
Chapter 12: Home

I got home around five minutes before six. I knew I was safe from the suspicions of my mum because she was never home on time. Luckily, I had a few minutes to spare in which I could cook something. So I clumsily put the kettle on and placed a pan on the stove, got out a packet of pasta and then microwaved leftover bolognese sauce to accompany it. After the water had come to a boil, I hurriedly poured it into the pan, turned on the stove and emptied the packet of hard pasta into it.

I then made my way upstairs, grabbed my towel and stepped into the shower. I let the hot water pour over my body for a while before I reached for my scrubbing glove. The warm water of a shower at times felt like my only comfort. Especially now, having felt rather alone in knowing there was no one I could profess my recent events to. Though, that mainly had to do with the fact I'm reserved with my life, and also because I had already attempted to tell the closest people to me but failed. With the exception of my mum, since it made sense now as to why she couldn't see him that day. Nonetheless, I guess vampires are still solely nothing other than a myth to most people.

After I had patted my body dry and changed into some fresh pyjamas, I made my way yet again downstairs to check on the pasta. I realised there was a trail of wet footsteps near the door and figured that my mum had come home.

'Mum, I made some dinner it should be ready in a few minutes if you're hungry'

But there was no response. So I peaked out the window facing the driveway to see if her car was parked on the sideline of the pavement and to my shock, it wasn't. I also registered afterwards that her boots were not near the shoe cabinet as they usually are.

So I unthinkingly backed into the kitchen and as I was about to grab the nearest knife from the drawer, I see Edris sitting on the kitchen table.

'Maybe a warning next time' I closed the drawer.

'Were you going to kill me?' He gasped

'... well either ways it wouldn't have worked'

'I mean you are a vampire, I figured that'

'Mmhm...weird how you haven't realised yet'

'Realised what?'

'Your backpack'

'My back-' it occurred to me then that he had offered to carry it instead, when we were at the city centre. I hadn't realised it missing because I'd kept my bus pass within my pocket rather than the bags frontal pocket today.

'Of course I completely forgot! Seems that maybe it is a good thing that we're neighbours.. Umm so do you eat' I remembered the cooked pasta I had made

'Maybe? I see how it is ' he picked up on my attempted flirting '..and no, I only drink'

'We have orange juice' I opened the fridge,

'Animal blood juice are not in stores I would have offered you that instead'

He sniggered,

'Don't worry about me.' He walked over by my side '..also you're mum is here'

'What-?' I then heard the rattling of keys and the front door opened.

'Do you want me to stay' his tall figure leaned over me,

'..stay' the response came out of my mouth almost like it was a reflex '..but we can't talk, not infront of my mum.'

He smiled and nodded.

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