
The Game 1

"What do you think?" Sitting in the basement, I stood before Mai's avatar, while she looked at me gathering physical energy and spiritual energy, and fusing it with Qi to enter a unique empowered state. I didn't come up with this, if one watched Naruto they would have understood what I just did.

In the Naruto verse, there was something called chakra, which was the molding of physical and Spiritual energy. This allows one to do many things, from converting chakra into fire, water, earth, air, and lightning. they could do many things, put people into illusion, and many more.

There was something within the Naruto verse known as Sage Mode, which was an empowered state one could enter when one absorbed natural energy. it strengthens one overall capability, even making one skin so durable that blades shatter on impact. 

I had wanted to do something like that, but by using Qi instead of natural energy, I entered Sage Mode. Of course, all of this was possible thanks to the Blank Physique. Of course, my strength was improved as with Stringnite's help, I was able to perfect the fusion of the 3 energies, and the power output was as high as possible. he was at tier 7, High Mountain level.

Meaning right now, he could destroy mountains. that wasn't small and with the right attack, I could destroy multiple Mountains all at once.

"Thats impossible," Mai said not understanding how I was able to to enter this Sage Mode. This made no sense to her, she had of course seen me when I was trying to do Sage Mode and had tried to do a simulation of how likely my plans would have worked. she came to the conclusion it was 100% impossible for my goal to become a reality.

The Naruto world laws were not the same as this world, so of course, trying to do things from that world should have been impossible. but I had the Blank Physique which allowed me to do it. Adding the Wooden clones I had created, the Blank Physique effect was boosted...

After seeing Mai's work in the past few months, I was impressed. but it was now time to head off to the Overlord world, I quickly checked how my progress in the outside world was going, and after seeing everything was going smoothly, I had the system take me away to the Overlord world, Earth a few days before the release date of YGGDRASIL. Enough time for me to get used to this world. 

"Alright Mai, give me a round down of the DMMO-RPG. also, hack into this world and get information while staying as low-key as possible." I said calmly while looking around at the roof I found myself... this planet was disgusting. 

It was the year 2126, and this world was dirty. the world was filled with pollution, the air was dirty, and many people could be seen walking on the street, half dead from overworking. Earth was dying,

"YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG which stands for Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game developed in Japan. Infamous as the game was, its degree of customization made YGGDRASIL so popular that at one point in Japan, the word "DMMO-RPG" was practically synonymous with YGGDRASIL. The DMMO-RPG's feature ignited the creative spirits of its Japanese players and sparked what would later be known as a Stylistic Revolution. On the other hand, the game has been active since it launched in 2126 AD. In the shutdown in the year 2138, however, the game's community had lost the vibrancy it once had. As a result, the remaining players still playing YGGDRASIL met their final day online." Mai said while I nodded lightly, I seemed to have forgotten the game was only released in Japan

"Also, this world of tech isn't simple, they are more refined and have tested the test of time far more so than I. I need some time to improve my skills to match a level where I can hack everything." Mai said to which I nodded lightly while looking towards the sky... the humans had left Earth, and had moved to Mars. the humans of this world were exploring the other planets as well.

Mai only needed a few minutes to grow and adapt to this world, and once she was done she had hacked into everything on Earth and was even hacking into everything in the solar system. I was given all types of information, and I was quickly put into the system, making it look like I had lived in this world all of my life. 

At the same time, Mai went on to check the game YGGDRASIL and could have given me all of its secrets. but I turned Mai's turn as I wanted to explore the game all by myself. why? YGGDRASIL was large, and many people had mapped it... during the 12 years the game was created, only 30% of that was mapped. 9 realms for me to explore, I didn't want that to be spoiled. 

"So, the question is... should I join the guild Ainz Ooal Gown, or go my own path," I asked lightly while looking towards the dirty world. I wasn't breathing in the dirty air, Mai was making it pure for me to breathe.

"I say you join them... you need some friends," Mai said to which I rolled my eyes. But I didn't mind, I will see things as they happen. Meanwhile, I needed to buy a few things I would need.

The game is played by connecting a proprietary console to the subject's brain. As well as utilizing an ultracranial nanocomputer network known as the neural nano-interface, a piece of technology created from the fusion of cyber and nano-technology. In other words, they're the type of games that allow one to enter a virtual world and experience it as though it were real life.

I of course bought it to study it and make sure Mai could perfectly copy it before I went on to play the game on the day it was released. Sitting back in a chair, the headpiece covered my head and with a flash of light, I found myself within the Virtual world.

"Welcome YGGDRASIL. before you play the game please read our policy..." before I could play the game there were some things I had to read. it went over the many things, such as things the game would not allow or else one could be banned, and many things that would come with a Virtual game. For one, I couldn't play the game for more than 8 hours which I found annoying. but I did need to make some form of money, so I would need to go out there and get some money as this game had many in-game purchases I might need. but before I buy anything, I wanted to see if there were any hidden stuff within the game that needed one to buy nothing. 

With me conforming everything, I was finally able to see the game. and with that, I saw the world of YGGDRASIL. A large tree that held the 9 realms. A screen appeared before me, showing many of the many playable races I could get. 

