1 Part 1

I am sitting in the darkest corner of my room while listening to the typical "TIC TAC" from my clock hanging on the wall- What should I do with my life now? going to college? Start to work? - I think as I watch the clock handles move slowly, reminding me that I can no longer waste my life locked in my apartment withering away forever.

I get up from the hard floor of my room and decide to start first. The study, what my mother always told me was the study first and then the game, but in this case it is work - OH HOW ANNOYING !!! - I scream as soon as I finish stretching.

I open the blinds in the room to let in some natural light-Damn- I close them again-There is too much sun outside, I could go blind one of these days due to so much lighting- I think while I go to the bathroom to wash, because I smell dead, And I don't think they accept dirty people in a university, do they?

After washing up and grabbing a black sweatshirt, black pants, and some boots, guess what color? coffee suede polished gold from Cestfini Chelsea, what? I like boots and more if they are comfortable.

I leave the apartment, close the door and go to print the necessary papers to enter the university.

-Goodbye young man, take care- says John, doorman before I go - Thanks John, see you later- I wave goodbye.

He was my neighbor and friend of my father before everything that happened. He took care of me for a while until I was 17 and sold my parents' house. Now he works here, because I heard that the hotel was short of staff and as payment I gave him the news. He was my 2nd father, for a while but he helped me a lot in that time, because he had also lost his wife a few years ago, thanks to him I was able to graduate from school and continue "forward" even though I am still in the same hole as before, But that's private, so I don't tell anyone.still.

I walk the streets of England looking for a blessed shop where they can make prints. I spent a few hours walking, until I see her on a corner next to a cafeteria.

-Good morning sir, what do you offer? - Says a girl with black hair with a ponytail and brown eyes- hello and good morning, I came to get a copy of some documents for the university -I said indifferently, avoiding her gaze looking towards a part of the store, I had no Any interest to start a conversation that is not important, I just want to get to the point and get out of here so I can finish this day and start looking for a university to have something to do.

-Sure, follow me, that's in the back -she says pouring kindness- I can't argue with that, she does it for work so it's fine, maybe she couldn't do it if it weren't before looking at the customers with a tired of death- I think as we walk towards a white door that is near some rooms on the second floor- are you waiting for the second floor? Wasn't it in the back? Well as long as I can get this over with quickly, I better think

We get to a room and the first thing I find is not a printer or a computer, no, no, no, it's a couple of lovebirds kissing on a desk in front of the girl with the ponytail and me- but what the hell- says La Ponytail obviously annoyed by such an act, but does not complete the bad word because there is a "client" who accompanies her, then she enters the room where the accused are and closes the door. I hear screams and how he scolds them. After a few minutes that were eternal for me, he opens the door and invites me to enter.

-Finally! - I think when I have the copies in my hands, tomorrow morning I will be able to begin my search for a "decent" university.

-Hey, sorry for what you had to witness a while ago- says the girl with the ponytail, as we walk to the ground floor.

-No problem ponytail- I say behind his back. I watch her stop and turn around, coming face to face

-Hey, don't be rude, I have a name, you know?

-Excuse me ponytail, I'm not a fortune teller to know your name just like that

I see how she sighs and holds out her hand, I'm Silvia, not a ponytail

-Well, I think that will be your nickname- I shake her hand- I'm Willow, a pleasure Silvia

-It's my taste, dark circles- dark circles? - I think and look at her strangely -It's your nickname, if I'm going to call myself a ponytail, then I'll call you dark circles

-Mmm, I don't like it very much, but I prefer that to a worse one.

We talked for a while about different subjects, we sat at a table in the cafeteria and he recommended that I go to study at the University of London. I accept the offer because it is worth it in a more distant place.

-Well, I think I'm going, thanks Silvia, it was nice meeting you

-In the same way Willow, when you start, look for me, I'll be in room 3-14, ok?

-ok ponytail, I'll look for you there

-See you soon dark circles, take care

I left the center of honeyed impressions-cafeteria and went home


When I arrived I lay down on the bed and just thinking about what I had to do tomorrow all my strength left me. I put on my pajamas which only consisted of very baggy pants and lay on my back

-Tomorrow will be a heavy day and I must get up at - I look at my clock on the wall -7: 30 am-I let out a sigh- WHAT A CAN! - I shout before falling sound asleep on my bed of black roses and thorns.

"You should have died!" not her. YOU'RE USELESS, stop fucking around so much and do something, you piece of shit. I would like you to die! You are the cause of his death! - He throws a bottle of alcohol close to the ground and some fragments of broken glass fall on the skin of a red-haired boy who is lying on the ground dripping blood from his nose and with many wounds on his weak body and breathing with difficulty. .

-father, stop, father? father? NOOOOOOO FATHER !!!!!!!

Suddenly everything went black and a body was heard falling on the cold wooden floor covered with a little blood coming out of the child


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