
My World and You

Kasumi knows what's expected of her. She's to get married, have 2.4 kids and live at the pleasure of her family in a small town at the edge of the world. Is that all there is, though? Isn't there something more to life? Perhaps the new exchange student from America can expand her world...or maybe she'll ruin it.

Menchi_Katsu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


"Are you sure you're going to be all right?" Tomoko Hideki asked as Saki jumped onto the suitcase to help her zip it.

"Yep," Saki nodded.

"I'm serious about this, Sakura," Tomoko fixed her with her best motherly gaze. "Your dad's going to be in Okinawa for a week for his conference and I have no idea when I'll be back. Can you manage on your own?"

"It's fine, mom!" Saki rolled her eyes dramatically. "After all, I never found a companion so companionable as solitude!"

"Don't quote Thoreau to me, missy," Tomoko pointed her hospital badge at Saki with a grin before throwing it into the bag she was going to be carrying on the plane.

"Say, mom, I've got a question," Saki handed her a pair of house slippers.

"What's up?"

"Hypothetically," Saki began, taking her time to make sure she got the words out properly. "If someone you like liked someone else who you were pretty sure wasn't good for them, what would you do?"

"That's a remarkably specific hypothetical, Sakura," Tomoko fixed her with a curious gaze. "But, since we are dealing only in hypotheticals let me ask you a couple of questions before I answer. First, how much like are we talking here? "Two eggs perfectly cooked omurice with ripe strawberries on the side level?"

"Hypothetically?" Saki asked. Her mom nodded. "Three eggs with cat girls drawn expertly in ketchup on the top level." Tomoko whistled appreciatively.

"That's some high level like." Saki nodded seriously.

"God tier." She replied.

"And how is this other person not good for them? Mugging grandmas in the parking lot bad or just vaguely shady?" Saki frowned.

"More than shady, I think but less than grandma thing, I hope." Tomoko sat down on the bed and patted the area next to her. Saki sat down dutifully.

"This is the advice I'd give to this hypothetical protagonist," Tomoko said. "You can't control what other people do or think or feel. At the end of the day, we all make our own choices and have to live with those. All our main character can do is support their omurice love in every way possible and, if those suspicions are proven true, be there to help pick up the pieces." Saki nodded thoughtfully. "It hurts." Saki shrugged.

"Hypothetically?" Tomoko shrugged her agreement. "Yes."

"Well, I almost guarantee our protagonist is stronger than whatever anyone or anything can throw at them and knows their own heart better than anyone and will stop at nothing to protect those they care about," Tomoko patted Saki on the leg reassuringly. Saki nodded again fiercely.

"You're right!" Tomoko grinned fondly at her daughter before getting up and shoving her phone into her pocket.

"Tomoko! We're going to be late if we don't go now!" Saki's father called from the first floor.

"Is there anything you want from Seoul?"

"Lisa!" Saki grinned.

"I don't know what that is," Tomoko shook her head and put her carry-on bag over her shoulder.

"She's a who, mom, not a what!" Saki pulled the suitcase off the bed and extended the handle.

"And this Lisa is famous, I assume?" Tomoko stepped into the hallway with Saki close behind her, dragging the bag with her.

"Yes! You need to research what's going on!"

"Fair enough. I'll look into kidnapping this Lisa person and bring her back with me." Tomoko grinned.

"If you can't, some postcards and stamps would be almost as good," Saki grunted as the heavy bag threatened to knock her down the stairs.

"Don't worry, I'll hook you up!" Tomoko smiled, kissing her cheek gently. "Be good. Be patient. Be strong, baby."

"I'll do my best and more, mom," Saki nodded.

"You always do," Tomoko replied. "I'm proud of you. I'll talk to you when I get there, ok?"

"Have a good trip!" Saki called as Tomoko disappeared down the walk to where the car was waiting. Saki waved once more before closing the door. She lay her head against the heavy wood and sighed. She remained in that position for some time before walking over to the bay windows facing the sea and stared out at the approaching storm. "I will always support you, Kasumi-senpai. No matter what. I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe." She whispered into the silence. "And if you hurt her, Aria-senpai, I will never forgive you."