your soon to be wife bella"


The stage was set for a highly anticipated match between Alex and Bella, the intense yandere wrestler with an unwavering obsession. The crowd buzzed with excitement, unaware of the drama that had been brewing behind the scenes.

In the ring, Bella, dressed provocatively in a latex miniskirt that left little to the imagination, stood with a fierce determination in her eyes. Her love for Alex had reached a point where it was no longer just admiration; it had become an all-consuming fixation.

Bella: Alex from after this match you will only be mine and no one else

Alex: Bella we need to talk this out 

Bella:THERE IS NO PLACE FOR CONVERSATION THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY EITHER I WIN YOU LOSE OR YOU WIN I LOSE, as she screamed like a rabid beast her obsession for him is turning her crazy

Determined Alex made his descision to beat her to her sense,focused on the match at hand, determined to prove his skills and dedication to the sport. He was well aware of Bella's feelings, but he believed that in the world of professional wrestling, they needed to maintain a professional relationship.

The bell rang, and the match began. From the very start, it was clear that Bella's approach was different. She attacked Alex with an unrelenting ferocity, showing no mercy in her moves. Her punches and kicks were harder, her submissions more painful, as if she believed that by defeating him, she could claim his heart.

Bella: Surrender or die my beloved, as she straddle behind him in choking hold

Alex: Never... Guh.. Uuk

Bella : No alexxx I will make you submit to me, and she tightens the hold on his neck

As the match progressed, Bella's obsession manifested in her wrestling style. She used moves that pushed the boundaries of the rules, often bending them to her advantage. Her aggressive tactics left Alex battered and bruised, but he refused to back down.

Outside the ring, the audience watched the intense battle unfold, unaware of the underlying emotional turmoil. They were witnessing a fierce rivalry, but they couldn't see the turmoil within Bella's heart.

Bella : Submit my beloved, as she executes head scissors on Alex

Bella release Alex and throws him outside the ring and started to smash a steel chair on Alex


Bella uses a few things like a fork, kendo stick, barbed wire on Alex as he bleeds from his 

Bella then throws Alex back in the ring and straddles on him choking with both of hands and seductively licking and biting his ear

Bella: You forced me to this alexxx, you made me crazy everyday again and again thinking about you only so this is your punishment, as she bites the bleeding head with her teeth

Then goes into a suffocating face sit submission as she attacks his shaft and balls 

Alex: Aaagh.... Aahh.. No

But in a twist of a moment,despite her relentless onslaught, Alex displayed his resilience and skill, countering Bella's moves with precision. He knew that he couldn't let his guard down, not just for his own sake, but also because he understood that Bella's obsession could lead her to dangerous extremes.


In a climactic moment, Alex managed to execute a powerful move, pinning Bella's shoulders to the mat. The referee counted to three, declaring Alex the winner of the match. Bella's shoulders remained on the mat, her obsession having clouded her judgment.

As the match concluded, Bella lay on the mat, tears of frustration and heartache streaming down her face. She had given her all in the ring, not just for victory but to win Alex's heart. However, her aggressive approach had only pushed him further away.

Alex, victorious but aware of the emotional turmoil, extended a hand to help Bella up. "Bella, we're wrestlers, and our bond is through the sport. I respect your dedication, but we need to keep things professional."

Bella: Alex please don't leave me, I cannot live without you said while she was crying, as Alex huged her close to his chest,The audience was in suprise as the affection between two wrestlers were displayed

Bella, torn between her love for Alex and her obsession, reluctantly accepted his hug. Their relationship remained as complex and tumultuous as ever, with Bella's yandere passion continuing to be a challenge for both of them.

Little did they know that their story was far from over, and the world of wrestling would continue to test their boundaries, both inside and outside the ring.As another wrestler was eyeing on Alex.

Next chapter