2 The Second Nightmare

The second Nightmare started at my school which was right next to Costco. It was a far away from the place it was to be at. As me and sister entered the school we saw two people at the entrance of the library arguing. That when I noticed the three bodies dangling upside. That wasn't the scariest part it was that they were stiff like wax figures with there hands to there sides then my attention went back to the two people arguing one was old man and a boy who was still a kid. I heard the man say "son what have done to these poor people" that's when I assumed that the old man was the boys dad. "They were my test subjects for my science fair" answered the boy.

Time passes by and and me and my sister are in fifth grade. When school was over we went over to the Costco to grab a snack. That's when we say the boy all grown up and laughing like a mad man screaming I did it. i was curious so I got close enough to the man hear him

I asked him what have you done? He answered to me let me show and he touched my back pack and it immediately turned to wax and I instantly remembered who this man was and I told my sister to run and she did. I threw my backpack on to the floor and it was still stiff as I ran to out of the parking lot I saw a car that was still open so I tried to steal it. when I went inside the car I saw a man and his pregnant wife and I told them to run. when they asked why I pointed at the man who was turning everyone into wax once they saw him the man picked up his wife and ran for it. Once they left, I got inside the car and started to drive and when I looked to my right I saw the man sitting in the passenger seat he reached his hand out to touch but luckily I didn't put my seat belt on and jumped out of the moving car and the car crashed. For a minute I thought that he was dead but I realized as a dark shape stepping out of the smoke running at me touching everything he could turning the people one by one and when other people tried to help the who were touched they also turned into six and I ran like my l life depended on it which it kind of did. Once I was on the bus home I thought I was safe but it turned out I wasn't because when I looked around I saw him again. I thought how does he keep finding me. I tried to move the front of the bus hoping that it looked casually when I looked I saw that he was he was walking to the front of the bus with both his out hands touching the kids on both right and left when each kid was turned into wax another tried to help them and also turn into wax. when I finally got to the front of the bus I was going to tell the bus driver about the man when I realized he was also turned into wax I threw him out with my hands and when I looked ahead there was a cliff and that was when I realized that I was immune to his touch then I had an idea I threw the man into the bus driver seat and buckled him down and out the bus and saw the bus fall over the cliff when I looked back I saw the bus driver was no longer wax and I realized I was the cure. when I looked over the cliff I saw him in the smoke and caught a glimpse his scared face from the crash and he ran away and that was when I woke up again and after a few seconds I started to laugh because of the cliff because the dream was a cliff hanger and I laughed and went back to sleep.

Please tell me how I am doing in my writing and if there is anything that you would like me to improve. your feedback will help me a lot in my future chapters which will happen when either a remember another dream or have a new dream bye.
