
Chapter 2 - Unknown Woman


"After a long long chat with this woman, I finally get to know her name. Her name is Airielle, that was a very beautiful name I've ever heard. Her eyes shining brightly as the reflection of the lamp goes through her eyes. The ambiance of the light makes me feel nostalgic and stupendous, after the meal..."

Marco: *Burp* "Thanks for the meal Airielle-san, you've made me full tonight."

Airielle: "Oh no It's not a big deal but you're welcome" **gently smiles*

Then after the conversation, she forcefully grasps my hands and pulls me over the window and I saw the vast and shiny stars all over the window matching the huge red planet I didn't know. I was shocked by what I saw. All over this time, I was riding with this Extraordinarily huge spaceship floating in space*.

Airielle: "Marco are you okay? You looked shocked."

Marco: "T-this I can't believe this?! From all this time? I was in space??!"

Airielle: "You should realize it earlier Marco."

Marco: "Why I didn't realize it earlier I'm such an idiot" Laughs

Airielle: "Save it for the last, I will show you something that you will really like."

Airielle then brought me into a room, the moment I came inside it makes me feel nostalgic. From what I saw a giant cherry tree blooming on its own. It was my very first time I saw a Blooming Cherry tree. Then immediately I sat beside the tree and looked up to these shiny twinkling stars.

Marco: "You've made me feel so great Airielle-san, Thank you very very much for today."

Airielle: "I'm glad you've appreciated it, Marco"

Marco: "Yeah I really really appreciated it" smiles

Then we came back to the Airielle room, I was feeling elated but tired at the same time, This was the best day I'd ever had with a woman, but there was a feeling that I can't say to her. Today for the first time, I fell in love with her.

Airielle: "Ahhh, I feel so sleepy" *yawns*

Marco: "Same here Airielle, I body feels heavy for now"

Airielle: "Well then let's get some rest, Marco."

Marco: "Okay then I will sleep to this couch"

Airielle: "Who said that you will sleep in there? We will sleep together in the bed."

Marco: "W-wait what?! But... are you sure it's okay for us to sleep together at the same bed?

Airielle: "No but's come on getting in the bed"

Airielle just pulled me into the bed, it was overwhelmingly comfortable the mattress feels like a cotton-like it was consuming all of my body strength. Until Airielle comes out with her sleeping clothes a pink stripes long sleeves and pink shorts. She was so beautiful in that outfit.

Airielle: "So how was the bed? It was so comfortable isn't it?"

Marco: "Yeah t'was overwhelmingly good!"

Airielle: "So now then let's go get some rest for today"

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