Everything collapsed, the thing we allthought was so well built, our society collapsed in less than a 6 months. Why. Cause of the virus, the power or maybe something else??
Was it the 17 of September 2020, that everything changed. Now it just a history.
On that day, a virus called ' Vinul ' got out and almost everybody in the world got it, no one knew the origin as it started in almost all the countries at the same time. Every one had to stay at home.
Loads of people lost their jobs, school was cancelled, and society was at the brick of collapsing. Everyone was suffering until the end of February when the number of people getting the virus and dying began to reduce, without any vaccination. Everyone was surprised but also glad.
But that wasn't the end of it all, at the start of March, people started developing abilities like like fire, ice, being fast or strong. It was the biggest shock to the whole world as we knew it. But as we all know it, with power comes great change. We called people with power 'Vinyls 'And they were big changes, new technology and new power supply were discovered which people named 'Vita'.
Everything was great until the aliens came to our world we called them ' Vycoz'. The aliens decided not to communicate with us, but we knew that wanted our new technologies and power supply. So we fought back.
We were able to survive thanks to the powers some of us developed, we fought for up to 5 years until we decided to sign a treaty. We were finally at peace, was what we thought. With great power, came great danger, the new found power created monster from animals which became dangerous. Teams of super power humans were made to take care of those monsters until a certain place called
' Vins' was built to prevent the monsters from entering.
/ But the greatest change was the increase in people's greed, a hierarchy was made and the strong ruled while the the weak were pushed around./ Was what my teacher didn't say.
And that is what happened in our world. Now it it is currently the year 2077.
Do we all understand?
And could you tell me what you noticed?
Is what our teacher asked after telling us what the history of our world, Earth.
coming soon