
My Wife's Revenge

Ena Marquez is living peacefully with her husband Cedrick Villaurel together with their twin. They are settled and have a graceful life, but one accident changed Ena's life.  When she found out that her husband had cheated and lied about their marriage, Ena promised herself she would come back. If it was not because of the accident, she would never know her husband's skeleton in the closet. She needs to plan how to get revenge on her husband and break his heart as he did to her. She will surprise them with the new version of herself, and what she is capable of after they ruined her life.

Jhosa_Arion · Urban
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28 Chs

Death of a wife

Cedrick's Point of View 

I punched the door of the hotel when I saw that Ena's car had left.  Also, the vehicle that Kida and the twins rode in.

Mommy and Daddy suddenly approached me. I was wondering what they saw.

"Son? What's going on?"  Mommy asked as soon as they got close to my seat.

"Mom, I shouted at Ena. Because of my anger and annoyance. We both fought."

"Where is she?"  Dad asked.

"She left; I couldn't catch up. Even the twins and Kida were sent home, maybe."

Mom and Dad hugged me.

"What am I going to do? I'm sure my wife is mad at me now."  I also cried in this situation.

I accidentally shouted at Ena earlier.  Suddenly, I was bored and angry because of her attitude.  I even said terrible things about her.

"I'm stupid. I'm stupid."  I said once again, punching the hotel door.

"Son, you are just carried away by emotions. So stop what you are doing. What you do now is let Ena be alone first. And when her anger towards you has subsided. Ask for her forgiveness," Mom explained to me.

"Yes, I will follow your advice. But for now, I also need to go home."

"Alright, your Mommy will take care of us here,"  Daddy replied.

I immediately hugged them.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad. I'm leaving."

I had not been able to get close to my car when Mom, Dad, and Mesy suddenly left the hotel.  Ena's family.

I frowned when I saw them crying as I headed in my direction.

Suddenly my chest exploded for no apparent reason.

"Cedrick ..." Mama called me softly.

"Brother ..." Mesy also said as she handed me her cell phone.

"What happened?"  I wondered as my chest pounded harder and harder.

Instead of answering me, the cell phone held by Mesy was still staring at me.

Mom and Dad also approached our place.  They asked Mom and Dad, but not one of them answered.

So what I did was I took the cell phone that Messy was holding, and I put it close to my ear.

"H-hello?"  My voice was shaking because of the nervousness I was feeling.

"Hello? Is this Mr. Cedrick Villaurel?"  A woman is on the other line; it looks professional because of the speech.

"Y-yes, speaking. May I help you?"

"Mr. Villaurel, I don't call to ask for help. But I made a call to inform you that your wife is dead."

My forehead furrowed as she said that on the other line.

"Are you kidding me? Who are you, and why are you saying my wife is dead, huh ?!"  I shouted angrily.

My wife is not dead yet.  Is this person cheating on me on the other line?

"I'm not fooling you, Mr. Villaurel. I'm a doctor at Saint Gab Hospital. Your wife had an accident earlier, 15 minutes ago. She was run over by a big truck. So your wife died on arrival,  Mr. Villaurel. "

Suddenly I let go of the cell phone I was holding because of what I heard.  I was dumbfounded, and I felt deaf to what I had heard.

"N-no ..." I whispered while shaking my head.

"N-no...she's not dead yet ... My wife is not dead yet! Not yet! She is still alive!"  Suddenly I shouted at the cell phone I picked up.

After I shouted, I threw it away in annoyance.  "She's still alive! I still talked to her earlier ... I still talked to her .."

"No. No. She was at home now, I'm sure. She is not dead yet!"

Mom and Dad, Mama and Papa, and Mesy immediately approached me to stop my grief.

"Not yet, Ena! Sweetie is not dead yet. She's just at home .."

I whispered in tears as my tears rolled down my cheeks, feeling as if my heart was tearing.


My hand trembled as I slowly lowered the white cloth from her face.

My tears flowed as my heart pounded.

When I finally removed the cloth covering her face.  My world collapsed, and it shook.


I backed away while staring at my wife's beautiful face.  Her lips were pale, and she could not breathe.

I hugged her cold body.  "Sweetie...why? Why did you leave me right away? Wake up please! You're not dead yet!"

I shook her.  I shook my head in annoyance.  I punched the wall in the hospital. At the same time, I was looking at my sleeping wife.

"Sweetie ..."

I remember earlier our dancing and her smile.

It all seems like a dream—the speed of events.  I talked to her earlier and hugged her.

But why?  Why did she disappear immediately?

"Sweetie, wake up...please?"

If I had not shouted at her earlier, she would not have left, and she would not have been run over by a big truck.  It's all my fault.  It is my fault that this happened to her.

I would not have suppressed her anger and jealousy earlier.  I hope not.

You should not be pure, Cedrick.  It's too late to blame yourself!  Your wife is gone!

I was about to punch the wall again in anger.

It's my fault; it's all my fault; I'm the reason.  I should, who died and not sweetie. 

I knelt and looked again at sweetie's body and her gentle face.  Tears welled upon my face.

I feel I can not live anymore if sweetie is gone.  I feel like my life in this world is meaningless.  I seem to have suddenly lost the strength to live longer.

"Sweetie, I love you so much."