8 Naylie (3)

Ryan kicked his feet up onto the table.

"Yeah whatever she turned me down, that's her lost," he said before closing his eyes and crossing his arms behind his head.

"More like your lost," I joked then slightly pushed his elbow". He lost his balance and scrambled to keep himself from falling then slammed his hand on the table.

Everybody laughed. "Look even the new guy Ty is ripping on you dude," joked Grayson. Hunter laughed and said, "yeah he'll fit in with us just fine". "Nice one," said Evan. He gave me a high five and laughed.

"Ha Ha very funny guys, just laugh it up," joked Ryan. "all I'm going to say is Ty don't waste your time she maybe hot and beautiful but she's strange with a capital S dude", said Ryan with a short laugh.

I laughed slightly. Her face flashed across my mind.

I shook my head and bit into my burger.

"Say Ty", said Evan, "I just came up with a great idea why don't we all chill after school to get to know each other better".

"dude you sound like a chick," Joked Grayson.

"it's a great idea though," said Ryan. "so how about it Ty?" asked Ryan as he nudged me in my side.

I thought about how my cousin would react. "I don't mind if you guys come over, the problem is I stay with my cousin Alex so I would have to ask her," I said. I took out my phone and texted Alex asking her if it would be alright.

She quickly responded saying she doesn't care just don't make a mess or wreck her house. "Alex said it's alright just don't ruin her house," I said.

"ruin her house, dude if she's hot she'll have to worry about me ruining her," joked Grayson. "dude," shouted Evan as he leaned across the table and gave Grayson a high five.

Ryan laughed and said, "alright then we'll all meet out front after school and head over to Ty's house".

"first let's exchange numbers, "said Hunter," don't want you chickening out". I gave them my number and stood up to throw away my tray.

I tossed my trash into the trash can and started to place my tray on top when my hand rubbed something soft and smooth.

I looked over to see Naylie looking at me from the side and smiling. The faint scent of honey and roses was back but this time it was stronger.

"I'm sorry", she said through a smile, "you should go first".

"no, it's quite alright ladies first, "I said.

She placed her tray on top of the rest and giggled. "modesty I like that, such a gentleman," she joked.

I felt queasy and as if I wanted to faint just standing next to her.

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