There were more than 700 races, including racial classes that needed certain levels of low-rank racial class to learn. The race of YGGDRASIL could be roughly categorized into three taxas. In the game, demi-human and heteromorphic races unlocked racial skills when they reached certain levels. Some items could change races permanently. In the game, humans and demi-humans, who had limited lifespans, would grow and age normally. In contrast to them, heteromorphic races with unlimited lifespans would stop growing after a certain stage.

Humanoid Races included humans, elves, dwarves, etc. Humanoid races were the weakest in basic status and could not have a racial level. Instead, they could learn more classes, which provided high stats or powerful skills more easily, giving them higher potential. Having familiar appearances and advantages,

Demi-Human Races included orcs, ogres, lizardmen, etc. Demi-Human races could have more basic statuses and had a racial level. Demi-human races were similar to the average between Human races and Heteromorphic races. While the Demi-Human races weren't visually appealing, they could still perform better than Humanoid races.

Heteromorphic Races included slimes, vampires, devils, etc. Heteromorphic races owned the most powerful basic statuses, which could be strengthened even more by increasing their racial level. High-ranking races also provided special abilities similar to that of a monster. Besides providing a racial level and special abilities, the Heteromorphic races were able to gain more ability points than the Humanoid or Demi-Human races. However, they were penalized in other ways, as the racial level came at a cost where it limited the amount of job levels players could learn. Thus, Heteromorphic races were very unpopular just for that reason. PKing a Heteromorphic player didn't give any penalty to the player who did it.

Now, what are these racial levels and classes? well, I had Mai give me the basics of the game so I don't end up regretting the race I would pick. I also wanted the race with the most potential.

The class system was considered to be the key element of character customization. Counting the advanced classes, as well as the based classes, there were more than 2,000 classes in YGGDRASIL that players could choose from.

Although 15 was the highest level reachable in a single class, some high-rank classes seemed to have lower-level limits. Therefore, a player could own at least 7 or more classes by the time they hit the overall level cap of 100. If one ignored efficiency, it was also possible to get a hundred level 1 classes. There were also some 'optimized' class builds discovered by players. In other words, it was a system where it was impossible to have completely identical characters unless you intentionally made them alike.

Additionally, experimenting with different classes was only possible by dying and losing levels. Even if it was easier to gain levels in this game, it was still a time-consuming process for most players. Some powerful classes were unlocked by PKing heteromorphs, which made it beneficial among players. In normal games, most people would spread the news of a newly discovered class on walkthrough sites to share with others. However, games like YGGDRASIL put a very high premium on information.

Depending on the skills and abilities they possessed, players could pick up different pieces of additional information upon exploring a new area. For example, a class like the alchemists and herbalists, with their herbalogical skills, would be able to learn about the various herbs that they could harvest in the area.

Skill Points increased with racial and class levels. The growth rate went in this order: Heteromorphs> Demi-humans> Humans. For a random skill point, a human (Human Race) would be one, a goblin (Demi-human) would be two, and a Skeleton Mage (Heteromorph) would be three. This was the case of comparing their best stats, and it would be fine to think of it as the general case... well, enough with the information dump, let me build my character 

There were many races for me to pick from, but among them were no dragons... but a Lizardman, which I picked. Why you ask? because Mai told me the only way to unlock the dragon as a playable character was through the Lizardman race. There were 3 things I needed to do with this race, and I would of course aim for them all as the Dragon race was the strongest.

After picking my character, the AI of the game had me move around to get used the the control of the game, which I quickly mastered. I also learned how to attack and cast spells. to my upper right side, there was a small box showing my name, level, HP, and MP.

In the upper left side of my view was a clock that showed me the time in the outside world, ensuring I didn't lose track of time.

Down to my button left was a bar showing a few options, such as Menu, Chat, Event, and System.

To the bottom right was a mini-map that could show not only me in the center but would show me people nearby if they didn't use something to hide. 

To cast spells and use abilities, there were things one had to tap. For spells, one had to tap the spell and drag it. it was fully customizable, and one had to get to remember everything. 

After getting the hang of the game, I was thrown into the game without warning. Like that, the game started. the game didn't give people that much information, they picked their races taught them the controls, and threw them into the game. thats all, not everyone was like me who hacked into the game to understand many things. 

"Mai?" Getting off the ground I was so rudely thrown at, I looked at my lizard hands, and body. I was a lizard man, Lizardman have 1.4 more muscle mass compared to humans. In addition to that, they possess a thick crocodile-like tail that extends from the hip. It is exclusively used for balance. Due to their conditions in their natural environment, Lizardmen have evolved to possess webbed feet for ease of movement on the wetlands, though not as adept overland. In addition, like all reptiles, they have very little tolerance for subzero temperatures. All Lizardmen are also born possessing dark vision.

"yes, boss?" a fairy appeared on my shoulders, of course, it was Mai. She was of course invisible to everyone else but me. her skills in hacking were of course at play here. 

"Just checking," I said looking around. I couldn't smell anything, but I could hear the world around me, and feel it. it was weird. although disgusting, I touched the swamp and went on to lick my finger. I had no sense of taste as well. I seemed to have all of my senses but taste and smell.

Now, the question was did my reaction speed lessen thanks to my entering this game... and the answer was yes. My reaction speed was lower, but compared to other humans, I still had a fast reaction speed far above them.

After looking at my stats, and going over everything, I walked off, wanting to see what it was like to fight within a game.

Next chapter